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A Few Questions..

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So I have finally started playing online and wanted to know everyones opinions on a few things. first off, I would like to purchase a laptop to play on. I want to have another computer so that my desktop will be just for recreational use. so my question is not which laptop to get because I already know which one I'm considering purchasing. but, how many people would recommend this, and when I do get it should I use the wifi connection, or stay wired? I don't ever plan on playing more then two tables at a time, so I don't feel that will affect anything. what is everyones opinion on using laptops, and for those o you who do, how is it?also, I hear a lot of talk about programs people use to track stats and use them to track other people at the table. what programs are these and where do I get them? also, are they usefull?

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I use wifi with my vaio and it works fine...i play up to 4 tables at a time often as well. Poker tracker softwar is the one to go with. Its complicated, but once you figure it out...its a real nice tool.

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I am buying a new computer just for the reason that I can have a monitor with higher resolution, that does not cause multitable overlap.I also don't know how 'mobil' you will be, or if your just playing poker recreationally but I think it is important to have some sense of focus while playing.

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I plan on being mobile with it. I want to be able to take it with me when I travel and to friends house to play when I get bored. I am hoping that this will become more then recreational, but who knows.

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I'm pretty much a pro these days, since I quit my job, but I use a laptop, and can play 4 tables easily. I wish I had a better setup though. I think I'd rather have a nice desk, big comfy like executive chair, and a 24" monitor. I'd probably double my hourly rate.

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when I do get it should I use the wifi connection, or stay wired?
definately go wireless, otherwise you might as well just have another desktop. Especially if you are planning on using the laptop to play at friends houses or when you travel.
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So I have finally started playing online and wanted to know everyones opinions on a few things. first off, I would like to purchase a laptop to play on. I want to have another computer so that my desktop will be just for recreational use. so my question is not which laptop to get because I already know which one I'm considering purchasing. but, how many people would recommend this, and when I do get it should I use the wifi connection, or stay wired? I don't ever plan on playing more then two tables at a time, so I don't feel that will affect anything. what is everyones opinion on using laptops, and for those o you who do, how is it?also, I hear a lot of talk about programs people use to track stats and use them to track other people at the table. what programs are these and where do I get them? also, are they usefull?
- most new laptops come with wifi - make sure you get one with it. The number of tables you're playing won't make a difference (indeed, the amount you're downloading probably won't either) since 802.11g runs at a faster speed than most DSL/Cable connections - that'll be the thing slowing you down, not your wireless connection- it's not an either/or situation anyways - almost all laptops have both wired & wireless network connectivity - do not buy a laptop without both- if you ever want to play more than 2 tables, compare screen resolutions (over 1200x800 is very nice) on your laptop also... Nothing says you can't hook up a monitor to your laptop and play that way also.-the popular tracking program is PokerTracker - but I only do computers, sure some of the mutli-tabling bots here can answer that better :club:
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