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Kk - The Endless Discussion

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i did an experiment and took note of the times I folded KK preflop and got to see if i made the correct fold. of 22 preflop folds of KK, my opponents either showed or went to showdown with AA 18 times.i used to never fold KK preflop, but then I started to like money
just for some understanding.. you're telling us that you folded KK preflop 22 times and you were right 82 percent of the time? Not to mention that those are only the ones that were shown down....so technically you could have been right 100 percent of the time. you're lying... 1. i doubt out of 22 times you see aces shown down 18 or just flat out shown. If i thats true you should try playing with people that dont vacation in the pysc ward. 2. making that statement shows how dumb you are... why would you fold KK preflop that many times when people make the same play with hands that you have dominated? I dont care what you say.. folding KK preflop in most situations has Neg. EV.... if this is true (which i would be willing to give anyone 200 to 1 that it isnt)then that doesnt make you a good player or even a smarter player, it makes you a mediocre at best break-even player.
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Bill Fillmaff says that it is "+EV to fold pocket kings preflop headsup if there is a raise or the possibility of a raise." (Secret System- chap. 4)

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