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About a 15 night losing session...Tonight's gayness was brought to you by...Low pair calling to the river with a jack kicker to make trips.And guy who called all the way down with Q high. Not so bad, but 15 nights and 12k hands worth of this is getting ugly and frustrating. I'm so sick of making correct reads and plays given the information available, only to have some douchebag call off all his chips with TP 6K.I hate this game.Cashed out half my roll... other half is going to go untouched for a while.Good luck all!

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That sucks man. How long are you planning on not playing? I would recommend a two week break, unless of course you live off your winnings. I am doing the same thing myself. It's been over a month and a half since I've FT'd an mtt, and I've had to withdraw everything due to bills. I will be depositing $1k in a couple weeks though, and will be primarily playing cash games on Bodog. Let us know how it turns out, though this probably should be in general.

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Bout the same happened to me. I played like a champ and ran well/ Then p00f...no more. Seemed like everytime I was a 93% fav after the turn I knew what was coming.So then I did what everyone does. I started playing bad to boot. Obviously ran worse. So I took a week off and feel somewhat better.Be glad you're doing this b4 ou went broke. Now you can at least start over w/o having to do 1 cent/2 cent.

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I'll probably take a week off or so, we'll see. My tournament game has been the best it's ever been, so I might stick with them for a while, even though that's tough. Even in a 600 person tourny it's 5-6 hours if you win. That doesn't give me very much time if I get home from work at 6.Anyway, I think I may go back to $50NL while I formulate a better plan of attack for $100. I didn't lose money, in fact, over my bad streak it's been break even + profit from my tourny game. I think I'm 0.8 BB at the $100 game, wee.

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I'll probably take a week off or so, we'll see. My tournament game has been the best it's ever been, so I might stick with them for a while, even though that's tough. Even in a 600 person tourny it's 5-6 hours if you win. That doesn't give me very much time if I get home from work at 6.Anyway, I think I may go back to $50NL while I formulate a better plan of attack for $100. I didn't lose money, in fact, over my bad streak it's been break even + profit from my tourny game. I think I'm 0.8 BB at the $100 game, wee.
I think the $100 on FT is pretty tough game overall, I am sure you will be back better soon... can't stop the GAMBOL monster.
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