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Qq Vs Re-re-reraise

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Early in a 600 player $300 MTT online. I had won a few small pots and had about $2,000 (vs. $1,500 to start). I was on the button with Q-Q with action folded around to me. I rasied 2.5xBB ($50). SB raised me back to $150 total. I reraised him to $500 total. He reraised me all-in for $1,500 total. I folded reasoning that a re-re-re raise all in had to be K-K or A-A or at least A-K. In the first two cases, I'm way behind and in the latter I'm in a race for 3/4 of my stack. Besides, it's early on and I still have plenty of chips. After the hand was over the guy asked what I had, claiming he had J-J. Would anybody here have called his all-in?

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You did the right thing, imo. The villain sounds like a maniac and was taking a huge chance that you didn't have AA or KK. He ended up being right and was successful in repping AA as his hand.In other words, I like the laydown.

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Ok...Flames on the way, but let me see if I can help in advance of them......when posting for the first time at any site it is customary to read said site's FAQs and generally become accustomed to the site's protocols. For example, there is a very good section at this very site for Tournament Strategy.Having said this, they guy was reckless to risk his entire stack that early in a Tourney on JJ......he pushed you off. You showed restraint in not risking your entire stack. If you can get a read that lets you anticipate this sort of action from the dude you can make the call more often.

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As for a response, I dont like the 2.5xBB to start. Why not make it 4xBB. 2.5 just makes it look suspicous. I think that put it in his head that he had and you didn't have a hand, u were simply making a play.But still, I like the lay down.Is this the stars wednesday tourney btw ?

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As for a response, I dont like the 2.5xBB to start. Why not make it 4xBB. 2.5 just makes it look suspicous. I think that put it in his head that he had and you didn't have a hand, u were simply making a play.But still, I like the lay down.Is this the stars wednesday tourney btw ?
Yes, it was the Stars Wed nite $300
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I also think you need to raise more preflop. You have such a big hand and the blinds are tiny, this is when they'll be willing to call with less from the bb (until much later.)I like the fold though, the range of hands should be fairly limited and not worth it. Way too early, find a better spot later.

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Ok...Flames on the way, but let me see if I can help in advance of them......when posting for the first time at any site it is customary to read said site's FAQs and generally become acco\ustomed to the site's protocols. For example, there is a very good section at this very site for Tournament Strategy.Having said this, they guy was reckless to risk his entire stack that early in a Tourney on JJ......he pushed you off. You showed restraint in not risking your entire stack. If you can get a read that lets you anticipate this sort of action from the dude you can make the call more often.
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I call because you opened from the button with what looks like a steal raiseHowever, I think you should have called his raise instead, you have queens heads up with position in a Hu pot. Not to mention calling will leave him horribly confused. and those are just the 2 main points of the hand

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I call because you opened from the button with what looks like a steal raiseHowever, I think you should have called his raise instead, you have queens heads up with position in a Hu pot. Not to mention calling will leave him horribly confused. and those are just the 2 main points of the hand
what he said.
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Thanks for the heads up. I'm not sure what protocol I violated, but please accept my appologies. I'm looking for the FAQ, but haven't found it yet. I'll get the hang of it, bear with me. I can see where this forum thing can be very healpful.
Again, I was just being a bit of a smartass, no harm no foul... I was just trying to save ya from the flamers, but realized I may have crossed into that territory myself - didn't mean to be a jerk or make you feel badly! Welcome to the FCP & Good laydown!
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re-post in tourney strat, they might move this anyway.I'd call pre flop when he re raises in that situation. Because it's button vs blinds you can lower his range a little bit. But it's still read dependent and it's early so you don't have much of one.I like a call w/ position there. I'm re raising if I'm commiting to the hand only in the early tourney situation you've described.

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Where did you finish and where did the raiser finish?
I finished in the middle of the pack and I don't know where he finished. We were sent to separate tables not too long after the hand in question. (I hate it when they move me around willy-nilly like this night.)I don't think that I mentioned earlier that I had only recently been moved to the table where the subject hand occurred and therefore, did not have a lot of knowledge about my opponent (whom I'd had never encountered before).Thanks to all for the support on the lay down. I do like the idea of the call of the reraise, leaving him in the dark. Great and subtle game, isn't it?
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Yea 2.5X raises are for donkeys..total donkeys...Oh and Daniel Negreanu, he likes 2.5X raises.So only Donkeys and Daniel Negreanu...and maybe PHil Ivey, and one or two or 30 other pros like 2.5X raises.You should have just called his reraise, but anyone that wouldn't fold to his 3rd raise will never get the respect of Phil Helmuth, who likes 2.5X raises also.

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You made the right fold, but I agree with the flat calling the raise on the button. Queens aren't the nuts especially after that much action, plus people play ace queen and jack the same way as ace king now, so calling and seeing a flop is better then jaming just to get unlucky anyways. People are gonna come and scream your being results oriented in a second here but ignore them because 90% of the time here your at best a coinflip.

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You made the right fold, but I agree with the flat calling the raise on the button. Queens aren't the nuts especially after that much action, plus people play ace queen and jack the same way as ace king now, so calling and seeing a flop is better then jaming just to get unlucky anyways. People are gonna come and scream your being results oriented in a second here but ignore them because 90% of the time here your at best a coinflip.
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I cant remember what the cheese picture means but ill take note of the post count don't worry
I, along with the others, prefer the flat call after his re-raise...BUT, that being said, after you re-re-raised and he goes all-in I think it's an easy muck. He should have AA or KK 95% of the time there. Especially since you said you were new to the table and don't have the guy pegged as a maniac yet.Edit: Also, I'm not much of a push way to hard pre-flop player when there's alot of play left.
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