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I had no read on villain at all, and he seemed to play like he had q10 or qj, comments and rude remarks plz?PokerStars No-Limit Hold'em, $0.05 BB (9 handed) Hand History Converter Tool from FlopTurnRiver.com (Format: FlopTurnRiver)MP3 ($8.99)CO ($9.96)Hero ($9.44)SB ($1.03)BB ($6.90)UTG ($5.13)UTG+1 ($1.83)MP1 ($9.95)MP2 ($10.22)Preflop: Hero is Button with Jclub.gif, Jdiamond.gif. 2 folds, MP1 calls $0.05, 2 folds, CO calls $0.05, Hero raises to $0.2, SB calls $0.18, 1 fold, MP1 calls $0.15, CO calls $0.15.Flop: ($0.85) Qheart.gif, 6spade.gif, Qclub.gif(4 players)SB checks, MP1 checks, CO bets $0.2, Hero calls $0.20, SB folds, MP1 folds.Turn: ($1.25) 9club.gif(2 players)CO bets $0.25, Hero raises to $0.5, CO raises to $1, Hero folds.Final Pot: $2.75Highlight the spoiler for his hand.

renereal shows 76o

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If you are going to raise in this hand, I don't think the turn is the place to do it. I think you should reraise that flop to define your hand and figure out where you are. If you don't want to reraise the flop and want to keep the pot small (as I sometimes prefer doing with a hand like JJ), just call down. Also, I really don't like the min-reraise. It sucks that you folded the best hand but at least now you have some information on your opponent.

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File Villain under "Loose-Aggressive" but you really can't file him under Donk (he's getting 4.3:1 from the pot in late position with a middle connector) since he thought he was pushing with the best hand. Paired boards usually go to the highest bidder so I really can't fault him here. He just didn't put you on a PP. And I don't fault you since a Q is one of the cards that might show up in the hand of a pre-flop caller. I think you made the right decision and were very lucky that Villain showed. Infact, showing down was probably the only mistake Villain made here.....

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raise the flop and be done with it, the turn is very bad
this is a necessityfurther...look how small his turn bet is.. at 1/5 of the pot this is a very weak bet....at the very least u need to call this...raising it to 1 -1.5 is much more optimal...This isnt minibet poker so make real bets and raisesYour preflop raise needs to be to at least .3-.4especially at these limits you need to take advantage of the loose/poor calls people will make remember when raising preflop 4x the bb + 1bb per limper is a good standard to have
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