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Rake Back Sites

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I've recently signed up for cuttherake.com, as they said they give rake back for Bodog, but I have yet to get anything back from them. I've gotten responses from them how to fix it, but they're very pert with their answers (almost to the point of rudeness) and very ambiguous. So I was hoping someone on here could help me get started on another rake back site that works for Bodog.

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They don't show a rakebreak for Bodog.
It is my understanding Bodog does not permit sites to advertise rakeback for their site, you'll need a buddy-referral or personalized offer to get it.
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It is my understanding Bodog does not permit sites to advertise rakeback for their site, you'll need a buddy-referral or personalized offer to get it.
Rakebreak.com showed Bodog last time I checked...
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You can get Bodog through my sig link. As well as a ton of other sites. Just don't talk too much about it... they are threatening to get rid of it if people talk about it on the actual site. It's kinda a don't ask, don't tell type of thing.

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