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Question About Deep Stacked Limit Event

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Daniel or any other Limit player who wishes to chime in,In about 2 weeks Im going to play an event at the Borgata in AC. Its a Limit event with 5000 in starting chips, 40 minute rounds, starting at 25-25 blinds. Ive never played an event with starting chips over 3k in a LIMIT holdem event and even that one was short 30 minute rounds. How would you attack such a deep stacked event? Unless I am at a relatively weak or tight table I was thinking of actually being a little tighter than normal early on. My thinking is that with the deep stacks that people are going to be chasing a lot more early on and its going to play a lot like a low limit cash game up at the Taj. I have a basic idea of how I want to play it. I just wanted some opinions. Everyone I have told about this event looked at me like I am nuts when I told them the structure. Its going to be such an awesome tournament.If you havent figured it out yet, Im a Limit game nut.

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I'm a NLHE player, but I feel that the basics for playing big stack are the same. I recommend just playing tight for the first few levels to establish a tight presence. With the blinds so low early on, there won't be much out there to fight for. Then when you open up and play more around level four other players may feel that you've got a good hand and give you respect.Good luck!

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I've had great success in limit tournaments using a strategy along these lines:1) SUPER TIGHT early on. I look to avoid any marginal situations and wait only for premium situations that are low risk with a high probability of winning. 2) Go against the grain throughout the event. The looser the game, the more careful you need to be. Don't try and run over a wild aggressive game. If the game is passive, then play it safe early, but when you get past the 100-200 level it's a good time to aggressively go after blinds from ALL positions. 3) Be wary of your table image. If you've raised two hands in a row, don't raise the third hand unless you have to.4) Three bet in position, call out of position. If you are in the blinds in a tournament, don't 3-bet unless you have a very strong hand. No need putting in more chips out of position without seeing a flop first.5) Think value bet instead of bluff. Be agressive before and after the flop, but by the turn, don't put in too much action unless you are fairly certain that you are in the lead. Good luck... I think I have a column! lol...

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Daniel,If you do write an article, mention me as your inspiration. :-) (James from Appomattox) Seriously tho, thanks for the advice. Im going to be playing a limit O8 event tommorrow and will try it out. I normally tend to play tight early as a rule, but I think Im going to try some of the other things as well. Will let you know how it goes.

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Daniel,If you do write an article, mention me as your inspiration. :-) (James from Appomattox) Seriously tho, thanks for the advice. Im going to be playing a limit O8 event tommorrow and will try it out. I normally tend to play tight early as a rule, but I think Im going to try some of the other things as well. Will let you know how it goes.
Oh no! You didn't tell me it was Omaha H/L! In that case, do a lot of limping in early with your bigger hands from EP and raise with them from late position after you've gotten a few loose limpers. Also, three bet with hands that have both high and low features. Avoid doing that with hands that are strictly low or high, those do better multi-way.
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Oh no! You didn't tell me it was Omaha H/L! In that case, do a lot of limping in early with your bigger hands from EP and raise with them from late position after you've gotten a few loose limpers. Also, three bet with hands that have both high and low features. Avoid doing that with hands that are strictly low or high, those do better multi-way.
Daniel,The advice I asked for was indeed for a limit Holdem event that is on the 21st at the Borgata. I see how I might have confused ya. Later on after posting I was going to try the limit strategy today I realized that I goofed. Some of the tips still seem very applicable to my event tho and thats why I said that. Thanks for the Omaha tips tho. I definately can use them.
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Daniel,The advice I asked for was indeed for a limit Holdem event that is on the 21st at the Borgata. I see how I might have confused ya. Later on after posting I was going to try the limit strategy today I realized that I goofed. Some of the tips still seem very applicable to my event tho and thats why I said that. Thanks for the Omaha tips tho. I definately can use them.
nice way to squeeze out even more tips!
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nice way to squeeze out even more tips!
I wish I could say that was my motivation, but it honestly wasnt.Btw, I went pretty deep in that Omaha event. I finished 55th in a field over 200. Only 27 paid however. Hands went cold later in the event and I was at a table where trying to steal was literally useless as one of 2 players were in almost every hand. If one guy wasnt in, the other was, and they were hitting with insane hands. Prime example. One of them had 10, 10, 3, 7 rainbow. Flop comes 2,3, J with 2 spades. The guy calls 2 bets and hits running 10's for quads. The hand I went out on QQ103 double suited in the big blind with no raise. Flop QJA. 2 callers. Turn is another A and my last bet goes in as I have 1 bet left. Of course one of the 2 above mentioned players came in with AQ97 rainbow and had a better boat. Oh well. Still my best finish of the week live.This post has been edited to reflect the fact that I typed in the wrong flop....
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The hand I went out on QQ103 double suited in the big blind with no raise. Flop QQA. 2 callers. Turn is another A and my last bet goes in as I have 1 bet left. Of course one of the 2 above mentioned players came in with AQ97 rainbow and had a better boat. Oh well. Still my best finish of the week live.
You had quads while he had a boat, correct? What am I missing here?
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You had quads while he had a boat, correct? What am I missing here?
Atari,Im an idiot. I typed the wrong flop. I had Q's on the brain. Flop was QJA, not QQA. I WISH it was QQA but that was a snafu by me. I turned Q's full while the opponent turned A's full.
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  • 2 weeks later...

Daniel or anyone, is this for a limit DS, or just a limit hold'em event. Sadly there is no no limit in the Santa Clara area and most of the tournaments are limit. This looks to be good advice. Can anyone comment on this?

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Daniel or anyone, is this for a limit DS, or just a limit hold'em event. Sadly there is no no limit in the Santa Clara area and most of the tournaments are limit. This looks to be good advice. Can anyone comment on this?
DUDE!! Where is this place at that has Limit tourneys only? Tell me and Ill make a special trip sometime. The strategy was supposed to be for Limit Holdem tourneys btw.
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