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Stars Sunday Million

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Won a big pot with KK, raised pf, guy reraised, I flat called then c/r all in on the flop, he folded. Then UTG+1 limps, button raises to 900, SB calls, I reraise with QQ from BB to 2500. Button calls, SB pushes for 15k, I think for a while and fold, button folds, SB shows AA.

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Won a big pot with KK, raised pf, guy reraised, I flat called then c/r all in on the flop, he folded. Then UTG+1 limps, button raises to 900, SB calls, I reraise with QQ from BB to 2500. Button calls, SB pushes for 15k, I think for a while and fold, button folds, SB shows AA.
very nice
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i'm in as GabeTheKid...down to 7.6k..Best hands this hour: AK in cutoff - raise to 1200 by late positioner, I push he folds. Next best hand : A9 os. then 44 then A4 os...ya pretty terrible. And everytime I try to steal I get raised...hopefully things will turn around in the next hour, my goal is to get at least average. GL guys.

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Out. First, UTG limps, I raise to 1400 with 88, he calls. Flop Q53, he checks, I push for his 4k, he calls with KQ.Then MP raises to 1250, button calls, I push for 7500 with JJ, MP folds, button calls with KQ. Flop 852, turn K, river no help.GL everyone.

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lost a 20k pot with QQvAKvTT, king on river.oh well, still happy thoughI have 30k more than the next big stack so I will most likely play 70% of hands. get rdy for the roller coaster

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lost a 20k pot with QQvAKvTT, king on river.oh well, still happy thoughI have 30k more than the next big stack so I will most likely play 70% of hands. get rdy for the roller coaster

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Doubled up and I'm up to 13k....had AK suited UTG min raised MP calls, I push for 5.5 k UTG calls, MP folds.. Catch K to beat 99.Also, my brother has like 45k and i have 1/8 of him so hopefully he does well...his name is sparkabowler..

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ty. What I said in the chat was true, if I was a better player I wud have folded, but I'm a donkey calling station hehe
Depending on your read, I think he probably would have lead that flop with JJ. I would imagine, again depending on his style, that he would have limped a small pp, so what is he representing? I would have been more inclined to say he had QQ/KK and thought he could push you off your QJ/KJ because AJ/AQ are probably betting that flop when he checks.Edit: Nevermind, KK/QQ probably would have lead that flop too, I have no idea what he's representing there.
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