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the thing about getting better at expert is recognizing patterns that come up frequently. As someone said, right clicking for flags is helpful but can slow you down. That's not to say I'm good or actually follow this advice, but I've watched and talked to people who are good. It's all about those larger patterns and being able to click 'em without thinking. Like alot of games, sometimes the best way to go about it is just to do it, focus by not focusing so much. My buddy's gf got her best score (70 or something) while talking on the phone. And, yes one example makes the rule.

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So what is the trick when you get to the end and you have to make a 50/50 guess? Do i do it wrong to get to that point? The only time I beat expert is to guess correct once throughout the puzzle.
if its really a 50/50, what to do is easyfor tiimes' sake, instantly pick one at random
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  • 3 weeks later...

Wow I can't believe some of the scores you guys have posted. I watched the you tube click and am amazed. Looks like work will be suffering some more.

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A few years back i went through a minesweeper-craze. I was literally playing 6+ hours a day. Best times:B-1sI-18sE-56sI used to take screenshots whenever i broke a record. Not sure if i still have them.As Eddie said, when you get to a 50/50 situation the idea is to make the guess as soon as possible, though sometimes one option is going to be more helpful in clearing thearea than the other - so you might as well make the +EV guess...

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This has to be the worst topic about the worst possible way to spend your time. I'll just be on my way.

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