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How Beatable Is 1/2 Nl Live

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I am going to start playing in a regular 1/2 nl live game. The game takes a standard 5 dollar max 10 percent rake. The players are generally decent but there is some loose and/or exploitable play.The thing is, in tonight's game, the house took 270 dollars in rake through the course of the night. With this much money coming off the table, is this kind of game beatable?

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1/2NL live is beatable. I will give you my personal experience, which may or may not apply exactly to you:My winrate per hand live has been more than double what it is online. This is because the players are worse. Then take into account that I play about 1/6 as many hands per hour live as online. That is due to multi-tabling and the quicker pace of the online games. Thus my hourly rate live is usually about 1/3 to 1/2 of what it is online. Thus if I make $100 per hour playing 1/2NL online I usually make anywhere from $30 to $50 per hour live.Most of my live experience is at the Borgata. Skill wise I would say 1/2NL live plays like .25/.5NL online.

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hawaiian gardens has a max buy in $100 game w/ $2/3 blinds.i got stuck $1000 playing chinese poker last night and decided i wouldn't leave until i was unstuck.since i only had $100 left i sat in the game. it took me 13 hours. the game is def. beatable.edit: technically 2 nights ago

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if your plaiyng in a casino, the rake shouldn't be much of an issue. there is usually a list of players waiting to buy in when someone goes broke or quits the game. during peak hours, there is a never ending supply of new money to feed the game. in a private game, i believe that the rake and tips could be an issue. i just hosted a home, game tonight. i don't take a rake, but if i did, it would definately had an effect on the money in the game because we had no new players entering the game.

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well now !crown casino has a 1-2 nl with a 60$ max buyin but get this 5$ an hour time fee and 10% 6$ max rake!!and it can be beaten but i would rather stay home and play online and get sucked out on !!

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Seems like the consensus is it can be beaten. I'll ask another question.I'm sure many of you have been in games where people are straddling and blind raising like crazy. In the game I played, we would often have 3 straddles, bumping it up to 16 preflop. How does this affect the way you play? I mean, I tried to be aggressive and take some of that dead money in the pot, but I got played back at. Perhaps I should just play super tight.

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well now !crown casino has a 1-2 nl with a 60$ max buyin but get this 5$ an hour time fee and 10% 6$ max rake!!and it can be beaten but i would rather stay home and play online and get sucked out on !!
wtf?This can NOT be right. $5/hr PLUS 10% rake, and only $60 max buyin?That is borderline criminal and there is NO way ANY player, even DN could show a profit in that game long term.
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Seems like the consensus is it can be beaten. I'll ask another question.I'm sure many of you have been in games where people are straddling and blind raising like crazy. In the game I played, we would often have 3 straddles, bumping it up to 16 preflop. How does this affect the way you play? I mean, I tried to be aggressive and take some of that dead money in the pot, but I got played back at. Perhaps I should just play super tight.
for a second i was wondering if u lived where i lived and went to the same gameyea i would just tighten up ur game if ur not throwing in the 3x stradles youll still make money by good hands holding when they do that
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I am going to start playing in a regular 1/2 nl live game. The game takes a standard 5 dollar max 10 percent rake. The players are generally decent but there is some loose and/or exploitable play.The thing is, in tonight's game, the house took 270 dollars in rake through the course of the night. With this much money coming off the table, is this kind of game beatable?
So you're playing in a frat game and they are raking?? LOL...
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Seems like the consensus is it can be beaten. I'll ask another question.I'm sure many of you have been in games where people are straddling and blind raising like crazy. In the game I played, we would often have 3 straddles, bumping it up to 16 preflop. How does this affect the way you play? I mean, I tried to be aggressive and take some of that dead money in the pot, but I got played back at. Perhaps I should just play super tight.
play super tight. a 1/2 game where everyone (except you) straddles is a great moneymaking oppurtunity. It basically turns it into a 2/5 game, but you, the tight player, only has to pay 1 and 2 blinds while you wait for a good hand.
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well now !crown casino has a 1-2 nl with a 60$ max buyin but get this 5$ an hour time fee and 10% 6$ max rake!!and it can be beaten but i would rather stay home and play online and get sucked out on !!
Yes.. I can confirm.. 10% rake + $5 (AUD) fee per hour. I only played once there.I'm going back soon.... does anyone know the rake for the higher games? $2/$4.. $10/$20 etc?Ta.
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1/2 live is beatable if you can adjust your strategy properly. I find that a simple TAG game with making seldom bluffs will turn profit by the end of your session. In every 1/2 game I play, the standard preflop raise is anywhere from $15-$20 (maaaaaaybe $10 but everyone will call) and depending on whether it's $100 or $200max, this will probably affect how you play. Selective aggression is the key and you should have no troubles.

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I am going to start playing in a regular 1/2 nl live game. The game takes a standard 5 dollar max 10 percent rake. The players are generally decent but there is some loose and/or exploitable play.The thing is, in tonight's game, the house took 270 dollars in rake through the course of the night. With this much money coming off the table, is this kind of game beatable?
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