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from cardplayer:"Vanessa Rousso Makes an Early MoveOn the second hand of action on Day 3, Vanessa Rousso raises to $8,000. David Singer, directly to her left, moves all in for $120,000 total. Vanessa calls instantly with pocket aces. Singer flips over pocket nines. The flop comes A23, putting Singer way behind. The turn is the 4, giving Singer chop outs, but the river is the 8 and Rousso knockes out Singer and increases her stack to over $418,000."Isn`t this just horrible play by someone supposed to be good at poker? or am I wrong?

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Yeah, I was thinking about this hand too. Blinds are like 1000/2000 or 1500/3000 I assume. So Singer has somewhere between 40-60X BB. In a vacuum, this looks like a bad play given the stack sizes. My guess is that Singer put Rousso on overcards and he figured that with his stack size, Rousso is likely to fold even many hands where it's a race {AT+, KJ+, QJ} or even TT/JJ that have him dominated.

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from cardplayer:"Vanessa Rousso Makes an Early MoveOn the second hand of action on Day 3, Vanessa Rousso raises to $8,000. David Singer, directly to her left, moves all in for $12,000 total. Vanessa calls instantly with pocket aces. Singer flips over pocket nines. The flop comes A23, putting Singer way behind. The turn is the 4, giving Singer chop outs, but the river is the 8 and Rousso knockes out Singer and increases her stack to over $418,000."Isn`t this just horrible play by someone supposed to be good at poker? or am I wrong?
anyone ever think of that??!
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I don't like it either.But what probably happened was that Vanessa was making a lot of raises preflop before this hand, and Singer didn't give her credit for a hand on this occasion.Oh well. We might hear the story on tonight's The Circuit.

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from cardplayer:"Vanessa Rousso Makes an Early MoveOn the second hand of action on Day 3, Vanessa Rousso raises to $8,000. David Singer, directly to her left, moves all in for $120,000 total. Vanessa calls instantly with pocket aces. Singer flips over pocket nines. The flop comes A23, putting Singer way behind. The turn is the 4, giving Singer chop outs, but the river is the 8 and Rousso knockes out Singer and increases her stack to over $418,000."Isn`t this just horrible play by someone supposed to be good at poker? or am I wrong?
I think even doug lee would find fault in that play.
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