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Epassporte Problems

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I sucked it up and got the card.Basically if you don't get the card, you have to wait a normal 6-7 business days to get money into your bank account. I understand the delays right now are even longer. The virtual visa is ok if you're buying stuff online, but when my card comes I can use it anywhere visa is accepted.

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I used them in the past, until my bank vetoed the transactions, and never had a problem with them.I'm sure what you are experiencing is a result of everyone that used to use Neteller trying to set up an account at once and overloading their systems.Patience danielson, patience....lolGL
How does my name randomly get mentioned in this thread? Am i that much of a legend?
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I just got my Epassporte Visa in the mail, Woot!! $35 bucks, but with all the worry lately, I'm very excited. I was a bit worried just because I hadn't had the initial deposit for my bank yet, and couldn't withdraw. I ordered it on January 27th, so I'm very happy it got here so soon. gg Epass. Take a step back all you Chicken Littles, and score one for the good guys.

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I just got my Epassporte Visa in the mail, Woot!! $35 bucks, but with all the worry lately, I'm very excited. I was a bit worried just because I hadn't had the initial deposit for my bank yet, and couldn't withdraw. I ordered it on January 27th, so I'm very happy it got here so soon. gg Epass. Take a step back all you Chicken Littles, and score one for the good guys.
that was quick. Hope mine comes that fast as well, I ordered just a few days after you. My account got verified today as well.
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I just verified my epASSporte acct on Friday. Should be ready by later this week.It is a good thing I didn't take out my online funds through NeTeller though - looks like the US Govt seized the funds - uuugh:

The war on online gambling is hitting would-be bettors where it hurts the most - in the wallet. According to wire reports, the FBI has seized the funds from tens of thousands of individual customer accounts from Neteller, a money transfer system popular among online gamblers. Federal officials arrested Neteller founders Stephen Lawrence and John Lefebvre in January as part of a crackdown on Web-based betting. Popular gambling hubs like BetOnSports, which accepts wagers on sporting events, and Neteller, which transferred funds between customers and gambling Web sites, stopped accepting wagers from U.S. customers. But those who still had funds in active Neteller accounts cannot recover those monies after the federal seizure. According to the USA Today, about two-thirds of Neteller's business came from transferring funds from U.S.-based bettors to gambling companies based outside America. That amounted to $7 billion dollars of business in 2005. Nevertheless, Neteller did serve as a money-transfer service between financial institutions and online merchants that had nothing to do with betting. In addition, some Web sites used Neteller to pay freelance writers and other contract employees for their services. In the USA Today, FBI agent Neil Donovan told the USA Today that "funds from Neteller are being held in court as potential evidence. Some customers may get their money back." On its Web site, Neteller declared that it had stopped transferring funds to and from online gambling sites for US customers as of Jan. 17. An FAQ on the same page as the notice said that the value of all customer funds was being held in independent trust accounts until withdrawal issues were resolved. According to The Online Wire, attempts to reach Neteller spokespersons were unsuccessful. The federal government has been trying for years to get a handle on online gambling, which revolutionized the sports betting industry as the Internet became an everyday tool for most Americans. In 2002, a United State federal court ruled that the Federal Wire Act prohibits the transmission of electronic funds across state lines for the purpose of betting on sports, though it excluded games of chance such as poker. For awhile, betting sites persisted by operating from offshore locales such as Costa Rica. But in October, 2006, the government closed this loophole by prohibiting transactions between banks and similar institutions and online gambling companies. This legislation, signed by President Bush on Oct. 13, 2006, was supported by the National Football League. Sources: "Net-betting crackdown freezes funds" Jon Swartz, The USA Today, Feb. 2, 2007. "FBI doesn't comment on alleged seizure of Neteller funds" TheOnlinewire.com, Feb. 2, 2007. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Online_gambling.
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I signed up a week ago and they still havent deposited in my bank account, so I gave them a call yesterday. They said that it would be on the 9th... I wish the process would be quicker.

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I signed up a week ago and they still havent deposited in my bank account, so I gave them a call yesterday. They said that it would be on the 9th... I wish the process would be quicker.
What secret phone number did you use to call them? I have tried about 20 times over the last two weeks and never gotten through.
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What secret phone number did you use to call them? I have tried about 20 times over the last two weeks and never gotten through.
It took me about 5 times to get through, but I did. I just went to netellers website and found their phone number. Keep giving it a shot.
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