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Yo Biotches!After some recent success I've decided to give the tournament trail a go. Might even try out the PokerMillions on Sunday.Here's one for the everyman...Poker Stars / $18,000 Guarantee / ID: 41629532 / Jan. 30, 2007 / 8:00 EST / $27.50 NLHELet's bring home a trophy for FCP. Whooooo's coming with me?- fleung :club: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------FCPers in the 18K Divisionfleung22 the_steinbdc30 Mercury69STYLINHAWYN SpeedKillsnavybuttons Vatchetroyomac ChrisRicheyDoinSublime JaysForLifeTeck_72 Waffles2003Closetwin Jeepster80125KugeToshSandwedgeumop-apisdntripdeucesthrowmeawaycwikPack149ForRealDDcheckymcfoldclosetwinmsallsFlushgardenTB17Alex916FJames D

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Got no $ on Stars atm, but maybe I'll try to push some $ around. If The Stein decides I'm worth a stake, then I'm certainly in. Otherwise, I'll be on Tilt, trying to muster up tokens to qualify for the FTOPS.

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Got no $ on Stars atm, but maybe I'll try to push some $ around. If The Stein decides I'm worth a stake, then I'm certainly in. Otherwise, I'll be on Tilt, trying to muster up tokens to qualify for the FTOPS.
c'mon Merc...when was the last time you saw me make a barrage thread? If Royal was around I'd get him to do it.PLUS you're Canadian...just transfer that cash via neteller.
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Well, my cash supply is super low, but they keep bumping my CC limit, so i'll pop some $ on and play. Count me in, Freddeh. xMercury69x on Stars!
Niceee...consider it a freeroll from the cash you took off me in FCP Toronto #3 :)GLPS I don't like giving away my username but you guys will know who I am by the avatar.
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Niceee...consider it a freeroll from the cash you took off me in FCP Toronto #3 :)GLPS I don't like giving away my username but you guys will know who I am by the avatar.
And that was me just trying to get back to even :-).
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Since I just hit platinum I was planning on playing a few tourneys, but I'm incredibly cursed in this stupid tourney.

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Since I just hit platinum I was planning on playing a few tourneys, but I'm incredibly cursed in this stupid tourney.
Cursed? Do you really believe in that shiit??I was going to do the $100+9 but I figured we'd get more players if I kept the buy-in lower.
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Cursed? Do you really believe in that shiit??I was going to do the $100+9 but I figured we'd get more players if I kept the buy-in lower.
Well I've played it 17 times and only cashed once...i just don't run well in that tourney.
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Well I've played it 17 times and only cashed once...i just don't run well in that tourney.
Holy crap that IS shiit!! :PWhy not play tonight plus 2 more times for an even 20?hmm...wonder if we'll get any of the big tournament specialists to play...
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yea, whats the deal? 5% of this tourney has to be FCP, how else will we make it an all fcp final table?Just message me your stars name if you are interested in a stake, and post here so you're added to the list of fcpers participating.Everyone else needs to let us know they are going to participate!THIS WILL BE THE FCP TAKE OVER! :club:edit: sent Closetwinsent SpeedKillssent Travisteck (can't say no if your fave game is stud)sent DoinSublime (I enjoyed your mtt updates in the suicide threads)sent ChrisRicheysent pocktdeuces deuces85 (ugh mistransfer)sent Waffles2003sent Kugesent Jeepster420sent Magsugalsent Alex916Fsent Don GiovanniOk that makes 12! You know the deal guys, once you place (and by place I mean win(I know you can't all win so 2nd and 3rds are acceptable also lol)) ship me 55%GL & Have fun everyone!

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ill try it out get home like 4:45 so will be tight
???It starts at 8 PM EST but if you're going to be close just register right now. You'll have plenty of chips still if you only miss the start time by a bit.
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???It starts at 8 PM EST but if you're going to be close just register right now. You'll have plenty of chips still if you only miss the start time by a bit.
you can't register.
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