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Daniel's Trip Down Under

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Needless to say I was disappointed to see that Daniel had busted out of both the $100K and Main Event. I enjoy reading about KidPoker and his success, not his failures. This is where the story changes however. Daniel is not a failure but a consummate pro who is very humble in a "sport' where most of the time you hear guys complaining about their "bad beats." If it were someone like Phil Hellmuth writing about the Kh3h hand in the 100K you would have only read about how the other guy was a donkey for calling and how he knew the other guy was on a weaker flush or str8 draw and how he read the hand perfectly knowing that his bottom pair was the best hand after the flop. Daniel realizes his mistakes and moves on. How many other pro's have you heard say they made an amateurish call? Reading about his call with a flush draw (in the main event), bottom pair and running into two pair is my life over and over again. I make that play over and over thinking it is a good call (not in $10K buy-ins mind you) but because I tend to "gamble" too much because I am an amateur. Hearing about how it is not the right call only helps us amateurs. I am convinced that Daniel will bounce back quickly from his disappointing trip "down under" because he realizes his mistakes and learns from them. Thanks for sharing the "down under" moments with us Daniel. We all know that you'll be back on top of your game in no time.Thanks also for being so humble!

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He is human. ... (maybe a little homesick too?)I would hate being away from home for 3+ weeks straight. On top of that, going through so many time zones, hours of flying non- stop, PLUS (no offense D) he's not 23 anymore. He's hardly 'OLD' but 30+ is when you first realize that "hmmmm...for some reason I feel more tired than usual?" feeling. All of that added up can really alter the mindset and set you up for some less than optimal decision making. Still...we are talking about one of the worlds best. And for some sick reason I find it a little re-assuring that even the best in the world can occasionally make the same mistakes that all of us amateurs make. It also sounds like maybe Daniel is putting too much pressure on himself? (i.e. making big predictions, cutting the hair, etc.) Just chill out and try to get back to that relaxed, dominating confidence that he had going into the last 2 months of '06. Pure sickness! Good things are coming...Deep Fried Tunica awaits!, lol. :club:

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Honesty & Friendliness are some of the qualities that make Daniel "Pokers Most Popular Player"...he is always quite forward and honest even when it sometimes creates fire for the jealous flamers.

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I agree -- though I don't know about the spandex.I'd much rather read a blog with that kind of reality than a bunch of self-promoting bulls***.I think he needs a hug. Maybe he should make a pitstop in Vegas on the way to Tunica and get one from Lori. (I certainly don't want him to "get one of the road."

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I went here to post about Daniel’s Down Under Blog and lo and behold everything I was going to post has already been posted! That’s why Daniel is so darn likeable; he is refreshingly honest and true to himself and his fans. If I were to lose my chips to anyone, it might as well be him.

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dn if you want to get pumped up and re-worked for the tourny season then get out and enjoy australia.seriously it is a beautiful country, and i feel very privileged to live in a country where people can literally spend hundreds of thousands of dollars on a vacation.i walk outside everyday and can see all of it, and for some reason it really gives you a good feeling about EVERYTHING in life.just get out to a local pub and get some g'day talk in with the crowd.

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Wow, Daniel, I just read your latest entry about busting out by uncharacteriscally calling a wild all-in bet... and it hit home because coincidentally, I'm kicking myself for a recent series of similar tourney-busting poor decisions... having busted after calling all-in on a ridiculously large all-in raise at a tournament just a week ago, the 2nd time in 2 weeks I had done that, then busted out just tonight in a tourney raising all-in with pocket aces after missing the flop, and losing when the other guy turned over pocket K's and completed a K set on the turn. This is also very out of character for me as even though I keep my play loose, I usually bet and raise carefully, and avoid these all-in confrontations when I don't have the nuts. I had built good, competitive stacks with consistent pot wins and got deep into the tourney in all three instances, and had no need to make or call all-in bets against bigger stacks like that. I'm upset because I was already kicking myself after the 1st and 2nd times, so you can imagine my unhappiness with having just done it AGAIN.It's refreshing to see that even one of the best has these moments, and in fact had one not long after I just had one. That said, I'm sure you'll shake it off and come back strong.Hope you get some R&R in Australia before you head off.

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He is human. ... (maybe a little homesick too?)On top of that, going through so many time zones, hours of flying non- stop, PLUS (no offense D) he's not 23 anymore. He's hardly 'OLD' but 30+ is when you first realize that "hmmmm...for some reason I feel more tired than usual?" feeling. :club:
Entirely agree. You cannot underestimate the effects of the long travel and change in timezones that the Eastern USA to Eastern Australia journey has on your body and mind. Having done a trip from Sydney to Florida and return in the space of 7 days recently (I am 37), I can say that it had a much greated negative impact on me than I expected. So when Daniel says "was a little groggy for some reason and didn't feel like I was all there coming into the Aussie Millions event", I am sure that is the reason. Either that or he was hungover!
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Entirely agree. You cannot underestimate the effects of the long travel and change in timezones that the Eastern USA to Eastern Australia journey has on your body and mind. Having done a trip from Sydney to Florida and return in the space of 7 days recently (I am 37), I can say that it had a much greated negative impact on me than I expected. So when Daniel says "was a little groggy for some reason and didn't feel like I was all there coming into the Aussie Millions event", I am sure that is the reason. Either that or he was hungover!
Practically every book on poker I've read talks about deciding when to play and when not to, what constitutes a good table, when to get up if the players change, all that. The thing with these tournaments is, you start when they say, play at whatever table they say with whomever they say. I dunno - maybe in these cases it would help to arrive significantly early, like a few days when you fly halfway around the world. Or maybe there are just days no one should play and there's not much for it.
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