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Important Question For People With Laptops

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Hey I'm cool with this thread.... I often wonder the same thing.What do you do when you're in a tourney and heads up or at the final table, and that burrito finally catches up with you, and you have the s_hits for days? Having a laptop definitely helps. If I had one I'd take it to the bathroom with me. You can't let s_hit make you lose blindes and antes.Now an even better question for those who dont have laptops.When deep in a tourney, do you just s_hit your pants?
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In my room, next to my computer, I have a bottle that I relieve my liquid wastes into. I have a bucket for when I have to take a dump. I also have a refrigerator beneath my computer (which is on a table) and a microwave to the left side of my monitor. I find that this is the best way to deal with any problem that comes up. And yes the refrigerator is stocked well with energy drinks, because sleep is for the weak. If I'm only playing a 24-30 hour session, I generally will just wear a diaper, however if I plan a longer session, I will use the bucket.

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I am getting a laptop in the next few days and will be enjoying being able to nail my wife without missing a hand. Yep, I will be puting the laptop on her back and tell her not to talk during hands that I am in.

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I am getting a laptop in the next few days and will be enjoying being able to nail my wife without missing a hand. Yep, I will be puting the laptop on her back and tell her not to talk during hands that I am in.
You can do that with a wifetop desktop, too!
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I am getting a laptop in the next few days and will be enjoying being able to nail my wife without missing a hand. Yep, I will be puting the laptop on her back and tell her not to talk during hands that I am in.
:club::D Gotta love laptops baby..... you can do pretty much anything now while playing online poker.
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In my room, next to my computer, I have a bottle that I relieve my liquid wastes into. I have a bucket for when I have to take a dump. I also have a refrigerator beneath my computer (which is on a table) and a microwave to the left side of my monitor. I find that this is the best way to deal with any problem that comes up. And yes the refrigerator is stocked well with energy drinks, because sleep is for the weak. If I'm only playing a 24-30 hour session, I generally will just wear a diaper, however if I plan a longer session, I will use the bucket.
For some reason, I believe every word of this post.So your shit bucket, did you throw it yourself? Is it the same model you tried to send to DN? Are there others for sale? You seem like you have your shit together, and I want in on the ground floor.
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In my room, next to my computer, I have a bottle that I relieve my liquid wastes into. I have a bucket for when I have to take a dump. I also have a refrigerator beneath my computer (which is on a table) and a microwave to the left side of my monitor. I find that this is the best way to deal with any problem that comes up. And yes the refrigerator is stocked well with energy drinks, because sleep is for the weak. If I'm only playing a 24-30 hour session, I generally will just wear a diaper, however if I plan a longer session, I will use the bucket.
is it a red bucket?1380119.jpg
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Do you bring the computer into the bathroom with you and continue to play while you s hit?
No I have just trained my self to squeeze one out in less than thirty seconds flat! :club:
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I am getting a laptop in the next few days and will be enjoying being able to nail my wife without missing a hand. Yep, I will be puting the laptop on her back and tell her not to talk during hands that I am in.
Really? Cool!Make this your first Google...www.mywifeisdivorcingmyassbecauseIamalwaysonmynewlaptopandneverserviceherunit.com :club:
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I am getting a laptop in the next few days and will be enjoying being able to nail my wife without missing a hand. Yep, I will be puting the laptop on her back and tell her not to talk during hands that I am in.
Make sure to get the Chill Pad so you don't leave any burn marks on her back.B0000AKA8Y.01._AA280_SCLZZZZZZZ_.jpg
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In my room, next to my computer, I have a bottle that I relieve my liquid wastes into. I have a bucket for when I have to take a dump. I also have a refrigerator beneath my computer (which is on a table) and a microwave to the left side of my monitor. I find that this is the best way to deal with any problem that comes up. And yes the refrigerator is stocked well with energy drinks, because sleep is for the weak. If I'm only playing a 24-30 hour session, I generally will just wear a diaper, however if I plan a longer session, I will use the bucket.
Hopefully this bucket came with a lid.
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I am getting a laptop in the next few days and will be enjoying being able to nail my wife without missing a hand. Yep, I will be puting the laptop on her back and tell her not to talk during hands that I am in.
You're 16 and married ?
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