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$400 Roll...what Would You Play?

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ok, so i am going to foxwoods on friday night. I will have about $400 to play with. what game/s would you play with this roll and why? I like 1-2nl(which is what i will probably play), but i dont want to loose it all in one hand on a suck out, bad read or something like that. I was just curious to see what games you people would choose.thanks

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ok, so i am going to foxwoods on friday night. I will have about $400 to play with. what game/s would you play with this roll and why? I like 1-2nl(which is what i will probably play), but i dont want to loose it all in one hand on a suck out, bad read or something like that. I was just curious to see what games you people would choose.thanks
You're already scared / dead money then, and absolutely will unless you get hit by the deck hard. Go buy yourself something cool so you'll have something to remember your $400 a little bit longer.
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if the $400 is what your willing to lose on this trip and not the majority of your bankroll, then play 1-2nl. buy in for $200 play tight abc poker, and when you make a big hand post flop make big bets. you'll get paid. do not commit a lot of chips preflop, thats gambling and you won't be bringing enough with you to be gambling with ak or pocket jacks for $30 plus dollars preflop. do not get pot stuck with just a pair in multi way pots. most pots will be at least 3 handed no matter what the preflop action is when playing live. i see too many people putting lots of chips in the pot with just a pair in these situations, and ususally it ends badly for them. be the guy that has 2 pair or better when the bets are big and you'll make money.

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bet on black
A room and a hooker dressed like Pocahontas.Poker is for ninnies.
I'm torn between these two. I mean, black always wins... but how can you go wrong with a hooker dressed like Pocahontas?
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play in the 1/2 NL 100 max game. 4 buyins is just about right for it. overplay your premium starting hands preflop. play simple poker. most of the people in this game are terrible.otherwise play 4/8 limit.

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I would play the $1/2 NL game for $300, leaving a $100 rebuy if you bust. Play wicked tight and aggressive post flop like someone suggested earlier. Plus, if you get lucky and get a big hand early you would want that $300 behind it, instead of 150 or 200. Good luck with whatever you choose. Oh yeah, and they don't have 3/6...2/4 or 4/8 are the smallest limit games.

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