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Was curious as to what you FCP'ers thought could be made by working 40 hours a week at 1/2 nl in Las Vegas. I am saying an average with the swings accounted for. What are some of your personal experiences playing live 1/2 nl in Vegas. What do you think a winning player should be able to make a week in this game?Thanks guys.

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1/2 is a little to small of a game to make a living off of even in donk central. have had runs of 6 times my buyin at caesars within 3 hours before but variance will hit you eventually. pbly 2/5 is the smallest game you can actually pay your bills with in vegas.

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Do many (if any) casinos in Vegas cap the buy in to the $1/$2 NL games. I live in MO where they have that dumb law where you can't purchase more than $500 in a 2 hour span (on the odd hour). So all the games here are capped, but in Tunica, MS where they never used to cap any of the games now are starting to: Hollywood caps the $1/$2 NL game at $200, the shoe at $300, and I heard the strike was capping there $1/$2 NL as well. Anyway not to completely tangent from the orginal post, trying to make a living at the $1/$2 NL in MO would be next to impossible and from speaking to guys that do it in Tunica, it used to be not so bad but now has become very difficult since its hard to get money on the table. Although, some say they do well on most weekends and especially on holidays or special events (Super Bowl Sunday) where there is alot of traffic through the games.

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Do many (if any) casinos in Vegas cap the buy in to the $1/$2 NL games. I live in MO where they have that dumb law where you can't purchase more than $500 in a 2 hour span (on the odd hour). So all the games here are capped, but in Tunica, MS where they never used to cap any of the games now are starting to: Hollywood caps the $1/$2 NL game at $200, the shoe at $300, and I heard the strike was capping there $1/$2 NL as well. Anyway not to completely tangent from the orginal post, trying to make a living at the $1/$2 NL in MO would be next to impossible and from speaking to guys that do it in Tunica, it used to be not so bad but now has become very difficult since its hard to get money on the table. Although, some say they do well on most weekends and especially on holidays or special events (Super Bowl Sunday) where there is alot of traffic through the games.
At the Wynn, the NL games are uncapped. They have 1/3, 2/5, 5/10, and 10/20 going during peak.
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1/2 is a little to small of a game to make a living off of even in donk central. have had runs of 6 times my buyin at caesars within 3 hours before but variance will hit you eventually. pbly 2/5 is the smallest game you can actually pay your bills with in vegas.
I've gone on those same runs. At Caesars. Seemed like printing money to me, even when I was fuggin drunk, lol.Maybe things were going my way.... Except pupsta and his god damned river flush!!!
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I know one guy in AC who plays 1/2 ($60-$300 buy in) and he makes about 10k a month. It's hard to do obviously, but I can see it being possible. It's about like 334 dollars a day. I'm sure he plays about 7 days a week as well... Know other people who can consistantly make around 5k a month while playing 5 days a week and so on. Most I've made from one session of 1/2 is a profit of $3,200. Numerous times in the 1k's and 2k's. Not including the $3,200 profit session, one week I made $5,800 just from 1/2. Lots of nice 1/2 and 2/5 games down here depending what casino you go to. Pretty profitable as well a high percentage of the time.

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The most most I've made in a 1/2 session was just under 2k, but dont do what I did and donk it off in a 2/5 thinking you're all hot.

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Do many (if any) casinos in Vegas cap the buy in to the $1/$2 NL games. I live in MO where they have that dumb law where you can't purchase more than $500 in a 2 hour span (on the odd hour). So all the games here are capped, but in Tunica, MS where they never used to cap any of the games now are starting to: Hollywood caps the $1/$2 NL game at $200, the shoe at $300, and I heard the strike was capping there $1/$2 NL as well. Anyway not to completely tangent from the orginal post, trying to make a living at the $1/$2 NL in MO would be next to impossible and from speaking to guys that do it in Tunica, it used to be not so bad but now has become very difficult since its hard to get money on the table. Although, some say they do well on most weekends and especially on holidays or special events (Super Bowl Sunday) where there is alot of traffic through the games.
I think in most places they cap how much you can buy in for. For instance, here in Cincy the local casino has a $1/$3 NL game which is capped at a $300 buy-in. I know of at least one person that I'm like 95% sure plays that game for a living. Of course, I have no idea what his expenses are like and I know cost of living is cheaper here than in Vegas, so you have to take that into consideration.
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In addition to my post above... Didn't really look at the 40 hours per week that the OP said.Playing only 40 hours a week of 1/2 and making enough of a profit to live off of I don't think is really possible. You may be able to pay your bills etc, but won't be able to live comfortably, save up enough money for investments or big purchases, or even to add to your bankroll to possibly move up in stakes. I mentioned my best week was $5,800, lookng through my records I made about $60 an hour that week, but I also played 96 hours that week, almost 14 hours per day... There have been times where I've doubled up my very first hand from 300 to 600. Times where I am up over 1k in two hours. Sometimes it might take me 20 straight hours to get up 1k. You may be able to consistantly make a certain amount of money week and per month. Some weeks you can get by with 20 hours, some with 40 hours, others it may take 60 hours, or even 100 hours.I've made anywhere from 9 an hour to like 70 an hour, on varying weeks. It can vary big time with the streaks you will go on. I've had consistant weeks, of atleast a month maybe more, of 30-50 an hour, in that range. That's not a bad month at all.I'm sure as you move up in stakes you may be able to cut down on hours, as you will be winning bigger pots and more money. While yes, you can lose more money as well. You can also play tighter and pick better spots, since you can win more money per pot. In 1/2 you can't just sit there all night day after day and play tight and expect to make enough to live off of. I don't have exactly the best experience in games above 2/5. Having played 5/10 a few times with I believe it was a 1500 max buy in. I did play a little tighter in the 5/10 game and made some decent money. You'd probably have to play above 5/10 to really just sit back and wait for hands like I mentioned. 2/5 around here you can sort of do that since the pots build up quick, but still you can't play that tight in my opinion. A few people I have talked to recommend 15k-20k for 1/2 bankroll and 30k-40k for a 2/5 bankroll... While it may seem a little high, I tend to agree with it. I've lost 2k in a night playing 2/5, thats only 4 buy ins. I've had some weeks where I had 3k in losing sessions and 5k in winning sessions. Yes, I made a 2k profit, but I did have 3k in losing sessions, what if I didn't win that 5k? Thing can go down hill quickly and if you have a large bankroll it won't be effecting your play or your money outside your bankroll. There have been times where I've played scared, only having a few buyins on me for the day or for the week and it does effect your play a lot. Your folding hands you might normally call that would be winners, not playing certain starting hands (playing way too tight), not making certain bets or raises, not being able to protect your hand, etc... because if you lose some of your stack you can't reload. If you reload and lose, you can't play anymore for that day or week. Then you aren't getting paid that week, and the following week you may be play off your game trying to get even, etc.. It messes up a lot of things, why those bankrolls don't seem big to me.As the thread goes on I'll try to think of more to respond to.

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i won a $1230 pot after about 3 hours of $1/$2 NL in Tunica this weekend so divide that into 40 its clear you can make $16,400 a week playing $1/$2 NL.

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Do many (if any) casinos in Vegas cap the buy in to the $1/$2 NL games. I live in MO where they have that dumb law where you can't purchase more than $500 in a 2 hour span (on the odd hour). So all the games here are capped, but in Tunica, MS where they never used to cap any of the games now are starting to: Hollywood caps the $1/$2 NL game at $200, the shoe at $300, and I heard the strike was capping there $1/$2 NL as well. Anyway not to completely tangent from the orginal post, trying to make a living at the $1/$2 NL in MO would be next to impossible and from speaking to guys that do it in Tunica, it used to be not so bad but now has become very difficult since its hard to get money on the table. Although, some say they do well on most weekends and especially on holidays or special events (Super Bowl Sunday) where there is alot of traffic through the games.
The Grand's tables are capped. 1/2 has a 200 max buy-in.
i won a $1230 pot after about 3 hours of $1/$2 NL in Tunica this weekend so divide that into 40 its clear you can make $16,400 a week playing $1/$2 NL.
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i won a $1230 pot after about 3 hours of $1/$2 NL in Tunica this weekend so divide that into 40 its clear you can make $16,400 a week playing $1/$2 NL.
Brag post....keep quiet NOOB!J/K nicely done!
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If you buy in for $300 and JUST double it every day, playing 5 days a week you will be making $78,000 a year ($300 profit x 5 days a week x 52 weeks/year) You're rich but most people make a lot less than that every year and probably work harder and longer for it too!

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I've gone on those same runs. At Caesars. Seemed like printing money to me, even when I was fuggin drunk, lol.Maybe things were going my way.... Except pupsta and his god damned river flush!!!
Same experience here. But I'd be hard pressed to do it for a living.
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a)what bankroll would you need to play $1/$2 nl?any difference if you played full time, part time, or recreationaly but still want to make money?B)and lastly what BR for $2/$5 nl?
one buyin is all you need:a) $200B ) $500
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I was in Vegas in December during a slow period and I played at The Mirage, The Venetian and Caesars (briefly before a tourney at noon) and I never once saw $800 on the table. At The Venetian one night I was "racing" a guy to $600 and neither of us made it. We both had the table covered. He came closer but yeah, 1/2 NLHE 200 max for the week I was there, I didn't see any real big stacks. I was card dead for the first 3 days and when I caught some hands I got up to $600 then donked most of it off. Thats my fault, but I don't know if I was at tight tables or playing too early (9pm-2am) or what, but I didn't see lots of money getting in the middle. At Caesars, I did make $175 in less than an hour before my tourney but for some reason, I didn't go back. I wanted to hit up that MGM game but never did. I don't claim to be a pro but I tried a couple of different styles to coax chips out of the table but getting paid off was huge. I was giving lots of action as well. Like I said, I was there during a slow period (Dec 11-15) and maybe the cards just didn't "cool" enough for me to get tons of action. I didn't have a ton of decisions to make in regards to folding to huge raises.my .02

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1/2 is hard to make a living at IMHO. Harrah's 1/2 is a freaking joke and I have no idea what I was doing there last weekend. :club: Having good game selection may be more important for long term success at B&Ms.

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