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just looking for clarification

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Okay i'm just wondering about a hand that I played last night...And congradulate me! I took back my biggest pot in that location of $103. Very happy about that, now I have enough money for like 80 meals at Taco Bell! (the life of a college student...cheap cheap!)playing 7 handed$20 buy in cash gamePlayer X: preflop action:3 other limpers and i complete on the SB with Q :) J :D .and BB checks.POT: $2.50Flop: 5 :D 5 :club: Q :D I check with the intention of checkraising against these pretty weak players.BB checksUTG checksPLAYER X bets $1CO foldsButton foldsI raise to $4 (If i'm reraised i'm OUT! all these kids are calling stations!)BB foldsUTG folds.Player X thinks for about a minute then calls the $3.Pot Size: $10.50Turn: J :) I bet $8.00Player X thinks for about a minuteCalls $8.00Pot size: $26.50River: T :) I checkPlayer X goes All in for $12.75That would make me call off about 3/5ths of my stack.What should I do?There are a lot of hands that could beat meThis guy has already rebought and was on his second $20, he's a pretty big fish and more cares about playing than winning.feel free to give me some constructive criticism on my play and let me know what I should have done.

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well if he is fish u think he is slow playing set of 5?? i wouldnt i would put him on medium pocket pair or maybe he is chancing back end flush draw... depending on if he is a chaser or not.. i know some people will just chase those damn flush draws..... maybe he was looking out for the flush with his set of 5's then picked up the full boat.. there are alot of chances running into a better hand there even if u do control top 2 pair.......

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Fold.The "fish" label usually means they'll call an all-in with what they perceive to be the better hand, but when they raise all-in, they usually have something solid.Like you said, many hands beat you. Being a fish, he could have played something silly like K5 off, 10 7 diamond, or maybe tried to limp in late with AK.I would guess the AK is likely because fish know that it's a strong starting hand but don't know how to play it correctly. The hesitation of the board probably indicated that he thought his AK might have a chance of making something and was too good to lay down. By the turn, he was committed, and when the river hit for his straight - a quick all-in without consideration of the flush, fullhouse and quad possibility.I'd like to know the outcome.

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as would i what did happen???? ... U got a good read from the guy above.. it makes sense that he would play AK the way he did if he was a fish.... AK of :club: would have been an even nastier hand there to he go only knows what he was holding on to... well. maybe not god... u might.....

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without even going into odds...Fish are so silly ... it could go either way. The 10d is defina :club: is definately a horrible card. However, being a poor player he could make a bluff here with nothing but A high, not realizing its likely one of those bluffs where the only callers would have him beat. Then again, those f'ers always catch, don't they. oh well, i'm a fish too ... i call

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Fold.The "fish" label usually means they'll call an all-in with what they perceive to be the better hand, but when they raise all-in, they usually have something solid.Like you said, many hands beat you. Being a fish, he could have played something silly like K5 off, 10 7 diamond, or maybe tried to limp in late with AK.I would guess the AK is likely because fish know that it's a strong starting hand but don't know how to play it correctly. The hesitation of the board probably indicated that he thought his AK might have a chance of making something and was too good to lay down. By the turn, he was committed, and when the river hit for his straight - a quick all-in without consideration of the flush, fullhouse and quad possibility.I'd like to know the outcome.
would he bet a flop of q 5 5 with the 10 7 of diamonds?probably notwould a fish limp with AK preflopprobably notcould the fish have k5absolutleyhe could also have Q10, which he might think is goodhe is only thinking of his 2 cards, not yoursI dont know the outcome so IM going with Q10 as my hand for the fish
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without even going into odds...Fish are so silly ... it could go either way. The 10d is defina :club: is definately a horrible card. However, being a poor player he could make a bluff here with nothing but A high, not realizing its likely one of those bluffs where the only callers would have him beat. Then again, those f'ers always catch, don't they. oh well, i'm a fish too ... i call
Hehe, most times when someone calls you and you are bluffing, you are beat. i understand what you were trying to say, but it didn't apply here. You are thinking about overbetting a marginal hand like second pair, and then the only calls you get will be by hands that beat you. If you thought a hand like 2nd pair was good, you might bet it for value. Most people don't bluff for "value."
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I'm gonna put this fish on AQh. He hit TPTK and three cards to his flush on the flop and hasn't given a thought to other possibilities since. Also, I bet he wasn't able to shake the feeling that his AQ sooooted was fantastic since it was dealt to him. All he needed was a little confirmation on the flop and he was already prepared to push it all in.

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I folded and flipped my cards over face up.Player X flips his cards up 8 :D 8 :club: He said he really thought he had the best handand i absolutely believed him. Man i have to stop giving fish so much credit.

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call. pot odds.aseem
Hi Aseem,I'm curious as to how you use pot odds here. I use pot odds when deciding whether to call down certain raises with cards to come. I'm interested to know how you would use it here.My understanding is that going into the river, the pot is $26.50 . Player X goes all-in for $12.75, bringing to pot to $39.25.So for you to call, it's $12.75 to win $39.25. 32.5% chance certainty you have him beat to make the call.How do you factor the 32.5% against the hands that he could potentially be holding?Thanks!
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I think it goes something like this: put your opponent on a range of hands that fits the action and count the ways he can be dealt each of those hands (because eg pairs can be dealt less ways than unpaired cards). If the ratio of hands you can beat is your pot odds or better then it's obviously a call. You can adjust the weighting of the hands based on specific information if you feel certain cards are particularly more or less likely. Check out Harrington On Holdem (part 4) for more detail on calculating weighted probabilities. Harrington recommends that 10% of the probability distribution should always go to a bluff but I think against a fish that'd need lowering or in extreme cases ignoring altogether.

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call. pot odds.aseem
Hi Aseem,I'm curious as to how you use pot odds here. I use pot odds when deciding whether to call down certain raises with cards to come. I'm interested to know how you would use it here.My understanding is that going into the river, the pot is $26.50 . Player X goes all-in for $12.75, bringing to pot to $39.25.So for you to call, it's $12.75 to win $39.25. 32.5% chance certainty you have him beat to make the call.How do you factor the 32.5% against the hands that he could potentially be holding?Thanks!
pretty much you make an estimate. what is the range of hands he would make the bet with? what percentage of those hands do you beat?
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