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Ps3 - Copley Boston - Intense Yo

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this is seriously intensemy friends and i (4 of us) have a hotel at the marriot and we're trying to get ps3s. I'd have to say there were at least 2-300 people waiting/camping out to get one, AT LEAST.Can't camp out in front of the store because the mall is closed from 2am-6am, and the police weren't letting anyone camp in the mall anyhow.My friend and I snuck into the mall through one of the stores, au bon pain ;p, and we were like 48 in line. Guy behind us said he works security and that we're good.Guess what? The boston Police came in, said it's dangerous (altho everyone was pretty well behaved, i'd say) and yelled at everyone to gtfo. I literally stood til they pushed me and threatened to cuff me :(good lord, so close to getting one, still tryingwill update later

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i'm so tiredEveryone who wants one has been ordered by the police to wait outside in the rain. haha.I'm not doing that, I'm here in my hotel room. I scouted the area, oh I guess I'll go take pictures w/my phone, but basically it's quiet in the marriot. If you're loitering, they kick u out. I really have no idea what to do? I'm out of ideas on how to get one.I got riveredoh ya, did i mention intense? These people are far hungrier than I am/hope to ever will be. Emotions are raging and people have that look in their eye where they'll do almost anything to get that playstation.

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You wouldn't make $2000+ profit.No one will pay $2600.Only a retard would pay more than the retail price to begin with.
I heard on the news last night that Ebay had a PS3 going for as high as $10K. I am sure people will be able to sell these quickly for a good profit, the demand is so high right now and the supply really low. Now I am not saying that paying 10K for a game system is justified but some game freak will go nuts and pay that much, if they just wait some time until the late spring/summer the price will be more reasonable at that point.
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oh ya, did i mention intense? These people are far hungrier than I am/hope to ever will be. Emotions are raging and people have that look in their eye where they'll do almost anything to get that playstation.
it's the eye of the tiger, it's the thrill of the fight...
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You wouldn't make $2000+ profit.No one will pay $2600.Only a retard would pay more than the retail price to begin with.
Wierd.. I already made 2k+ on one of mine. Good thing there are retards out there. The other ones I got are going on ebay now and in a couple of weeks for well over 2k profits on each.
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I know someone who has been camping outside a Dedham mall for like 4 days waiting to get one. It's nuts.That being said, I'll gladly wait. I got my XBOX 360 and my PS2 with the Madden.

You wouldn't make $2000+ profit. No one will pay $2600. Only a retard would pay more than the retail price to begin with.
As much as your right, you forget about the uber-rich people out there who would pay that amount for their kids or for themselves, because $2600 means nothing to them. I have a friend in L.A. who works at a GameStop in the CA area who got one early and sold one to Lamar Odom for like $2200.
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how'd u get urs dmsplenty of bribes going around
I camped walmart from wed night until thursday afternoon, then the police said that they would take our names we could come back fri morning and pick them up. They just didnt want people hanging around and causing fights.
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My plan for a PS4: 1. Get job at Wal-Mart/Target etc. two weeks before system launch. 2. 10 minutes before store opens for release of system, so **** you, I quit. Take a system, get in line.Could they refuse me sale? What else could they do?

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2. 10 minutes before store opens for release of system, so **** you, I quit. Take a system, get in line.
That's now I got one of the very first PS2's, although I had been working at a GameStop for a year. But it was part of the perks for working at $5.50 an hour lol.Jeez, Mr. Police Officer - I think the kid hears you.gamers-riot3.jpg
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