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Hello my fellow FCP'ers. this is probably going to come off as a brag post but, ohh well. I was at Foxwoods 2 weeks ago with a friend, he played the 10 am tournament, while i myself played some omaha 8/B, well long story short, he ended up chopping up that tournament and making 2K. I myself usually dont play tournaments too much anymore because you basically need to come in the top 3-5 to make any decent money, i would rather just grind out a 300-500 win playing 10-20. Anyway the next day, my friend goes to register for the tournament and asked me if i was going play, i told him probably not, he then asked me again and told me he would stake me, so since it was free, i decided to play. Well once again, to make a long story short, i ended up coming in 3rd place out of 140 players and making 1300, but only getting half since i was staked. well, my friend and i went back out to foxwoods again this past monday night and stayed til weds night. He once again signed up for the 10 am tournament ( which is a 100 dollar buy in by the way ) and i ended up signing up as well since i did well my last time out. well, in the somewhat early stages of the tournament i recieve a gift from one of the players as i double up with QQ vs 77. foxwoods now starts you off with 5000 in chips and 20 mins levels, which only started about 3 weeks ago, as they use to only give you 2000 in chips and 20 mins. Anyway after that hand i was somewhat coasting, blinds started raising and before you know it the blinds were 300-600 and the short stacks are going in every hand, after taking out another opponent with AK vs his A3, i was moved to another table, i was the chip leader at my table with over 17,000 in chips. Well once i found my new table, i was not chip leader anymore lol. There was a player there who had over 100,000 in chips already, and when i sat down i asked him how he had gotten so many chips so early. the other players told me that he had been sucking out on everyone so, i made a mental note not to play too many hands with this guy as he has obviously been running hot and lucky. I was able to find that out first hand when he limped in under the gun, everyone else folded to me in the SB, i completed with Q 8 suited and the BB checked, the flop comes 8 6 2 rainbow, i check, the BB fires out the min bet ( which was 1200 ) and the UTG with all the chips called, i then raised to 3600 in chips, the BB folded and the Maniac called, the turn brought a K and i checked and he fired out 5000 in chips lol... well i thought about it for a bit and folded, and the maniac proceeded to flip over K/4 offsuit. well after that i decided to try to stay out of pots with that guy because when someone is running hot, theres nothing you can do but wait it out. Shortstacks kept moving in left and right, i took out another shortstack with 1010 vs his A7, i then watched in amazement as the Maniac took out 2 players with A5 vs QQ and QQ, as he proceeded to hit 2 5's on the flop lol. I then took out another short stack and took a little bit of chips from the Maniac as he called a smaller stacks all in, i then reraised all in myself with pocket 10's again, he folded after sometime and i knocked out the other player who had 44 ( hindsight, the maniac said he would of knocked me out because he would of rivered a straight lol ) another table broke and another player with a boatload of chips comes over, and sits down to my left and the Maniacs right. I tell the new player with all the chips to be careful of the guy next to him, hes a maniac. First hand new guy raises, Maniac call, the flop comes A 10 8 all hearts, the new guys bets 8,000 in chips, the maniac raises him to 40,000 in chips ( this is more chips then most guys have in the tournament lol ) and the new guy thinks about it for a little bit and moves all in for about 60,000 total, the maniac call and flips over A4 no hearts, the new guy flips over AQ with the queen of hearts, i shouldnt have to tell you how this ends up turn blank river black 4, goodbye new guy and thankfully for me, Table break. the Maniac gets moved to my buddys table and my friend has a nice stack and i tell him about the guy and go to my seat. Nothing special happens at my table for awhile, i just sit back and raise in late position to keep myself from getting anted and blinded to death. Then the hand that saves my tournament, were down to about 25 players, were paying 20, shortstack under the gun moves all in for around 9000 in chips ( blinds were 1500-3000 ) player on the button calls, i am in the SB, i look down at KK, i then move all in myself for around 25,000 in chips, the Button calls/moves all in ( i had him covered ) and flips over the cooler AA. I wince when i see that because i absolutely never hit that magical 2 outer and im going to be crippled in chips and probably be bounced on the money bubble. i step away from the table for a sec and the dealer puts out the flop KQJ all spades, i look over at the aces and he has the A of spades, so i have to fade the spade and straight draw, turn is the 4 of clubs, scary, and the river was the magical 4th K, giving me quads. I knock 2 players out and cruise up over the 50,000 chips total. It takes us 30 mins of hand to hand to knock out the bubble boy and my friend and i are both in the money. I ended up geting moved to his table, i barely play any hands, and hover around the same amount of chips, people are knocked out fairly quick and before you know it, both my friend and i are at the final table. My friend was a short stack and got knocked out in 10th place, then 2 players get knocked out in the same hand ( one of them being that Maniac from earlier ). so were down to 7 players, I am as card dead as you can be, but i still manage to save my chips by moving in and not getting called thus picking up blinds and antes. couple more players are bounced and were down to 4 players. the blinds are 20,000 and 40,000 and even the chip leader is shortstacked, so i propose a 4 way chop, and a guy who had the least amount of chips said, NO, theres still skill left and i dont want to hear any more of it lol. OK so we play on, and the short stack moves all in on my BB, which is about 1/3rd of my stack, i call him blind, because im not leaving almost half my stack out there to die, he flips over KJ and i flip over 5/9 suited diamonds, flop comes Q 9 2 with 2 diamonds, turn is a blank and river is a 5 giving me 2 pair and knocking out the idiot. So now were 3 handed and i have about 150,000 in chips, the other guy has about 170,000 and the other guy has about 250,000 in chips, i once again propose a deal and the chipleader nixes it saying that this is the first time hes been in the money in a poker tournament in 2 years and he doesnt want to make a deal, so... we play on lol. i move all in from the SB, the chip leader is the BB and calls me instantly with K10, i am in big trouble because i have K9, well luck was on my side, as i flopped a 9 and doubled up. i am sitting at about 180,000 when the other 2 players tangle up and the chip leader takes out the other guy and were heads up. first hand heads up, the CL moves all in, i look down at AA and call instantly, he flips over JJ, the aces hold up and i double up, so were about even in chips, we keep playing, he knocks me down a little bit. He then moves all in, i look down at A/6 and call him instantly, he proceeds to flip over ...... drumroll please......... K3, the krablar, can you believe it lol, well the flop brings all blanks, the turn a blank and the river....... a 3 .... goodbye chris, good game, 2nd place for you because of the Krablar. It was actually the only slight bad beat i took all day, so i couldnt complain. there were 170 players in this tournament and i came in 2nd good for $2300.00 bucks. I went to my room, ordered some room service and passed out ( tournament took 7 hours ) I came back the next day, and signed up again for the 10 am tournament, at the urging of my friend, because i really wasnt in the mood to play another tournament and go thru all of that again, i felt like i really wasnt going to give it my all ( terrible huh? lol ) and i decided i was going to play loose and fast. First hand of the tournament i get dealt 6 9 of hearts, i limp utg as do several others, the flop comes A J 6 with one heart, the blinds check, i bet 200 and i only get one caller from the button. the turn is a 2 of diamonds so, i only have 4th pair lol, i bet again, this time 600 and the button calls again and i know im not getting this guy off of his med ace, well the river is a 9 giving me 2 pair and i bet 1500 and the guys calls and i flip over 2 pair to beat his A/10. Oh well, i then proceed to give most of those chips back to other players who keep coming over the top of my bets and raises, and i fold and fold, im down to 3600 in chips, im in the BB, the blinds are 200-400, guy in late position raises, i look down at J 8 of clubs and decide this guy is just position raising and i can get him off any decent hand with a raise, well i move all in and he insta called me, lol...i thought i was done, and he flipped over A 10 lol.... well, i flop a jack and double up. another time thru, im in the BB, blinds are 300-600 and i have about 6800 in chips, everyone folds to the button, who predictably moves all in for around 6000 in chips, the SB folds and i Insta call with KQ, i dont think ive ever called an all in faster with such a weak hand as KQ, but i knew the all in player had nothing, well i was right, he flipped over J 8 of hearts and i thought i was done as i had just doubled up with the same hand and the poker gods were watching, lol, well the flop came Q rag rag with 2 hearts, turn was a K, river was the K of hearts, giving me a boat and my opponent a worthless flush. Time goes on, tables are getting broken everywhere, im getting blinded and anted to death, were down to 3 tables, i get moved, and i am super shortstacked, with blinds being 1500-3000 and my only having 11,000 in chips, i move in only seeing a king, one player calls and flips over A 8, i flip over my king first saying thats all i saw and then flip over an ugly 8 lol, so im dominated, i get up and the flop comes 8 6 2, turn 6 so i shout for a 6 lol, just for fun, and wouldnt you know it, the river was a 6. Split the pot up. i then move all in with A 5 suited and i get called by AJ, the flop and turn are bricks and the river is the 5, double up and saved again. 21 players left, im on the button, everyone folds to the cut off, who raises to 7000 in chips, once again, i think its a pure steal, and i reraise all in with 7 4 suited spades, the blinds fold and the other guy goes into the tank, before finally folding his A 10 face up, i of course cant help myself and show him the 7 4. Before you know it were in the money, were down to 14 players, i am shortstacked and i move all in UTG without looking ( i barely had enough chips to cover the blinds coming up ) 3 callers, and i look at the absolutely worst hand, 3 9 offsuit and im out in 14th place for $270.00 bucks. Not too bad considering i didnt really want play all that bad, i definately got pretty lucky in some spots, but i never really had any hands in that tournament, no AA, KK, JJ, 1010, 99's down to 2's and no AK, AQ, or AJ. Its a wonder i got as far as i did really. Anyway i just wanted to share the story with you, hopefully you enjoy it, especially the Krablar section lol. Good luck and til next time

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well done. the best part of the post was learning that foxwoods changed their starting chips. i stopped playing tournies there last year when they took out two levels of the tourney as it became a crap shoot immediately. congrats on the great run.

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the maniac proceeded to flip over K/4 offsuit. well after that i decided to try to stay out of pots with that guy because when someone is running hot, theres nothing you can do but wait it out.
Does this kernel of advice come from logic, experience, or both? Or neither?
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Does this kernel of advice come from logic, experience, or both? Or neither?
When someone is running hot they're running hot and you'd better stay out of their way. Like how all those lottery winners take down 6 or 7 jackpots in a row. I mean if you tell me that someone at the table is getting it in bad every other hand I'm staying the hell out of his way.
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The other players told me that he had been sucking out on everyone so, i made a mental note not to play too many hands with this guy as he has obviously been running hot and lucky.............. i decided to try to stay out of pots with that guy because when someone is running hot, theres nothing you can do but wait it out.
You play 10/20 and think about poker like this?
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nice.I played one during xmas and new year. starting chips 2K so pretty much a crapshoot after the first hour. Glad to see they have increased the starting chips altho it still sounds as if it gets to be a crapshoot pretty quickly.Anyway my experience, played in the morning one lasted about 30 mins when my turned boat (with K2, free play in blind ha ha) got rivered when a second Ace double paired the board and A rag took it down. Played again in the evening (160 aprox players) and was doing good, 2nd in chips at my table, about 9K, with the table chipleader to my immediate left, about 20K, and about 80 left. I can't remember the blinds but it was already a crapshoot. I'm in the cut-off with A9s, may have been a couple of limpers (at least one) and I decide to just push. Big stack thinks for ages and finally calls with AK. Ooops. 9 on the river shows what a talented luckbox I am. A few hands later another reasonable stack, 7K or 8K, raises and I look down at QQ, reraise to put him all-in, he insta calls and says 'well I'm only behind 1 hand'. Poker gods smile on me again with a Q on the flop and his Kings don't improve.Coast to the money without any hands but manage to keep my stack more than healthy, altho it seemed to take an age for the bubble to come and go. Reach the final table with an average stack when the usual 'I've made the money lets gamble' period was over. Only hand of note early on at the FT was when I raised with 99 only to be reraised by a small stack who obviously had AA or KK but with odds of about 1000-1 I couldn't not call. No smiling from above, I guess he was on a restroom break, as the Kings held. I was able to stay with a reasonable amount of chips by picking my spots with trash and letting the others take each other out when we get down to 3.I'm the small stack with about 40K whilst the others have about 150K each. Blinds are 4K/8K, 1K ante when I get 62o in the sb. Button calls, It's obvious the bb's not gonna put any more money in this pot, so i just call. I thought about going all-in but I thought the Button would call with a big range so I just decided to try and get lucky or at least sweeten the pot a little if they both hit and decided to do battle.Flop comes A65r. Now I like this flop. Neither have an Ace, bb because he had no hand and Button because he would have raised pre-flop. But instead of just pushing and taking it down I pussied out and checked. Comments are welcome but I hate this play. Anyway check by the bb and the Button bets about 20K. I'm cursing myself because I believe I have the best hand but I'm now convinced I gotta dodge two overs. Ok he may have K6, 67 blah blah and I'm dead already but hey if I'm not gonna bet this flop 3 handed why the hell am I chucking in the extra 4K in the first place. So I go all-in. He of course calls the extra 6 or 7K and to my horror not only shows the A but his kicker is a 2. So much for my laser like reads.Long story short, the poker god has come back from taking his piss and delivers a beautiful 6 on the river. A few hands later I again get it all-in with the same player and knock him out, can't remember the hands but I didn't need to get lucky this time. Heads up and we play cagey for a hand or two and then he raises my bb about 30K. I look down at two geourgous Aces and do a bit of hollywood before eventually just calling. Flop is King high, all hearts. We get it all-in and he has two red 8's. My hand remains good and I win 3800.

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I was also glad to hear they upped the starting stack, although I'd rather just have them put the 2 levels back in.The thing about those daily tourneys is, there's no difference between 20th and 11th in the pay scale. So when you get in the money I always tend to get real aggressive and figure I'm either getting a stack I can do something with at the final table, or I'm going to the cash games

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Does this kernel of advice come from logic, experience, or both? Or neither?
Hey DunkinDonuts, I know what your picture is of, its a block away from the Tropicana in AC, I am not christian and everytime i pass that sign with my christian friends, i always tell them hey guys, christ died for your sins.
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Hey DunkinDonuts, I know what your picture is of, its a block away from the Tropicana in AC, I am not christian and everytime i pass that sign with my christian friends, i always tell them hey guys, christ died for your Dunkin' Donuts.
FYP. That's why He's AWOL until the next coming, and we're on every corner in the Northeast.
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Sounds like you were playing with Dmitri Nobles during that tournament. Well done on coming second but seriously you can't expect to win vs krablar heads up.

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