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$50 Max NL on Full Tilt. No reads. SB has appx. $60, BB $~20 and Hero $~40.Hero is UTG with :club::DHero raises to $2.50. Folds to SB who calls $2.50. BB raises to $6.50. Hero mulls and calls $4. SB pushes for $~60 total. BB calls. Hero calls. Getting the money in is standard here. Do I get the most value by flat-calling SB's raise here, knowing I'm likely way ahead? Do I get SB to push more often by flat-calling instead of re-raising/pushing against BB's re-raise?

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Played perfect. Calling is fine because you have position in the hand for when you do get to the flop. Also by calling the Sb can't put you on a big hand and may push a TT type hand to isolate the shorty, which is prolly exactly what he has done. Shorty has AA here alot of the time though with that preflop action, but ye, i think this is the best way to get as much value from the SB as we can.

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$50 Max NL on Full Tilt. No reads. SB has appx. $60, BB $~20 and Hero $~40.Hero is UTG with :club::DHero raises to $2.50. Folds to SB who calls $2.50. BB raises to $6.50. Hero mulls and calls $4. SB pushes for $~60 total. BB calls. Hero calls. Getting the money in is standard here. Do I get the most value by flat-calling SB's raise here, knowing I'm likely way ahead? Do I get SB to push more often by flat-calling instead of re-raising/pushing against BB's re-raise?
I think you meant "flat calling BB's raise here". In as much as I remember Phil Gordon's famous quote, "The 4th raise means Aces", I'm guessing you're drawing to 2 outs here 50% of the time and it could be either player holding it....... As for getting the most value, if you're confident your hand is best, there's more value in slow-calling BB's raise as you're more representing Big Slick than a premium pair. If he's got JJ or QQ he's more likely to shovel in that situation. But I still think you're up against AA 40-50% of the time when he does push.
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I think you meant "flat calling BB's raise here". In as much as I remember Phil Gordon's famous quote, "The 4th raise means Aces", I'm guessing you're drawing to 2 outs here 50% of the time and it could be either player holding it....... As for getting the most value, if you're confident your hand is best, there's more value in slow-calling BB's raise as you're more representing Big Slick than a premium pair. If he's got JJ or QQ he's more likely to shovel in that situation. But I still think you're up against AA 40-50% of the time when he does push.
Yeah but, especially SH NL, we're calling off half our stack to a BB push preflop every time holding KK. And I don't think there is a prayer that SB has AA.
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This hand does not seem that interesting to me. I like calling and giving the SB the option of repopping it. But really, you obviously got the most value for the hand if you got all of your money in against 2 other players.

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