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100nl bodog 6maxHero: 100CO: 100Button: covers bothHero in bb: K :club: Q :club:Preflop: 1 fold, co calls, button calls, sb folds, hero checksPot: 4Flop: 4 :D 5 :D 6 :D Action: Hero bets 3, co raises to 25, Button flat calls, Hero????This hand happened about a week ago but both players were decent good players though the button was riding a rushWhats my action?

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You could raise pf too, wouldn't be especially horrible. But I'm not against calling.But yeah, obv push on flop. I think the pot is big enough to take down now, and not peel. No need to see a club or the board pair.Mark

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I think I always raise this hand preflop. I love playing big suited cards in decent-sized pots, no matter my position, in multiway pots. Plus, raising out of the blinds always gives us just a liiittle bit extra fold equity to make up for our position deficit. But I think you want to build yourself a pot here with a hand that can hit the flop really hard.And I shove them all in there, and leave the rest up to God. Button has a hand here, but he could beat you into the pot drawing dead. He could also beat you into the pot while YOU are drawing dead, too.Wang

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I think I always raise this hand preflop. I love playing big suited cards in decent-sized pots, no matter my position, in multiway pots.
that's because you're a limit hold 'em player, and you've read ed miller too many times. this isn't always a raise in nl.
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I'm definitely against re-raising pre-flop. K/Q suited is more of a drawing hand than anything. And if you re-raise and don't hit the flop, you're then forced to make a continuation bet out of position, which is often a recipie for disaster. Call, and wait to see the flop before you commit any more chips to the pot. Once the flop comes and there is a bet/call, shoving all-in is the only option. Since this is Bodog we're talking about, your shove is getting called by any set, 2-pair, big overpair, and maybe even just an ace-high flush draw. That's 4 groups of calling hands which you beat versus just one which you don't. Those are the implied odds that you should be dreaming about. Shove!

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I'm definitely against re-raising pre-flop. K/Q suited is more of a drawing hand than anything. And if you re-raise and don't hit the flop, you're then forced to make a continuation bet out of position, which is often a recipie for disaster. Call, and wait to see the flop before you commit any more chips to the pot. Once the flop comes and there is a bet/call, shoving all-in is the only option. Since this is Bodog we're talking about, your shove is getting called by any set, 2-pair, big overpair, and maybe even just an ace-high flush draw. That's 4 groups of calling hands which you beat versus just one which you don't. Those are the implied odds that you should be dreaming about. Shove!
It is not a reraise PF.I could go either way on PF, depending on how weak-tight they are post flop, and their propensity to fold to my c-bet when I don't improve.
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I don't raise this in the BB hardly ever
I'm with you. It's not a strong enough hand to play out of position. As far as the hand, push. One guy has a set, the other has a smaller flush, or the Ace. Push and hope your hand holds.
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100nl bodog 6maxHero: 100CO: 100Button: covers bothHero in bb: K :club: Q :club:Preflop: 1 fold, co calls, button calls, sb folds, hero checksPot: 4Flop: 4 :D 5 :D 6 :D Action: Hero bets 3, co raises to 25, Button flat calls, Hero????This hand happened about a week ago but both players were decent good players though the button was riding a rushWhats my action?
The button's flat call scares the pants off me... What hand(s) flat calls here?
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