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New Sports Guy Out

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If you're a fan of the SG, get over to ESPN right now and check out his All Star Weekend report from Vegas. OMG so good. He does play poker so its somewhat applicable to FCP :)Mark

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He jumped the shark. Here's a typical Simmons piece:Couple serious sentences as an intro, Karate Kid reference, Sports Gal mention, Hutch or Dad quote, pop culture reference/movie reference, "couple things" segment, wrap up paragraph. It's a shame because he is a very talented writer, but I feel like he just goes through the motions 99% of the time.

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He jumped the shark. Here's a typical Simmons piece:Couple serious sentences as an intro, Karate Kid reference, Sports Gal mention, Hutch or Dad quote, pop culture reference/movie reference, "couple things" segment, wrap up paragraph. It's a shame because he is a very talented writer, but I feel like he just goes through the motions 99% of the time.
i have been feeling the same way. But trust me, this one is spectacular, especially if you know anything about the NBA or Vegas.Mark
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To the Red Bull and vodka drink, which needs to be outlawed for everyone's safety. If you drink more than four of them, smoke a couple of butts and stay out too late, there's a 100 percent chance you'll sleep for about 3½ hours and wake up terrified because your heart is tap-dancing like one of the Hines brothers in your chest, complete with the requisite, "Good God, I think I'm going into cardiac arrest, this is what happened to Len Bias!" moment. Bad times. I'm predicting the first-ever celebrity heart attack from an overdose of Red Bull and vodka and cigarettes within the next two years.
Remember when Britney and Christina Aguilera ushered in the Let's Dress Like Hookers Era, and attractive women across America stopped wearing bras -- and eventually, underwear -- followed by every married guy over 30 kicking themselves that they sowed their oats in the Let's Wear Baggy Sweaters, Eat & Be Scared of AIDS Era? Well, like with all great eras, there's been a massive backlash. Now women of all shapes and sizes wear clothes they shouldn't be wearing, which means you're about 100,000 times more likely to see saggy butt checks, exposed pot bellies, flabby arms and love handles than you were in 2001. It's legitimately, unequivocally horrifying -- a full-fledged onslaught against every man's libido. Now I'm thinking that women should have to apply to dress like a hooker, then be forced to renew that license every two years like it's a driver's license. Let's protect the country from itself. On the bright side, now that every female in Vegas dresses like a hooker, it's impossible to tell the real hookers from the fake ones, which means we'll probably have a Vegas-themed game show called "Hooker or Looker" some day.
I witnessed a three-stage, 25-piece handshake/hug between 50 Cent and Shawn Marion that legitimately could have been pay-per-viewed.
This goes to Pure, the nightclub in Caesar's that had at least 3,000 people waiting in line on Saturday night, including enough groupies and floozies that we dubbed the crowd "Bimbopalooza 2007."
that's enough quotes.....QFT....zomg, awesome article. (How did I not decide to go there this weekend???!!!!) :club:
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Yeh this was an awesome article. Wonder what Daniel was doing over the weekend?Two of my favorite lines, I witnessed a three-stage, 25-piece handshake/hug between 50 Cent and Shawn Marion that legitimately could have been pay-per-viewed, and A friend of a friend went to a bachelor party at a Venetian suite that featured strippers, including one who had a Nextel phone with a credit card swipe on it ... $50 per lap dance, every credit card was acceptable

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http://sports.espn.go.com/espn/page2/story...=simmons/070220Nice thread...I read his articles religiously! He is by far one of the best sports writers we have today.
i kind of agree. very good, entertaining writer. but sportswriter is a stretch. his writing is barely about sports, and he does no analysis.still enjoy reading it though.
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i have been feeling the same way. But trust me, this one is spectacular, especially if you know anything about the NBA or Vegas.Mark
Ah, you were totally right. Great Simmons piece just like the old days.
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I have always loved his initial piece he did on Vegas, it always makes me want to hop on a flight and get to Vegas ASAP. There's no city quite like Vegas.
Was the initial one the porn convention he went to? I remember that one being very funny.
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i kind of agree. very good, entertaining writer. but sportswriter is a stretch. his writing is barely about sports, and he does no analysis.still enjoy reading it though.
clearly, you have never read any of his NBA columns or his NFL gambling manifesto. Both are chocked with both specific analysis and general commentary on what works in the NBA/NFL and what doesnt.He is a fan so at times his writing is biased (see: everything he has ever written about the Colts) but he also understands the NBA better than 95% of NBA announcers do.
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oh man sports guy is awesome hm nice long column, gonna have to roll a blunt up for this oneedit: lol I said that before reading the first line
lol. I actually had a 90 second debate with myself over whether I should read this tonight after some vaporizing or read it now. Now won out barely.
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clearly, you have never read any of his NBA columns or his NFL gambling manifesto. Both are chocked with both specific analysis and general commentary on what works in the NBA/NFL and what doesnt.He is a fan so at times his writing is biased (see: everything he has ever written about the Colts) but he also understands the NBA better than 95% of NBA announcers do.
well, his NFL stuff is not really analytical at all. he does have the ability to do NBA analysis, i'll give him that, though this particular article doesn't show much of it.
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well, his NFL stuff is not really analytical at all. he does have the ability to do NBA analysis, i'll give him that, though this particular article doesn't show much of it.
His NFL stuff is really not technical true but he is very good at picking out what works in football and what does not. (See his theories on clock mgmt, the VP of Common Sense, etc.) You usually get some football analysis in his Friday picks column.However, yes he clearly is most qualified to write in depth about the NBA and since I love the NBA and most people I know dont I really enjoy his articles.
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His NFL stuff is really not technical true but he is very good at picking out what works in football and what does not. (See his theories on clock mgmt, the VP of Common Sense, etc.) You usually get some football analysis in his Friday picks column.However, yes he clearly is most qualified to write in depth about the NBA and since I love the NBA and most people I know dont I really enjoy his articles.
yeah, i'm not a hardcore NFL guy, so i really enjoy that stuff too. Definitely offers a common-sense opinion on a lot of things that reflect those of us who aren't necessarily hardcore, but aren't interested in total pap either.virtual high-five for agreement.
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he's a writer who talks about pop culture and sports and yes dannyg he does analysis. saying his writing is "barley about sports" is just plain wrong.also, this was a very good article, but hardly "some of his best work ever"to be honest I think his prime was in early to mid 2005. also, his book is excellent. definitely his best work.

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