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Making 598,707.20 A Year

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so I have finally started playing online poker and trying to build my bankroll. I've deposited 45 dollars, and now have 151 dollars. this is 2 days of playing for about 2 and half hours total. Last night I played for 1.25 hours for a total profit of 89.95 in the .10-.25 nl games.I thought it would be fun to assume that I could consitently make this much and figure out how much I would make a day, a week, a month, and a year.so here is what I would make playing micro stakes (this 8 hours a day, 5 days a week):71.96 an hour575.68 a day2878.40 a week11513.60 one month598707.20 a yearSo if everyone takes their last hour or two of playing, whether it was a losing or a winning session, and figure out your wages. how much are you profiting/losingp.s. sorry about the double thread, I just think that this title will get more attention. so please close the other one...

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Dude- cluttering up the front of the section with repetitve threads is really not cool. We all read the other one and thought it was stupid. I was going to just ignore it, but you decided to make another stupid thread, that was exactly like the first one. Here is a clue- If nobody responded to your first thread, it was probably because they found it stupid or meaningless. Changing the title will not change the likelihood that it will get a response. I am happy that your very small start into online is profitable. Nice brag post. Good for you. Now try not to start a new topic for a while. You bore me.

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so I have finally started playing online poker and trying to build my bankroll. I've deposited 45 dollars, and now have 151 dollars. this is 2 days of playing for about 2 and half hours total. Last night I played for 1.25 hours for a total profit of 89.95 in the .10-.25 nl games.I thought it would be fun to assume that I could consitently make this much and figure out how much I would make a day, a week, a month, and a year.so here is what I would make playing micro stakes (this 8 hours a day, 5 days a week):71.96 an hour575.68 a day2878.40 a week11513.60 one month598707.20 a yearSo if everyone takes their last hour or two of playing, whether it was a losing or a winning session, and figure out your wages. how much are you profiting/losingp.s. sorry about the double thread, I just think that this title will get more attention. so please close the other one...
11513.60 * 12 = 598707.20? That's some impressive math!
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