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Since this is my first post I expect to be flamed. I just have a quick computer question. I have just brought my computer to my mothers house and I was wondering if there was anyway that I can just plug her internet connection into my computer. I have tried it a couple times and no luck. I was just wondering if you compuer geeks(I mean this in the best possible way) could help me out. I look forward to talking poker in the future but right now I have to deal with the problem at hand FLAMERS START...................NOW.

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you know what keeps flashing in my head right now? Will Ferral in Old school sitting on the couch in his robe"MOM CANT WE GET SOME MORE MEAT LOAF"errrrr i dont know its late im tired

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you know what keeps flashing in my head right now? Will Ferral in Old school sitting on the couch in his robe"MOM CANT WE GET SOME MORE MEAT LOAF"errrrr i dont know its late im tired
Wedding Crashers "Mom, the meatloaf.........FUCK"
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It doesn't take a computer geek to figure out your problem... it takes a computer illiterate to have your problemAnyways, what the f are you asking? Is her connection through 56k?? if its cable or dsl just switch the ethernet (THE ONE WHERE THE END LOOKS LIKE THE END OF A TELEPHONE JACK) cable to your computer and... ah screw it I rather smoke

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lol, since he's posting on the forum, i dont think he has a problem connecting to the internet... :club:
I thought about this, but than I thought I shouldn't be the first to point it out... its not my style... who am I kidding, it is my style... just couldn't think of anything witty to say...
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lol, since he's posting on the forum, i dont think he has a problem connecting to the internet... :club:
Sorry guys for for wasting 30 sec of your lives, but as you can see I know about as much as a 4 year old about computers. It was not a problem with my connection. My family works for a school district and they have certain locks on thier laptops that will not let you access gaming sites, MSN and such. So I wanted my PC hooked up so that I could access the sites that I want to. Thanks for those who helped me out...The good news is that I can gamble now.
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Hello....and welcome to the funhouse, I mean forum.Does she have a different kind of service than you do ?For example, I have Verizon and to connect with my mom's AOL at her house, I had to run her set up disc on my laptop, so I had AOL to so that it would recognize the connection. I'm kind of computer illiterate myself, so I hope I said that right.When my son wanted to use his PSP wirelessly through my sister's Verizon, we had to use her computer to search for wireless signal trying to latch on and enter a code number on bottom of his PSP so that her system would recognize his unit and let him on to her signal.

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Simple solution - Use your moms computer. If you want to delete the porn on her browser go to Tools/Settings >> Delete history.

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Hey, I'm glad that the OP got his problem solved, so I'm gonna hijack this thread to ask a couple of questions for which I didn't wanna start a whole brand new thread.1. Actuary - what the hell is an actuary?? I'm too lazy to look it up.2. I did a search, and couldn't find (even in the glossary) what the hell IMO stands for. I'm sure it's digustingly simple, and I'll feel like a complete RETARD after someone posts the answer. But I've read it so often that I can't figure it out anymore.Oh, and to the poster who last replied in the Chinese New Year thread about the boar and eating rice with a fork... I am even more evolved, cause I use a huge soup spoon, so I just shovel those rice grains into my maw... some get chewed, some don't... I'm such a pig (I mean boar - sorry).TY

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Hey, I'm glad that the OP got his problem solved, so I'm gonna hijack this thread to ask a couple of questions for which I didn't wanna start a whole brand new thread.1. Actuary - what the hell is an actuary?? I'm too lazy to look it up.2. I did a search, and couldn't find (even in the glossary) what the hell IMO stands for. I'm sure it's digustingly simple, and I'll feel like a complete RETARD after someone posts the answer. But I've read it so often that I can't figure it out anymore.Oh, and to the poster who last replied in the Chinese New Year thread about the boar and eating rice with a fork... I am even more evolved, cause I use a huge soup spoon, so I just shovel those rice grains into my maw... some get chewed, some don't... I'm such a pig (I mean boar - sorry).TY
ah why wait
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Hey, I'm glad that the OP got his problem solved, so I'm gonna hijack this thread to ask a couple of questions for which I didn't wanna start a whole brand new thread.1. Actuary - what the hell is an actuary?? I'm too lazy to look it up.
assessors of financial risk involving future contingencies, generaly
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