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I Feel Like Venting

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Oh that game for sure is unbeatable for me at least. I was just trying to show how silly I was back then, I luckboxed into 2 winning sessions and thought I should TP/MM, so I did, and then realized I sucked. hahahaAdam - I have the TP part down, now I just need to get to the MM part. I'm getting there slowly though man! Actually I've probably made a million by now. I've just lost 70% of it too....heh :)Mark
QFT!!!Maybe the slogan should be TP/MM/KT...as in keep thousands!!!I actually had a funny discussion w/ Cyndi the other day in regards to this. I was showing her some advanced DB numbers that Teddy had sent me a while back. Anyway...I was able to PROVE to her that, I was indeed a profitable MTT player and showed her my numbers. (Including Buyins, winnings...I even explained ROI% to her)Anyway....the funny part was me at the end of it..."Now...I have PROVEN I am a WINNING player...I just have NO IDEA WHERE all those winnings went!!!!"
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Anyway....the funny part was me at the end of it..."Now...I have PROVEN I am a WINNING player...I just have NO IDEA WHERE all those winnings went!!!!"
QFT. Shannon likes to buy things like couches, dining room tables, and landscape the backyard to help me see where all my poker winnings go....I wish she would buy a Caymen with it instead *sigh*Mark
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QFT. Shannon likes to buy things like couches, dining room tables, and landscape the backyard to help me see where all my poker winnings go....I wish she would buy a Caymen with it instead *sigh*Mark
As Jeet would say...WORD!I have a bedroom set, xbox games, an ipod (which I have since had stolen...meh), and several small bills along the way. (About 100% sure most of my actual internet bills was paid directly w/ poker funds) These are the things I can still account for w/ regards to my winnings.Oh...and I spent prolly 50-75% of all my winnings on that green sticky stuff that makes my lung feel great!!! This...unfortunately...I cannot account for since...well...most of it has been already smoked!!!!Having your bud dealer also being a HORRRRRRRRID poker player is VEEEEERRRRRY -------------EV!!!! :club:
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This is probably pretty accurate. But its so easy to get in a lot of money pf as a big favorite also. I have frequently 3bet pf and been called by hands like K9o, any Ace, etc. And these hands are huge dogs to my 3betting range there.One of my buddies limp/calls any hand other than AA/KK/QQ. He won't raise AK for instance, and just muck if he doesn't connect. And if he does, he is willing to get all his money in. He's doing well in the game. I tried playing like this, and it didn't go so well for me.... :)Anyway, just wanted to vent. I love pokah, and the many funny things you encounter while playing never ceases to amaze me...Mark
If these players are so weak you should be giving up some equity pre-flop that you will make plus some after the flop where your skill will be more evident. IMO in a deep cash game you should'nt force yourself to be comitted to hands (AQo) preflop with weak opponents when you can get all their money anyways, and being that its a pot limit game you can control the pots in your favor. So with a few subtle adjustments and a roll you should be able to make lots of money in this game, but make sure to have an open mind to adjustments, dont get too caught up with your skill advantage and wind up not optimizing your strategy to get the money. GL, and hope you make it all back + 30k.
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you can mark the cards with a flourescent pen that can only be scene wearing special sunglasses. Cost for pen and glasses is $99.99 mark the Aces and Kings aces vertically and kings horizontally. You will clean house in this game and no-one will notice. I plan on doing this soon at an up coming tourney Iam playing in.

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Neither are you if you keep playing against bad players.
I'd diagram the falacy of your argument here, but we're already slippery sloping to a flame war. gg.Mark
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We were 5 handed, and I'd reraised in 1/3 of my stack pf. So calling his reshove was mostly odds driven based on his range there.As much as I'd love to blame it on being cheated, the host (and his brother who generally deals) are brothers of one of my good friends, and I trust them.Mark
When you don't know who the fish is, look for the guy who's down 10k. Less trust, more finding another game. Sometimes they don't even do it for the money, they do it because they can. BTW, I wouldn't trust my brother with a nickel. Being the brother of an honest guy does not make him the same.
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O.K., back from CAZ.I had a table full of donkeys who successfully out drew me on about 80% of the hands. It was so sick because the table was so loose. I should have won thousands here today.There were 2 women at the table who are regulars, big tourney players. And big chasers. And they just would not let go of any Ace for any reason. I had them dumping all of their money in via calling my value bets, raises etc....only to have them hit their aces, straights or flushes on the turn and river. And when they weren't doing that, they were just flat out flopping myass.Worst beat came after my 3rd buy in. I raised with A-5 of diamonds on the button, knowing for sure they would call since they were in the blinds. Flop came A-5-9 rainbow. Woot! the hand bricked out and all the money was in,.... and "Betty Unbeatable" wins by check calling me all the way with A-9. Some times I really F**king hate this game.The only thing moving faster than my money at that table was my Ass out the door after that hand.So.....take my beating at the Casini today, add in the re-tinting of my car windows, plus 4 new Z rated meats for the T L, and I'm down over 2.6 K in less than 24 hours. Yayyyyy!!! You're right Mark. Feels goot to vent, lol. :club:

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So.....take my beating at the Casini today, add in the re-tinting of my car windows, plus 4 new Z rated meats for the T L, and I'm down over 2.6 K in less than 24 hours.
Woot. My rears are getting replaced next week. Pilot Sport PS2s...mmmm, yay new tires! Always makes me happy :)Mark
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This is probably pretty accurate. But its so easy to get in a lot of money pf as a big favorite also. I have frequently 3bet pf and been called by hands like K9o, any Ace, etc. And these hands are huge dogs to my 3betting range there.One of my buddies limp/calls any hand other than AA/KK/QQ. He won't raise AK for instance, and just muck if he doesn't connect. And if he does, he is willing to get all his money in. He's doing well in the game. I tried playing like this, and it didn't go so well for me.... :)Anyway, just wanted to vent. I love pokah, and the many funny things you encounter while playing never ceases to amaze me...Mark
This isnt a bad way of playing no foldem holdem games. I adopted this approach in very loose .50/1 fixed games when i first started out. you dont protect your pocket pairs because no when respects, or cares about pre-flop raises. Therefore you find yourself facing 9 opponets with one pr.If your opponts fall into the general catagory of loose/passive pre-flop and calling stations post flop, lower your starting hand requirements and let them pay you off when you connect with the board.
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