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Anyone Else Hates Playing Minbet?

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Recently, I've developed a dislike for playing 10/20 and 20/40 minbet Holdem. Feels kinda annoying given how the game is to a large degree a drawing game. Anyone else feels the same way? Anyone felt so sick of playing minbet that they've never gone back???Weirdly, I do enjoy playing Limit O8 and Triple Draw.

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Recently, I've developed a dislike for playing 10/20 and 20/40 minbet Holdem. Feels kinda annoying given how the game is to a large degree a drawing game. Anyone else feels the same way? Anyone felt so sick of playing minbet that they've never gone back???Weirdly, I do enjoy playing Limit O8 and Triple Draw.
whats "minbet" ???
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The fish are playing NLHE folks.TV and the opportunity to double up in a single hand make NL donkalicious.I think it will eventually come full circle where the crappy NL players just get sick of getting stacked and LHE will once again thrive but I've gone from NL to limit to NL. When the trend changes I'll be the first to jump back on the limit wagon.

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The fish are playing NLHE folks.TV and the opportunity to double up in a single hand make NL donkalicious.I think it will eventually come full circle where the crappy NL players just get sick of getting stacked and LHE will once again thrive but I've gone from NL to limit to NL. When the trend changes I'll be the first to jump back on the limit wagon.
The minbet wagon you mean.
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limit is great, so much more profitable then NL
As much as I hate to say it, QFT. Not because of the statement, becaues of the poster.
I switched from Limit to No Limit...and considering going back
Good man. LHE = goodness
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Perhaps you (and I) need to move higher where they respect raises...
They can respect raises all day long, but pot-odds being what they are, you're still gonna get called down in LHE. It's a completely different skill-set than NLHE, blah, blah, blah... Different stokes for different folks.
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I read this phrase a lot on this forum. Could you or anyone else define it for me?
Consider this case, you have AA UTG in a 2/4 Minbet game 9-handed. You've read the books, so you raise, and lo and behold, you get 6 callers. Flop comes A-4-8 rainbow. You bet, 2 players call and the third one raises, you 3-bet to protect your hand and everyone calls. Turn is a King that completes the rainbow. You bet and everyone calls since the pot is now so huge. River is a 6, you bet, 2 callers and the 3rd person raises and you think, WHOOPEE...I GOT AAA BEEYATCH and you 3-bet, 2 folds and the raiser 4-bets, and you think WTF...I GOT AAA BEEYATCH...and you cap. He quickly calls and flips over 5-7o and you scream WTF??? YOU PLAY THAT SH1T????? I RAISED UTG...WHAT DID YOU THINK I HAVE??? AND I RAISED YOU ONE THE FLOP TOO!! OMG...5-7 OFFSUIT??? DON'T YOU RESPECT MY RAISES??? GOD...IF THIS WAS HIGHER STAKES, YOU WOULD RESPECT MY RAISES!! F YOU!Now, say if this situation had happened at a higher stakes 3/6 game , that beat beat wouldbn't have happened. Ppl would respect your UTG raise as really powerful and all will dutifully fold. The higher stakes makes them respect your raise as a true sign of strength.You extrapolate this to the highest limit games in the land and you can then begin to understand how powerful raises are. Raises are rarely used above 100/200 minbet cos they are so powerful that everytime someone raises, you KNOW that he has AA and of course, you have to fold since you're about a 45-1 underdog.I hope this concept of RESPECTING RAISES is now clear to you.
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I think I understand now...you only want people to call you when they are beating you, NOT when you have them by the short and curlies and they have to make a miracle draw to beat you, which they do each and every single time they draw.Gotchya!
Exactly Sir. I've played at the highest levels in the land and I assure you that due to the respect that ppl have for raises, suckouts NEVER happen at higher levels. It makes the game more pleasant to play since it's now more skill.
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Exactly Sir. I've played at the highest levels in the land and I assure you that due to the respect that ppl have for raises, suckouts NEVER happen at higher levels. It makes the game more pleasant to play since it's now more skill.
poker is always about skill.LHE is just mostly a game of value betting rather than protecting your hand. when you understand this, you'll be fine.or you can keep playing NL, meh.
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poker is always about skill.LHE is just mostly a game of value betting rather than protecting your hand. when you understand this, you'll be fine.or you can keep playing NL, meh.
No. Low stakes holdem is not about skill since no one respects your raises. Everyone will chase you down and everyone will suck out out. Your AA or KK NEVER holds cos someone will suckout. There is no skill. It is only when ppl respect raises that skill comes into the equation.
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