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Does Any Other Company Besides Ongame Inspire This Much Anger?

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http://www.pokerroom.com/pokah/forum/messa...mp;pageNumber=1Long story, short - they advertised a tournament in the sign-up area with a guarranteed prize amount. After a guy finished at the final table, he won $1200. He then bought in for a couple other tourneys and whittled his account to $900.The next day, he found out that Pokerroom took the money back after claiming a "whoopsie." They claimed that the prize amount was wrong, it shouldn't have been guarranteed, and that the email they sent out never said there was a guarranteed prize amount. The guy was left with nothing.Is it just me, or does only PR and Hollywood Poker inspire this much anger? I honestly have no idea why anyone continues to play, american or not.
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http://www.pokerroom.com/pokah/forum/messa...mp;pageNumber=1Long story, short - they advertised a tournament in the sign-up area with a guarranteed prize amount. After a guy finished at the final table, he won $1200. He then bought in for a couple other tourneys and whittled his account to $900.The next day, he found out that Pokerroom took the money back after claiming a "whoopsie." They claimed that the prize amount was wrong, it shouldn't have been guarranteed, and that the email they sent out never said there was a guarranteed prize amount. The guy was left with nothing.Is it just me, or does only PR and Hollywood Poker inspire this much anger? I honestly have no idea why anyone continues to play, american or not.
wow that is pretty crazy. I would be pissed if I was that guy.
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I used to play there a lot back when I could, and they'd always freeze during tournies with 1000+ and not give anyone their money back until you'd ***** at them at least 10 times over the phone.. They had a lot of variety that's one thing that I liked but other than that Ongame sucks as a whole.

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I haven't played at PR in a long time, and HP has gone downhill faster than any site I have ever seen in the last couple of months. PR was famous for frozen tourneys and refusing to pay back players any more than their buy-in, no matter their relative place when the freeze occurred. You never got an email response back, unless they finally responded by telling you that the problem is on your end, and to "clear your cache." Talking to them on the phone was beyond pointless, as they never understood you and you never understood them due to english not being their first language.Things like this guy's problem have been happening for a long time, now, although this is the worst in recent memory. To actually take the money out of the guy's account? That takes balls. I asked this question over there time and time again - why do people play there? It's like asking an abused woman why she stays with her boyfriend. It makes no sense, it's not healthy, yet people just can't make the seperation.

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I bitched at about 5 different service reps and then one said he'd send me out an email, and he did, and he included 5 5.50 buyins when all I lost was one. That was the only good experiance I have ever had with pokerroom.

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powerplayer.com, a former pokerroom skin, stole 4k from me, which I had to fight for 4 months before I finally got it all back. The best thing that happened to FCP was leaving the ongame network. Those guys are crooks.erac

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Here's the latest update in the guy's own words:Thanks for ur support everyone. This is part of the latest email that I received from a PR supervisor. (We do realise that it was a mistake on our side, and we appreciate that you were given incorrect information. However the decision to remove the funds from your account was made by our Tournaments department. I did not promise that you will recive the full amount back. This money was given to you by mistake. It was never yours.) My reply as follows:( The point that I am making is that the tournament was described online with a guaranteed pool of $19k. Thats why I played in it. The money was not "given" to me. I won that money for finishing 4th in the tournament.Now if 2 days after the event the tournament department decided that it shouldnt have been a $19000 guarantee tournament its not my problem. Pay out as advertised at the time the tournament is being played )I'll keep you all informed on the outcome I'm astounded. "It was never yours?" Tell me again - why do people still play there?

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i liked PR's layout and such, but the software kept crapping out all the time when i played there. the only reason i kept playing untilthere untill we were banned was because of the 5 person shorthand tournies. but yeah, PR sucks

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fuk this ****. i just read that whole thread on pokerrooms forums. what a joke. i cant believe they allow this ****. i hope they go down for it, and i sure am glad i quit playin there ages ago.what a joke.nobheads

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Man, that sucks. I hope the dude gets his money back.You know what's really really cool?If this happend to someone playing under the FCP skin, it would have been made right.

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Oh, I agree that different skins would have handled this differently. A few moths ago, I'd have given the same benefit of the doubt to Hollywood, but not lately. PR doing this doesn't quite surprise me totally, but I'm still a bit amazed at how clueless their customer service is. If you read all 26+ pages of pissed off anger, you'll see how they're desperate to offer the players 1/10 of what they're owed in hopes of shutting people up. It isn't working.

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Seems PR also fired one of their player mods for making the thread a sticky thread and for complaining when it was unstuck. Anoher of their mods will be next, since he's less than thrilled about the developments and will be heading to a site with more "integrity and honesty."If this has caused anyone to not deposit like Bud, then I'm glad I could help.

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If this has caused anyone to not deposit like Bud, then I'm glad I could help.
I also had a problem with their support. One customer service rep told me one thing. Then after I made a deposit, Pokerroom didn't follow through with what the CSR told me. I talked to another CSR on live support and was told that promotions would email me. They obvisouly never did. I'm going to write Pokerroom an email.I'm sure it won't do anything, but if enough of us do this explaining why we think this is unacceptable and why we will never make another deposit on their site (or any other on their network) they will be forced to improve their cutomer service.
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A phrase you'll hear often if you troll those boards is "All they care about is the rake!"I definitely encourage you to email them, but they're fond of passing the back to other departments and then forgetting about you. In the original thread that I linked, you can see the same thing occur when "GamesRep" blamed the tournament department in his explanation. I'd email them as well, but I'm american and they don't give a damn about me. As an aside, there are now threads on Full Tilt, pocket 5's, and Total Bluff about this horrible public relations mess that PR got themselves into. I'm guessing when all is said and done, they're going to end up costing themselves more than they would have if they had just sucked it up, realized they made a mistake, and paid the prizes according to what was actually listed in the tourney info after the tourney had ended. You just can't make this stuff up....unreal.

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That really sucks. The guy who got screwed should be sure to tell PR that he is posting this on many poker forums to warn others.Gotta agree with GWCGWC.....Bob rules and that's why I will follow FCP . When do Americans get to play there again ? I'm being lazy

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As an update, this has been going for 2 days straight now, with ZERO resolution.Someone did the math and figured out that a regular 20+2 tournament of that size would offer a lot more money than was paid out after PR stole the money from the player accounts. It seems that the "extra" prizes that PR included were actually being paid for by the entry fees, even though the term "extra" was used.So to recap: - The word "guaranteed" means nothing to them, as even though the 19k was guaranteed, Pokerroom went back on their word after initially paying out the 19k in payouts. The fact that their own terms of service clearly say that all prizes will be paid out according to the tournament info also apparently means nothing. - The thread (which is 40+ pages, now, but very much worth the time) has been "unstickied" several times in hopes of it going away. When Pokerroom realized this wasn't going to blow over, they attempted to move the thread to the "Social Lounge" as posts in there don't show up on the Pokah main page. After yet another outcry, it got moved back to the player lounge and stickied for the 4th time or so.- By my count, 2 player moderators have been fired, with a few more to follow if their replies are any indication. One of the mods, as well as a few long-time posters have received 10 year bans. Apparently, Pokerroom thinks stealing from their customers is a good way to remain in business for 10 more years.For the love of god, please spread the word to any friends or family that you have that is thinking about depositing at this site. There are so many shady elements to all of this, that it's honestly hard to keep track of them all. Of all of the things I have seen happen at this site, this is by far the worst and Pokerroom deserves to be held accountable.

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Yeah, I forgot to add that in the long list of shady elements about all of this. Notice that the other money winners received nothing and were flat-out told by Pokerroom that the 1st place guy never received the $2000.As for your question, the only skin sites I know of are Hollywood Poker. I think Bayoupoker is one, but I'm not sure.

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