king_tanner 84 Posted April 26, 2007 Author Share Posted April 26, 2007 I have a lot of favorites so picking 16 would be impossible, so I decided to pick 1 from each season, including 2 extras to make 16.Richard Hatch season 1 Borneo. No matter how much people hated him, he made the show. If it wasn't for him there would be no seasons 2-14. I loved how he knew people hated him but he didn't give a s_hit.Season 2 Australia was hard because there were so many characters. Colby was dominating physically, but wasn't really that entertaining. I also liked Keith, he was the chef who couldn't cook for s_hit lol. Elizabeth was hot. Michael was memorable even though he didn't last that long. He was a true savage, and was definitely a survivor. Too bad he fell into the fire. I'm going to go with Jerry. She pissed everyone off, and was kind of the Richard Hatch of season 2. She caused a lot of controversy, and her attitude made the season. Season 3: I'm going with Lex, because he lives a block away from me lol. I also thought he was a great player in both Africa and All-Stars, actually he dominated Africa. Here's a story not many people know. In the final three challenge it was a quiz type challenge. Kim.. who got 2nd was tied with Lex. She got the last question correct, and ultimately chose Ethan to go to the final 2 which he won. After the fact, news came out that Lex's answer in the final question was correct also, it just wasn't the answer Survivor Exec's had. So Kim and Lex would have tied and there would have been another question, so Lex could have possibly won the challenge, and he would have probably won if he made it to the final 2. Anyways, us people from Santa Cruz are bitter about that lol. Season 4 Marquesas: Toss up between Boston Rob and John (the gay dude with a major attitude problem). Kathy was good also. This season was kind of lackluster because Rob and John were both out kind of early. Vecepia won, but people still don't know who she is lol. I'll go with Rob though because he was a true badass, if he got past the tribal council where he was voted off, I think he would have made it all the way.Season 5 Thailand: Another s_hitty season. Probably the worst out of all of them. Brian dominated this whole season. Robb was funny, he was like an overgrown 6 year old. I'll go with Clay here just because I remember him being funny as hell. Ultimately he rode Brian's coattails which is why he got 2nd.Season 6 Amazon: This season put survivor back on the map for being a great show. This is a toss up between Rob and Jenna. Rob didn't have much going for him physically, but he was probably one of the greatest strategists in the history of the game. Jenna did everything she could to win though which puts her over the top in my opinion. She used all her "assets" to get far, and manipulated people just as much as Rob did. I'll go with Jenna here.Season 7 Pearl Islands: I think I'm the only person in the world who loves Johnny Fairplay, but hates Rupert. I've said in the past I love seeing good strategy more than anything on this show, and I think Johnny's "lie" was the most genius thing I've ever seen. He also was the brains behind Rupert being voted off. To me, Rupert just cared about maintaining relationships with all his tribemates, and providing food. He has 0% of the outwit part which makes a survivor. I didn't buy any of the b_ullshit how he whined about how he got made fun of as a kid. He is a grown man, get over it, we all got picked on when we were kids. So I'm obviously going with Fairplay here. I loved Sandra and her attitude also. The outcast thing was total BS.. just thought I'd mention that.Season 8 All Stars: First off let me say I thought them giving Rupert a million was bulls_hit. Since I already picked Rob for Marquesas, I won't pick him. I'll give Tom a honorable mention. He was extremely entertaining, and also could play the game. This season was kind of awkward because everybody was paranoid as hell the whole time since they have played before. Rob and Amber were cool and collected the whole time, and they truely dominated this season. So I'll give the nod to Amber here since I already got Rob.Season 9 Vanauatu: Chris dominated toward the end, and manipulated the girls at the end, but I truly think he got extremely lucky to make it to the final 2. I'm going to chose Twila as my favorite this season. She was hard-nosed trailer trash, and didn't give a s_hit about anything but the money, and I like that in a Survivor. Julie: Jeff Probst's girlfriend is hotttttt! Ultimately this season wasn't that good.Season 10: Palau: Going with Stephenie here. She was by far the toughest woman in the history of Survivor. Tom dominated, but he was put with the dumbest tribe of all time. I can't believe he didn't get voted out earlier. In the final 3 when Ian lost on purpose to gain Tom's trust again was the dumbest thing I have ever seen in my life. If you don't want to win the game don't play it. The way Stephenie broke down when they were going to vote her out, instead of Janu who wanted to quit showed me that she had the drive and will to win this game. Ultimately her tribe sucked though so she had no chance.Season 11 Guatemala: This was a tough season due to the heat and all the other factors. Stephenie turned out to be a b_itch this season, but still dominated. I was rooting for Judd this season just because I thought it was funny how huge of a dumba_ss he was with his outbursts at tribal council. I also liked Gary the football player. I'll go with Danni who ended up winning. She was able to win without lying or manipulating which is extremely hard to do. She was also athletic as hell, and could stand up to any of the men in the challenges.Season 12 Panama: I didn't really like this season. I thought the winner Aras was kind of lame. There were a lot of memorable characters especially Shane and Bruce. I was hoping Bruce would make it farther. Terry dominated although he was all about the challenges and that's it. I didn't like this season because almost all the challenges were physical, not mental which is why Terry won everything. I'm still going to go with Terry though because I don't think anybody else on the show were good strategists either. Shane gets a close second because he was an idiot, but somehow made it pretty far.Season 13 Cook Islands: Going to go with Ozzy here. I know Yul was probably one of the best strategists along with Richard Hatch, Rob from Amazon, and maybe Boston Rob, but I liked Ozzy because of his care-free attitude towards the game. He strategized at the beginning, but since he was on the outside he knew he had to win all of the challenges to make it to the end which he did. He knew his role in the game, and didn't do anything stupid to mess it up. Honerable mention to Jonathon here, I thought he was a great character even though he made a lot of mistakes.Season 14 Fiji: Going to go with Yau Man like everyone else. He is the least physically fit, but he does great in all the challenges. He is a great strategist. He might fit the definition of a survivor more than anybody else in the history of the game.A couple other favorites I wanted to mention were Rudy from Season 1, and Frank from Season 3. Rudy was awesome. He rode Hatch's coattails, but he was one of my favorites because of his comments about Hatch being gay, and his other remarks. Just a funny guy. I liked in All Stars how he immediately went to Rupert and made an alliance right when he saw him lol. Frank was the psycho dude who started acting like he had an elephant tail when he saw an elephant. If anybody remembers him, he was probably the weirdest dude in the history of the game, and I loved it.Actually I'm going to give Rudy Clay's spot because Clay's season sucked and nobody was good in it.As for my final 2 I'll go with Rob from Amazon for being one of the top strategists, and Julie from Vanauatu to add an extremely hot chick who can also play the game. I'll let Yul be an alternate.So to sum things up my 16 areRichardJerryLexBoston RobRudy (taking Clay's spot)JennaJohnny FairplayAmberTwila StephenieDanniTerryOzzyYau-ManAmazon RobJulieI'd like to see a woman be a strategic powerhouse in a upcoming season. I'm tired of seeing all the guys do the strategizing.Sorry for the long post I obviously have a lot to say about Survivor. Link to post Share on other sites
CobaltBlue 662 Posted April 26, 2007 Share Posted April 26, 2007 After the fact, news came out that Lex's answer in the final question was correct also, it just wasn't the answer Survivor Exec's had. So Kim and Lex would have tied and there would have been another question, so Lex could have possibly won the challenge, and he would have probably won if he made it to the final 2. Anyways, us people from Santa Cruz are bitter about that lol. Link to post Share on other sites
king_tanner 84 Posted April 26, 2007 Author Share Posted April 26, 2007 I remember there was a big article about it in our local paper and it was on the news. Didn't hear much else about it though. Link to post Share on other sites
troyomac 0 Posted April 26, 2007 Share Posted April 26, 2007 Season 7 Pearl Islands: I think I'm the only person in the world who loves Johnny Fairplay, but hates Rupert. Pearl Islands - Johnny Fairplay, gotta love the guy. No Rupert for me.. I wasn't as big a fan as everyone else. Frank was the psycho dude who started acting like he had an elephant tail when he saw an elephant. If anybody remembers him, he was probably the weirdest dude in the history of the game, and I loved it.Frank was awesome, I loved when he had to go on a movie date with that gay guy (Brandon?). But I think the weirdest dude in the history of the game was Greg from season 1, he was just strange. Link to post Share on other sites
SweetDaddyFreak 0 Posted April 26, 2007 Share Posted April 26, 2007 Terry was by far my favorite contestant I can remember, also Tom, I think thats his name, he stabbed a shark which was BADASS and went on to win. I was happy with that result Link to post Share on other sites
king_tanner 84 Posted April 27, 2007 Author Share Posted April 27, 2007 Terry was by far my favorite contestant I can remember, also Tom, I think thats his name, he stabbed a shark which was BADASS and went on to win. I was happy with that resultYea that was savage. Richard Hatch 1 up'ed him though on All-Stars when he got bit by a shark, and then he bit it back. Link to post Share on other sites
king_tanner 84 Posted April 27, 2007 Author Share Posted April 27, 2007 Mookie had it coming. You mess with Yau-Man and you get off'ed. Link to post Share on other sites
sinc 0 Posted April 27, 2007 Share Posted April 27, 2007 Alex voting for Mookie was very smart. If he wins imunity or if stacy/boo/dreamz wake up, he could easily shift the power. Link to post Share on other sites
Smacciemac 3 Posted April 27, 2007 Share Posted April 27, 2007 I think if anyone turns to go with Alex it will be Dreamz. He already has proven that he can't be trusted by anyone. I can't stand Stacy. I want her gone so bad. Hopefully when they start turning on eachother they off her.. Link to post Share on other sites
troyomac 0 Posted April 27, 2007 Share Posted April 27, 2007 I'm pretty glad Mookie got voted off, I didn't like him before, but lately I was actually starting to hate him. (I also hope Stacy goes!). But I think it was pretty careless of them to vote 3 and 3. There was no way in hell Alex and Mookie had the immunity idol already with no clues. The way they did it, Dreamz could have switched again (untrustworthy *******), and then if he Alex and Mookie voted together, it would be a 3-3 tie with one of their own alliance members on the chopping block.For the record, I really like how Dreamz has played to get this far. He was an outcast early, but a tribal switch gave him new life, and he's really stirred the pot this season. Now if he's smart, he'll use Alex as the swing, Stacy (even though he hates her) and Boo to get himself to the final 4, because if the alliance holds up to the final 6, he'll be on the outside. Link to post Share on other sites
Governator 54 Posted April 27, 2007 Share Posted April 27, 2007 Well this week wasn't as good as last week and I'm glad Mookie got voted out after snooping through Yau's bag. Yau was pretty careless to keep the hidden immunity idol just lying in his bag but no one should be going through others private belongings. The only thing Mookie did right was bury his hidden immunity idol to keep it away from his stuff.I definitely agree with everything you've said. Also, Sinc is right, Alex made an outstanding move voting for Mookie. What were the odds they did a split vote and his vote for Mookie was the swing vote. He's the smartest player this season, no doubt about it and who knows what will happen next week.Dreamz has done some pretty bold and rather stupid plays but they've paid off somehow for him. He's also very unsure about his current position and I'm sure he probably trusts Alex more than half the remaining players. Alex just needs someonet to trust him to have any shot of getting past next week and I think Dreamz will fit that role. Link to post Share on other sites
Smacciemac 3 Posted April 27, 2007 Share Posted April 27, 2007 I think that if Mookie and Alex went as far as they did by snooping in the bag, they should have just stolen the damn thing. Me and my boyfriend were sitting on the couch yelling.. TAKE IT TAKE IT!!! heheThat would have made for some GOOD TV! hehe Link to post Share on other sites
CobaltBlue 662 Posted April 27, 2007 Share Posted April 27, 2007 For the record, I really like how Dreamz has played to get this far. He was an outcast early, but a tribal switch gave him new life, and he's really stirred the pot this season. Now if he's smart He's not. Seriously...Dreamz might be one of the stupidest players in a while. Others have pulled off bigger betrayals, but few have done it in such careless/oblivious fashion. I thought it was pretty ridiculous when he was trying to explain to Mookie and Alex that he didn't betray them. He tried to come up with some complicated reasoning that didn't make any sense.Also, I figured they'd steal the idol too...but now I'm starting to think that it might be "illegal" to do that. Link to post Share on other sites
brvheart 1,756 Posted April 28, 2007 Share Posted April 28, 2007 I didn't start watching until Season 7, so I can only really go with players I've seen since then. I think this group would be pretty entertaining...RupertJohnny FairplayAmberRob MEthanJenna LLexBobby JonStephenieTomRafeShaneJonathanOzzyYulEdgardo(Upon reflection, it seems that I have very little admiration for most of the women on Survivor.)That's too bad for you, because Australia was easily the best season. There are at least 4 people from that season that I would take on my dream team.Also, Ethan was from Africa, so you messed up... All-Stars season shouldn't count, becuase that was CBS's 'dream team'. Link to post Share on other sites
CobaltBlue 662 Posted April 29, 2007 Share Posted April 29, 2007 That's too bad for you, because Australia was easily the best season. There are at least 4 people from that season that I would take on my dream team.Also, Ethan was from Africa, so you messed up... All-Stars season shouldn't count, becuase that was CBS's 'dream team'.I've heard a number of interesting stories about the Australia season. I was aware of the show had friends that watched it pretty religiously. However, I was pretty opposed to reality tv at that time. I think I had this view that it was a selfish competition that wouldn't really be that interesting. I finally caved in season 7 and found that I enjoyed watching it more than almost any other reality series.Also, as you noted, Ethan was on All-Stars (as were Amber, Rob M, Ethan, Jenna L, Lex)...and since I was exposed to that season and not the others, it counts in my book. Link to post Share on other sites
SweetDaddyFreak 0 Posted May 1, 2007 Share Posted May 1, 2007 I'm sure there is some rule about stealing immunity idols somewhere. Also at the start of the season, Alex was introduced as a Harvard lawyer, so yeah, he's smarter than us Link to post Share on other sites
king_tanner 84 Posted May 1, 2007 Author Share Posted May 1, 2007 I'm sure there is some rule about stealing immunity idols somewhere. Also at the start of the season, Alex was introduced as a Harvard lawyer, so yeah, he's smarter than usYea... there is probably a rule because Mookie would have taken it. I mean even if it's unethical and whatever, I would have taken it if my back was to the wall and I had no other option. I know nobody would vote for me in the final 2, but you still make more money if you make the final 4, and there is usually a challenge where I could win a free car. I would also be famous for being the guy who stole the idol. So I would have went for it if I was Mookie (if there actually is no rule on stealing).Is Survivor sponsored by a car company this season? I remember last season Chevy took their sponsorship away because of the whole race dividing deal and there was no win a car challenge.And don't feel bad for Yau-Man either. Remember week 1 or 2 when he was digging through Sylvia's pack when she got back to camp looking to see if she had the idol? Link to post Share on other sites
hblask 1 Posted May 1, 2007 Share Posted May 1, 2007 He's not. Seriously...Dreamz might be one of the stupidest players in a while.QFT. Totally clueless, strategy-wise. As we were watching last week's episode, we just kept saying that over and over. Link to post Share on other sites
Governator 54 Posted May 4, 2007 Share Posted May 4, 2007 meh... They must've spent hours on the editing for this episode just trying to find something that's interesting and in they end I think they found nothing.Thought it was a bit of a snoozefest to be honest, no one thinking past the final 4 or even 6. Dreamz knows he's going home soon and I think our good friend Yau Man is in "trouble" according to the preview. Link to post Share on other sites
king_tanner 84 Posted May 4, 2007 Author Share Posted May 4, 2007 Yea I agree nothing much on this episode.I thought there was an over-reaction on how much Boo talks. How hard is it to say "Hey Boo, can you be quiet for a second so we can enjoy the scenery?" I'm sure he would have s_hutup if someone said that.I think it would have been best case scenario for Dreamz and the Asian chick (drawing a blank with her name) to go with Alex. There is no way Cassandra would have gone though. She is in the top 3 in her current alliance, possibly even top 2 because Yau Man and Earl will take her to the final 2 since it would be an easy win against her. If she switched alliances she would be in the same situation with Alex and Dreamz, so there was really no point in switching for her.I think it might be smart for Earl to try to get rid of Yau-Man. I actually think Earl will find the other idol next week. He just has to be careful because if you piss to many people off your losing votes in the final 2. So he has to be careful in how he chooses to get rid of Yau-Man if that's what he decides to do.So late in the game if I were Yau-man and thought that I had a 1% chance of getting voted off I would use the idol. I think it might come up next week.I've been saying this all season, they need to get stronger women. Was Cassandra making a sandcastle in the immunity challenge or what? Link to post Share on other sites
troyomac 0 Posted May 5, 2007 Share Posted May 5, 2007 Wow, I found myself actually hoping for YauMan to get the boot just so that something interesting would have happened. Oh well, things are going to get really interesting now that they are down to their alliance of 6. Link to post Share on other sites
UpMySleeve 0 Posted May 5, 2007 Share Posted May 5, 2007 Nice try for Alex to switch things up at the end. Glad he didn't go without a fight.As for Boo, he might still have a shot. He's doing pretty good in challenges, and he'll probably be sent to exile if he loses the first challenge. If he finds the Idol, he could save himself by brining up Yau-man's name to the others. The Idol would buy him a final 4. And if he's smart he'd vote off Earl while everyone else votes for him, and bang, final 3 with two girls. And as far as I know, he didn't backstab anyone to get there... Ok I might be getting ahead of myself lol, but thats one of like 100 posibilitites in the upcoming episodes. I agree that this one was less entertaining, but once we use the Idol, things will heat up! Link to post Share on other sites
troyomac 0 Posted May 6, 2007 Share Posted May 6, 2007 Ok I might be getting ahead of myself lol, but thats one of like 100 posibilitites in the upcoming episodes.Yeah there's sooooo much that could happen now, I'm pretty excited about it! I'm hoping for an Earl, Dreams, Yao Man final because I don't care much for the other 3. Link to post Share on other sites
Governator 54 Posted May 7, 2007 Share Posted May 7, 2007 If any of them had a brain they'd be now looking to get in an alliance with Dreamz. There are a lot of people on the jury who hate that guy (Rocky, Mookie, even Alex). He's the perfect fit for the finals in my mind. So look for Earl and/or Yau Man to break away and seriously look who they want in the finals. Link to post Share on other sites
Governator 54 Posted May 10, 2007 Share Posted May 10, 2007 I'm so disappointed, I thought it was Thursday yesterday and got all prepared for survivor night. Bought some chips & pop and blah blah the show isn't on and I looked like a fool.Tonight's show better be damn good. Link to post Share on other sites
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