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$50 max NL on FullTilt. Relevant Stacks:Villain: $~22Hero: $~42No reads. Hero is in 2nd position with :D :D Villain (UTG) limps. Hero raises to $2.50. Folds around to Villain who calls $2. Flop :D:club::)Villain checks. Hero bets $4. Villain calls. DonkSlayer wonders if he'll hate life after this hand. Turn :DVillain checks. Hero mulls a bit and then bets $12.30, which covers Villain's stack.

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$50 max NL on FullTilt. Relevant Stacks:Villain: $~22Hero: $~42No reads. Hero is in 2nd position with :D :D Villain (UTG) limps. Hero raises to $2.50. Folds around to Villain who calls $2. Flop :D:club::)Villain checks. Hero bets $4. Villain calls. DonkSlayer wonders if he'll hate life after this hand. Turn :DVillain checks. Hero mulls a bit and then bets $12.30, which covers Villain's stack.
Lemme guess. Overplayed bullets? J/K. I don't know Villain's skill level and whether he's willing to call a 5x BB preflop with cards that hit that flop other than 55,77,99. I don't see anything wrong with shoveling here. If he's still on a draw you've taken away the odds. If he had you beat it was all probably going in the middle anyway.
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Standard. Be prepared to get called and lose ~35% of the time IMO, but it's definitely standard.
Oh, don't get me wrong, I don't think I'm good here 100% of the time, but with his stack so low, I'd rather get all his money if I'm ahead. How often do we think he folds the turn here when he calls the flop bet? 10% of the time?
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He isnt folding any pair with his stack, most of whcih you beat. sure he has you some of the time but pushing here is the value play 100% of the time against a shorty.

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Oh, don't get me wrong, I don't think I'm good here 100% of the time, but with his stack so low, I'd rather get all his money if I'm ahead. How often do we think he folds the turn here when he calls the flop bet? 10% of the time?
About that. I think you're beaten ~20% of the time to a set, ~10% to a straight, and you're ahead the rest.
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What a donk. Villain had limped with K-8 off, and then floated the flop with a gutshot. So of course he instacalled my turn bet. River brought an 8 for a split pot. He types in the chat box: "You're so lucky man. So lucky." I'm like "Beg pardon K-8?"

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What a donk. Villain had limped with K-8 off, and then floated the flop with a gutshot. So of course he instacalled my turn bet. River brought an 8 for a split pot. He types in the chat box: "You're so lucky man. So lucky." I'm like "Beg pardon K-8?"
Haha nice.
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He types in the chat box: "You're so lucky man. So lucky." I'm like "Beg pardon K-8?"
Actually the correct response is something along the lines of: 'whew river! lucky there, nice hand man' Mark
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