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Daniel's Melancholy

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Daniel,Most people have noticed it and alot of us have gone though it at points in our lives. Sometimes things just arent as fun, interesting or challenging as they once were. We lose our spirit and the mediocracy of life rears its ugly head. You blogged in the past about your relationship with God and now you talk about your loss off interest in all the great thing you have been doing these past years. Maybe since this is the start of lent you can find your spirit again. Lent as you know is a time of penance and reflection and at the end a time of rebirth. Many of us appeciate all you have done for the forum, for the blog and for poker. I for one have had the opportunity to expereince your knowledge, enthusiasm and generousity first hand. Don't let the little things in life get you down, hopefully you can set yourself up for a little time of reflection maybe do some penance and in forty days you will be back with your spirit alive and well again.Namaste ( the spirit in me bows to the spirit in you),Clint

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As much as I'd hate to see Daniel's blog and other stuff go away, I think he's right about needing to just get back to being a poker player, rather than a poker ambassador. To a fan, it almost seems that Daniel doesn't really play poker for a living anymore, since it's rare to hear about him in cash games, and he seems only to play the biggest tournaments. Yet he's probably the face of poker, or at least, one of the major ones. I can't say if it hurt his game or not to be involved in a ton of side projects, but I doubt it would do anything but good to put those away for a while and just do what he does best.

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