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The Disease That Is Political Correctness

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Sadly....the above examples should seem extreme and ridiculous but instead are EXACTLY the kinds of things that are happening in this world this very minute. Well put Figger, you obviously GOT my original point.It seems more and more that good 'ol common sense has been thrown out the window and been given to the lawyers instead. The last thing this country needs is MORE F-ing laws! It's just nuts right now and my worst fear is, if this continues and the over sensitive, ultra liberal "I'll save you from yourself" crowd have their way, we could easily find ourselves soon living a police state existence. And one of the ways to get there is by going down the road of P C extremismIt's real simple...if you make enough laws, sooner or later you will get everyone to break one, including the other wise normal, good, law abiding citizen. Perfect example...Walnut Creek California just banned the EASTER BUNNY!!!! WTF???!!!The world is going nuts....
Wait...wtf? I live in Walnut Creek! I haven't heard this shat!
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I'm with Nutz on this one. Everyone is so damn sensitive about words. "That's gay" or "I jewed him down", etc. Once we start hate crimes for words only spoken, we might as well just give it up and hand it to George Orwell, for if we concede any part of the first amendment, that's exactly where we're headed.... 1984.
I'll start off by saying that I think laws banning "hate speech" are a joke, and are fundamentally unconstitutional. Furthermore, I think the concept of "hate crime" to be unconstitutional. If some guy gets his *** kicked by three dudes, it's a felony if they say "niggger" while doing in. I think that's nuts. It's the kicking of someone's *** that should be illegal, that is wrong. What does it matter the reasons behind it, a man's *** has still been kicked, stiff penalties should ensue.I think people have the right to be racists, to hate gays, to hate women, ect, as long as their hate doesn't hurt other people, prevent people from getting jobs, excise free trade, ect. That being said, I think it's also perfectly within people's rights to find offense at this. It's perfectly okay for someone who's jewish to be offended by "jewing people down" it's perfectly understandable for a homosexual to despise the fact that a word describing their sexuality has become a synonym for "bad". The fact is, the case that started this whole thing, the girl being punished in school, is something completely different. Speech in schools is NOT free, there have been case after case brought before the supreme court to establish this. Speech that incites violence, hate, vulgarity, pornography, ect is not allowed in school, are not constitutionally protected in schools. The idea is to foster a safe, hate free environment so children can learn ( a noble ideal, if one seldom gotten near.) As much as you scoff at the idea that saying "gay" is in anyway harmful or damaging, I challenge you to consider what it would be like to be a closeted child in high school, where passive and active homophobia is rampart. Where "fag got" is just about the worst slur anyone calls anyone. The casual use of gay is probably the least of the things a homosexual student has to face growing up, but it's one of the many things they have to overcome to keep their psyche's intact. I see absolutely nothing at all wrong with the school inplacing punitive measures for the use of homosexual slurs. I don't think hate crime charges are at all appropriate, but I think that the aggregate pain the casual usage of the word "gay" causes homosexuals is much greater than the aggregate pain caused by the word "fu ck", a word that if used will get you punished in any school.
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I see absolutely nothing at all wrong with the school inplacing punitive measures for the use of homosexual slurs. I don't think hate crime charges are at all appropriate, but I think that the aggregate pain the casual usage of the word "gay" causes homosexuals is much greater than the aggregate pain caused by the word "fu ck", a word that if used will get you punished in any school.
I understand what you are saying, but if I read the story correctly she was not using it as a sexual slur. It's not like they had another student backed into a corner and she was pointing her finger and saying, "That's gay, that's gay!". She was referring to something stupid. Whether or not we like the fact that she said what she said, instead of just plain "That's stupid", in today's society the phrase "That's gay" has multiple meanings. I can tell you right now that I'm gay. Not the gay as in homosexual, but it's Friday and I'm joyous and lively and happy. I just don't think everyone needs to go head over heals and blow everything out of proportion and elevate it to the level of "hate crimes" I want to move back to Mayberry.
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I understand what you are saying, but if I read the story correctly she was not using it as a sexual slur. It's not like they had another student backed into a corner and she was pointing her finger and saying, "That's gay, that's gay!". She was referring to something stupid. Whether or not we like the fact that she said what she said, instead of just plain "That's stupid", in today's society the phrase "That's gay" has multiple meanings. I can tell you right now that I'm gay. Not the gay as in homosexual, but it's Friday and I'm joyous and lively and happy. I just don't think everyone needs to go head over heals and blow everything out of proportion and elevate it to the level of "hate crimes" I want to move back to Mayberry.
and queer also has multiple meanings.. so what? I don't think in my entire life I've heard someone use gay for it's "joyous" meaning in my entire life. and again, can you possibly see how it would be offensive and possibly psychologically damaging toward a young homosexual for gay to be used as a synonym for stupid?
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and queer also has multiple meanings.. so what? I don't think in my entire life I've heard someone use gay for it's "joyous" meaning in my entire life. and again, can you possibly see how it would be offensive and possibly psychologically damaging toward a young homosexual for gay to be used as a synonym for stupid?
gay /geɪ/ Pronunciation Key - Show Spelled Pronunciation[gey] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation adjective, -er, -est, noun, adverb –adjective 1. having or showing a merry, lively mood: gay spirits; gay music. 2. bright or showy: gay colors; gay ornaments. 3. given to or abounding in social or other pleasures: a gay social season. 4. licentious; dissipated; wanton: The baron is a gay old rogue with an eye for the ladies. 5. homosexual. 6. of, indicating, or supporting homosexual interests or issues: a gay organization. –noun 7. a homosexual person, esp. a male. –adverb 8. in a gay manner. The reason you have never heard it used in that fashion is because you are young. Someday watch a black and white movie and you may hear the term...Or ask your parents or grandparents...it was frequently used before the 5th definition came about.As for the second part of your statement, I think your taking this a little too personal, so if you say you are psychologically damaged by statements like that, then I take your word for it. Should statements like that cause psychological damage? Not anymore than is already there. Lighten up, Francis.
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BigD, get a life dude. You spend waaay to much time here, and it's obv you don't know what you're talking about. And how about Culter calling Edwards a faggot? That sure makes the Republicans look great.

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The reason you have never heard it used in that fashion is because you are young. Someday watch a black and white movie and you may hear the term...Or ask your parents or grandparents...it was frequently used before the 5th definition came about.
Obviously he meant that he had never heard the word "gay" used to mean happy in day to day life. Clearly he's aware of the original meaning.
As for the second part of your statement, I think your taking this a little too personal, so if you say you are psychologically damaged by statements like that, then I take your word for it. Should statements like that cause psychological damage? Not anymore than is already there. Lighten up, Francis.
So you're saying that homosexuals are psychologically damaged? I mean, yikes, man. I thought this was the 21st century.
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gay /geɪ/ Pronunciation Key - Show Spelled Pronunciation[gey] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation adjective, -er, -est, noun, adverb –adjective 1. having or showing a merry, lively mood: gay spirits; gay music. 2. bright or showy: gay colors; gay ornaments. 3. given to or abounding in social or other pleasures: a gay social season. 4. licentious; dissipated; wanton: The baron is a gay old rogue with an eye for the ladies. 5. homosexual. 6. of, indicating, or supporting homosexual interests or issues: a gay organization. –noun 7. a homosexual person, esp. a male. –adverb 8. in a gay manner. The reason you have never heard it used in that fashion is because you are young. Someday watch a black and white movie and you may hear the term...Or ask your parents or grandparents...it was frequently used before the 5th definition came about.As for the second part of your statement, I think your taking this a little too personal, so if you say you are psychologically damaged by statements like that, then I take your word for it. Should statements like that cause psychological damage? Not anymore than is already there. Lighten up, Francis.
Fag got–noun1. a bundle of sticks, twigs, or branches bound together and used as fuel, a fascine, a torch, etc.2. a bundle; bunch.3. a bundle of pieces of iron or steel to be welded, hammered, or rolled together at high temperature.4. bouquet garni.–verb (used with object)5. to bind or make into a faggot.6. to ornament with faggotingI'm not saying that the alternative meaning of gay exists, you moron, I'm saying that it's not the current usage. When's the last time you used the word gay to be happy when you weren't trying to be a jackass or ironic. "should statements like that cause psychological damage. Not anymore than is already there. Lighten up, Francis." Well that's charming. I'm not even going to dignify that sort of comment.
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BigD, get a life dude. You spend waaay to much time here, and it's obv you don't know what you're talking about. And how about Culter calling Edwards a faggot? That sure makes the Republicans look great.
Aside from the irony of one forum user to tell another to get a life and that they spend to much time on forums, obvious to whom? Please, enlighten me. Since I obviously don't know what I'm talking about, please, tell me what's up. I'm dying to hear your input.I assume you mean Ann Coulter not "cutler" calling edwards a faggot. Everyone knows Coultier is a right wing extremist, who makes her living by being inflammatory. The more controversy she stirs up, the more books she sells. The Republican administration does plenty to make itself look bad on its own, Coulter's ravings do nothing for the GOP's image, one way or another.On a personal note, I find Coulter highly attractive, and would love to degrade her in sado-masochist sex acts. Something about right wing women that turns my crank.
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