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All of these hands I raised pre-flop at .5/1(6 max) NLHE on Bodog, and all of them I continuation bet on the flop with the best hand, but my sticky opponent would call every pre-flop raise and every bet on the flop with any pair.99 < K8(called flop bet with middle pair 8's, turned the K)KK < A2(flopped bottom pair and turned the A)JJ < QJ(don't remember specifics)AK < KJ(both flopped TP, he turned his J and rivered another J just to rub it in)Q6 < 67(both flopped trips 6's and he runner runnered a straight)JJ < 86(called flop bet with bottom pair 6's, rivered his backdoor flush)....all against the same guy within 30 minutes totalling around $300

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What kind of cont bet were you making? In my extremely limited cash table experience, nothing short of 1.5 to 2.5 times the pot will push a guy off a draw, so betting 50-75% of the pot will get you called.

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What kind of cont bet were you making? In my extremely limited cash table experience, nothing short of 1.5 to 2.5 times the pot will push a guy off a draw, so betting 50-75% of the pot will get you called.
But if he calls on a draw where you have bet the size of the pot and he calls you will be making long term profits regardless of if he makes his hand or not. If however you overbet the pot like 2.5 times on the flop and he makes his draw then you have lost even more in a single play.
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