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Where To Play, Where To Play?

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looking for somewhere else to play, here's what i'm looking for (primarily going to be playing LHE at 2/4 and below)1) rakeback (never had it, no clue how it works, but it's +EV, right?)2) easy to multi-table3) poker tracker compatible (preferably without the aid of a handgrabber, dog watch for bodog is not working well for me) HUD compatibility would be nice as well (never used it though)4) spreads PLO8thanks!

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If you don't mind shorthanded play some of the time, ie during non-peak hours, AP is probably your best bet.Talk to Abbaddabba, and he'll set you up with rakeback. As a matter of fact, I'm sure he'll see this thread and respond, lol.Either way, 28% rakeback, $750 100% deposit bonus, which is NOT deducted from your RB, and like 3 weekly reload bonus, usually about 20% upto $200, or 30% up to $300, depending on your VIP level.I'm in the process of going over there to grind 1/2 LHE.If you factor in rakeback, the pretty well continuous bonuses, and the VIP points, simply breaking even at the tables will net you about $20/hour playing 4 tables of 1/2.Anyways, talk to Abbaddabba for more info.

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how are the sngs at AP (specifically the $10-$30 range)
I play the $10 SNG's (1 table) and they're pretty soft, full of either weak-tighties or bad LAG's. Once you're close to the money EVERYONE hides in a shell hoping to cash in. That's when I usually run over them. Blind structure is pretty good, allowing you to mix up your play. Between that, rakeback, bonuses and small winrate in cash games = most profitable site on Earth for me!!
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1) rakeback (never had it, no clue how it works, but it's +EV, right?)Full Tilt has up to 27% rakeback. PokerStars has 0%. Bonuswhores says Full Tilt has had $300 reload bonuses about every two months. PokerStars has had $120 about every three months.2) easy to multi-tableFull Tilt hogs more resources (or so I've heard; it works fine for me). A nice feature of Full Tilt is that you can have it put you at the bottom of each table (PAHud is compatible with this feature too). PokerStars has resizable windows, which is great.3) poker tracker compatible (preferably without the aid of a handgrabber, dog watch for bodog is not working well for me) HUD compatibility would be nice as well (never used it though)Poker Tracker and PAHud work with both Full Tilt and PokerStars. At Full Tilt, you can datamine (observed hand histories are saved).4) spreads PLO8Although Full Tilt just began spreading high stakes PLO8, PokerStars has much more PLO8 traffic. Looking right now, PokerStars has like 50 tables up to $3/$6 and Full Tilt has about 20 tables up to $50/$100 (but the next stakes down are $2/$4).Winners:1) Rakeback/Bonuses: Full Tilt2) Multitability: PokerStars3) Poker Tracker: Full Tilt4) PLO8 Traffic: PokerStarsOverall: I would say Full Tilt is better than PokerStars mainly because of its superior rakeback. Also, if you datamine, Full Tilt is great. Table selection is much easier when you can open 16 tables, watch TV for 30 minutes, and come back, seeing exactly which tables are fishiest. Honestly, it's pretty close and I may be biased because FT is my home right now.
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uhhhhh, if you're not playing on bodog you're losing money.
yes, but only 3 tables/no pokertracker/no 6 max games between 1/2 and 4/8 are making me consider moving elsewhere. i have the "tools" to 6 table effectively, so I'm missing out by getting in half as many hands as i should be.i'll still play at bodog for sng's/donkaments though.
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