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Do you guy ever come up against you need to tell your friend something, and you want to tell them in a nice way, but just can't seem to find a way to tell them with out them getting pissed? I have this problem. It's poker related. My friend isn't making any sense. Ex: He plays online poker, just tourneys. I don't play online. I was watching him play in this one tourney, and he had K/10o in the CO, he limps in, and the guy in the SB raises 5XBB, my friend folds, and shows. The guy shows 9/9, and says ****, I had him dominated! I'm saying in my head WHAT!! Another example, makes a pot sized bet, lets say a $600 pot, he makes a 600 bet with top set, say KK on a K103 board, then when everyone folds he says, "Cmon everyone is always folding to my bets, but they call everyone else." I thinking why are you betting 600 in a 600 pot with top set in position? He chases down gutshot draws to the river, and then folds, and says, "I never catch anything, but everone else sucks out on me on the river, BS." Again I'm like, are you joking?3 handed, and he has 40 in while in the SB. Guy raises and he has J/10 in the SB, and its 40 more for him to call. He says, "Big stack trying to push people around, and is raiseing to push me out", and folds. I almost said, you might as well call, you got 40 in there, its just 40 more with a good drawing hand shorthanded. But I decided to not say anything.I have alot more examples, but I will leave it at that. I think my friend needs some help. I know some of you guys are probably wanting to play against this guy, and take his money, but I think the best thing I can do is be a good friend, and help him out with his game, but I don't know how to approach him. Without him getting pissed off of course, because he thinks he's playing all these hands right. I have offered to lend him my Sklansky's Theory and Practice, and my Phil Hellmuth On Texas Hold'em, but he has refused saying no. I have told him to read these forums to get some more insight on the game, and he has said no. Any advice would be appreciated, thanks.

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Although your intentions are good, a lot of people do not take advice from anyone. Gambling can be an addiction. Your friend may have to go through the process. I recommend that no one lend or give him money fro any reason.As a side note, you may want to change your signature to the corrected one below. Just some harmless advice for you. "Poker is a lot like sex. Everyone thinks they're the best, but most people don't know what they're doing." Dutch Boyd

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Only way i can see you helping him is by telling him he is playing wrong/dumb , maybe by not saying anything he thinks hes right/good. whats his screen name maybe i can help him .... :club: i need all the help i can get the way im running latley

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I suggest you stop being such a fucking pussy. What kind of relationship do you have with your friend that you can't tell him that he's playing poorly? More directly, what size vagina do you have that you can't man up and speak your mind to the people to whom you're closest? Sack up and tell him. If he doesn't like it he'll get over it. If he doesn't get over it he's a loser and you're a loser for putting up with him. How's that?

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I suggest you stop being such a fucking pussy. What kind of relationship do you have with your friend that you can't tell him that he's playing poorly? More directly, what size vagina do you have that you can't man up and speak your mind to the people to whom you're closest? Sack up and tell him. If he doesn't like it he'll get over it. If he doesn't get over it he's a loser and you're a loser for putting up with him. How's that?
Couldn't have said it better.
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LOL yeah I guess I'm a fuc/king pu/ssy for not telling him he's a freaking donk. Yeah OK thanks for the advice bro. I'm the kind of person who doesn't like to start shi/t and I thought if I told him how he was playing then he would get all piss.y and be a total d-bag about it. It's like golf, I have played golf for many years, and I tried giving this one guy at the range advice on his swing, and he told me to leave him alone, and to STFU. But then again I guess pus/sy's play golf to huh?

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Why all the drama? It's pretty simple really: "I've noticed a couple things in your game that you might want to work on. I'd be happy to show you some things if you're interested." If he says no then let it be. As long as he's not gambling away money he can't afford it's his right to play however he wants. If he's gambling away money he can't afford then it's your responsibility to try to get him to stop not to improve his game.

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The next time you observe him making one of these dumb plays, tell him "Hey man, you really should read one of the books I have, at least the section on pot odds. I really think they'll answer most of these questions you keep asking like 'Why don't I ever catch on the river when everyone else does'". If he still refuses then tell him that you're just trying to help, and that reading those books has helped you a ton with those same questions (whether it's true or not). Don't try to give him any advice directly though. It sounds like he's the type who can't accept it for pride reasons, and all you're going to do is piss him off. I know the type well, as I once tried to help my now EX-wife with her horrendous golf swing.Then if he still won't do it then don't bother with him as he obviously doesn't have any desire to improve his game, so he can't be all that serious about it. Anyone who really wants to get better and be a winning player shouldn't have to have someone force them to read the books the professionals put out there to make you better.

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He's a donkey, and if he can't deal with being told that, poker isn't his game.We tell each other we're donkeys all day long around here. It's part of the game. He should switch to boggle.

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On 2nd thought.... tell him you guys should plan a trip to Vegas, for May 7th-12th.That's May 7th, through May 12th.Las Vegas.Nevada.May.Book it.

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now i personally have read a lotta poker books and i know some ppl that refuse to but they are winning players...if your friend has obvious flaws to his game and will refuse to take ur advice and or read a book or 2 (not to sound mean or imature) but hes just a moron and shouldnt be playing poker...atleast for himself but for me and many other FCC's, he should come to my 5-10 holdem game on stars right now lol

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Do you guy ever come up against you need to tell your friend something, and you want to tell them in a nice way, but just can't seem to find a way to tell them with out them getting pissed? I have this problem. It's poker related. My friend isn't making any sense. Ex: He plays online poker, just tourneys. I don't play online. I was watching him play in this one tourney, and he had K/10o in the CO, he limps in, and the guy in the SB raises 5XBB, my friend folds, and shows. The guy shows 9/9, and says ****, I had him dominated! I'm saying in my head WHAT!! Another example, makes a pot sized bet, lets say a $600 pot, he makes a 600 bet with top set, say KK on a K103 board, then when everyone folds he says, "Cmon everyone is always folding to my bets, but they call everyone else." I thinking why are you betting 600 in a 600 pot with top set in position? He chases down gutshot draws to the river, and then folds, and says, "I never catch anything, but everone else sucks out on me on the river, BS." Again I'm like, are you joking?3 handed, and he has 40 in while in the SB. Guy raises and he has J/10 in the SB, and its 40 more for him to call. He says, "Big stack trying to push people around, and is raiseing to push me out", and folds. I almost said, you might as well call, you got 40 in there, its just 40 more with a good drawing hand shorthanded. But I decided to not say anything.I have alot more examples, but I will leave it at that. I think my friend needs some help. I know some of you guys are probably wanting to play against this guy, and take his money, but I think the best thing I can do is be a good friend, and help him out with his game, but I don't know how to approach him. Without him getting pissed off of course, because he thinks he's playing all these hands right. I have offered to lend him my Sklansky's Theory and Practice, and my Phil Hellmuth On Texas Hold'em, but he has refused saying no. I have told him to read these forums to get some more insight on the game, and he has said no. Any advice would be appreciated, thanks.
are you 13?
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C'mon now, is this really you were talking about here.
UMMMMM.... No Like I said it was my friend, what would give you the idea that is was me? Just read my other posts on this site. Like I said in the OP he plays online tourneys, I only play live, I don't play online. And to the other guy no I'm not 13, but thanks for the compliment, I have been told in person I look pretty young.
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Group: MembersPosts: 41Joined: February 25th, 2007From: MissouriMember No.: 26,689FCP Online Poker Name: pokerplayer33Favorite Poker Game: NO-Limit
AHHHHH...it all makes sense now. :club:
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I suggest you stop being such a fucking pussy. What kind of relationship do you have with your friend that you can't tell him that he's playing poorly? More directly, what size vagina do you have that you can't man up and speak your mind to the people to whom you're closest? Sack up and tell him. If he doesn't like it he'll get over it. If he doesn't get over it he's a loser and you're a loser for putting up with him. How's that?
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LOL yeah I guess I'm a fuc/king pu/ssy for not telling him he's a freaking donk. Yeah OK thanks for the advice bro. I'm the kind of person who doesn't like to start shi/t and I thought if I told him how he was playing then he would get all piss.y and be a total d-bag about it. It's like golf, I have played golf for many years, and I tried giving this one guy at the range advice on his swing, and he told me to leave him alone, and to STFU. But then again I guess pus/sy's play golf to huh?
Let me get this straight. You went up to some random stranger who was just messing around on the driving range and tried to give him tips? Of course he's going to tell you to piss off. He doesn't know you, and if he did he'd realize what a pussy you are and probably hate you for it. I know I do. Just change your screen name to Helen of Troy so nobody gets confused about the whether or not you have a pair. Listen up here, Bonnie. If you have a friend who is going to get all bent out of shape because you criticize him a little bit be it for his poker skills or that little thing he does when he's done diddling your asshole then you need to find a new friend. Grow the fuck up.
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