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Mid-pair, Early Position

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PokerStars 0.50/1.00 Hold'em (9 handed) Hand History Converter Tool from FlopTurnRiver.com (Format: FCP)Preflop: MurderofCrows is UTG+1 with 8 :club: , 8 :) . UTG posts a blind of $0.50. UTG (poster) checks, MurderofCrows calls, MP1 calls, 1 fold, MP3 raises, 4 folds, UTG folds, MurderofCrows calls, MP1 calls.Flop: (8.50 SB) 7 :) , Q :D , 6 :D(3 players)MurderofCrows bets, MP1 folds, MP3 raises, MurderofCrows calls.Turn: (6.25 BB) 7 :D(2 players)MurderofCrows checks, MP3 bets, MurderofCrows calls.River: (8.25 BB) 9 :D(2 players)Would you have raised preflop? What would you do now?

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Preflop, sometimes I'll call and sometimes I raise. Depends on the table. In this situation, I usually treat the poster the same as if he folded the hand, so I'm first to act preflop. If I'm first to act in middle position with a pair of eights I'm almost always raising.I'm folding the hand on the flop once it becomes 2 bets to you. If players are really bad, and you think you still have the best hand, then I think 3-betting the flop is better than calling.

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Preflop, sometimes I'll call and sometimes I raise. Depends on the table. In this situation, I usually treat the poster the same as if he folded the hand, so I'm first to act preflop. If I'm first to act in middle position with a pair of eights I'm almost always raising.I'm folding the hand on the flop once it becomes 2 bets to you. If players are really bad, and you think you still have the best hand, then I think 3-betting the flop is better than calling.
we aren't in MPit's not two bets to us on the flop, unless you just mean, it was raised.************************************11:1You are all over the place on this hand..I like the limp pf. You have a poster and are in EP, so with 88, I'm glad to get a 5 way pot, as it often will be when two players come in limping (poster + you)If you are not going to fold the flop, you must think that he is raising with over cards to get a free card, or a flush draw.I think you can make an argument to bet/fold the turn if you bet/call the flop. That way, you are only getting raised by a hand that clearly beats you, you don't give free cards. If he calls the turn bet, I would c/c any non A/K river.BUT.... I would usually play this by c/r the flop to begin with and fold to a 3-bet. You beat 2nd pair hereI do like the lead, for one reason, to charge overs; but when you flat call and then check the turn, you really leave yourself vulnerable to so many bad cardsAny reads on the player? How straight forward was his play? And PT stats?
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11:1You are all over the place on this hand..
Yeah. But this is my game, lately - all over the place - so I wanted to post one of these messes and see if you all could make sense of it.
If you are not going to fold the flop, you must think that he is raising with over cards to get a free card, or a flush draw.I think you can make an argument to bet/fold the turn if you bet/call the flop. That way, you are only getting raised by a hand that clearly beats you, you don't give free cards. If he calls the turn bet, I would c/c any non A/K river.BUT.... I would usually play this by c/r the flop to begin with and fold to a 3-bet.
This is what I needed to hear. I was looking for reasonable strategy when I have a hand I am willing to fold except it seems to have real possibilities. The OP was the kind that could be playing anything and aggressively, and he played a lot of Ax. So, I had this pair, and when the two diamond hit, I thought well, I have a half-a**ed (rr) straight draw and flush draw. I still might hit the eight, it's worth a look.... But....I bet! How stupid was that? I think if I am interested in the draw possibilities, I should just cc the flop. The guy could have had a draw or AK or AA and be betting the same way. Then the board paired and I thought, "If this guy is playing Ax, I could make some money here." I'd seen him go all the way with nothing and then and hit his card on the river, so this wasn't that odd a thought - I thought if an A or a K came up I'd fold but....never mind - it was a fiasco as you can see. I don't even remember what he beat me with.So, c/r the flop, fold to a 3-bet. Gotcha. Making a new note.
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we aren't in MPit's not two bets to us on the flop, unless you just mean, it was raised.************************************
Oops, sorry. I ready that completely wrong. :club:
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I raise this preflop, especially with the poster (aka dead money). I don't hate the limp though. Raise is pretty win-win though. If the tables loose and you get a bunch of calls, then you are in decent shape to win a ton if you flop a set. If you raise and it folds to a blind or just the poster, etc, then you are playing a small pot with position, and that's key with one pair type hands.Flop, as played is a c/r/f, as stated above. I'd take a look at the price we are getting to peel one card though, if it's HU. I don't think we're anywhere near it on this hand, but I would peel with like 15-1 to hit my 2 outer/backdoor flush/straight draws.If he just calls the flop c/r, the turn is a bet/fold on pretty much any card.River decision is tough if he calls the turn, but you can usually check/fold, or maybe check/call a non-diamond if you put him on a flush draw, AND he's aggressive enough to bet a missed draw when checked too.- Zach

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Zachary,I was thinking we are too early to raise and hope to islate the limper.With 4 bets in the pot, I imagine we don't end up in pos too often, and usually don't get enough callers to justify puting in an xtra bet with 88 here.I like rasing the tightest tables.

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Zachary,I was thinking we are too early to raise and hope to islate the limper.With 4 bets in the pot, I imagine we don't end up in pos too often, and usually don't get enough callers to justify puting in an xtra bet with 88 here.I like rasing the tightest tables.
I don't mind calling; I'd probably do it occasionaly, but I'd rather raise here. I don't want players behind me seeing a cheap flop.I like Zach's thinking here.
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Zachary,I was thinking we are too early to raise and hope to islate the limper.With 4 bets in the pot, I imagine we don't end up in pos too often, and usually don't get enough callers to justify puting in an xtra bet with 88 here.I like rasing the tightest tables.
I'm used to tightish tables.
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