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Anyone Else Have Their Full Tilt Chat Cut Off For Insulting A Pro?

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Psst, them saying that is another way for them to say they can't do black peoples hair. Wake up to reality. Predetermined view? It's not a view, it's a fact. Do you have any african american children?
No..........but I'm pretty sure if I take the clippers to his head that the hair will fall off the same as it does when I clip my kids hair.The texture of the hair of most african americans is different than that of many other races. More difficult ? No, not for anyone who is used to dealing with it. Why are you not used to fixing your own child's hair ? I have 2 sons. One has the fine straight hair that I have passed down to him. My oldest has extremely thick and wavy hair with many cowlicks that he has inherited from his father. I don't find either has more difficult hair than the other. They have different hair. Occassionally, we let their hair grow out. One's can be a little flat, so we use some mousse. The other's can be quite course and dry, he needs to use conditioner in the shower. The last day of school, they both get crew cuts. Then , their hair is so short, it does not require hair type specific treatments. Simple, huh ?
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If anyone wants to rail or insult any player/owner associated with Full Tilt Poker you need take into account the psychology aspect of the people you're dealing with.It is like the kid on the playground who has the ball, its his ball, its his rules, play by his rules or don't play at all.I give DN a lot of credit and respect, he allows people to insult him, take shots at him, belittle him. If you did this at www.pocketfives.com your ability to continue to post on their forum would be disabled... at the end of the day pocketfives makes the Chinese government look good.

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I have no tolerance for racist people. Ban Devorzon for life.
His comment isn't racist. He's making a comment that isn't politically correct, but it isn't racist either. While I disagree with him, he's entitled to his opinion as well.
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If anyone wants to rail or insult any player/owner associated with Full Tilt Poker you need take into account the psychology aspect of the people you're dealing with.It is like the kid on the playground who has the ball, its his ball, its his rules, play by his rules or don't play at all.I give DN a lot of credit and respect, he allows people to insult him, take shots at him, belittle him. If you did this at www.pocketfives.com your ability to continue to post on their forum would be disabled... at the end of the day pocketfives makes the Chinese government look good.
Yeah, I understand this, and even though don't agree with them cutting off my chat, I guess since I did insult Phil Ivey I had it coming. When I made the post I was just asking if it happened to other people, or did I just happen to insult the wrong guy. What's has me steamed now is that I got banned from this site for saying that "overrated" comment. I can only assume because of all the 15-year olds hear trying to be so PC by calling me a racist (?), the moderators gave in without even thinking about what I said. I'm suprised they haven't banned this account yet.
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Where's the sw?
as it turns out, it was not a joke, as I thought it was upon reading it.It was a commentary on the fact that the media portrays him as the "Tiger Woods of Poker", singling him out, when he is not dominating like Tiger dominates. Something like that.
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Am I the only one who thoroughly enjoyed this whole thread? Unintentional humor, gross overreaction, even a banning! If racism can entertain me this much I may have to change my stance on the subject.I :D racism.
:club: ok, i dont usually do this, but here goes. u stupid fuk. what the fuk is wrong with u? u dum motherfuker. how many redneck klan cocs u suck tonight, u stupid dum bastad. u jack off ure mums willy tonight? u stupid dum son of a bich. where do u get off, u racist motherfuka?was it cos some black guy fuked ure bich under ure nose, and u were jealous his big *** coc was bigger than ure little microscopic nearly invisible piece of sht u call a dik? or was it because she loooveeeddd it?or was it because u were molested by some pimped out mofo when u were a kid?my heart bleeds for u, especially when i see ure mom on the net, getting herself fuked up da asss on bigblackmeat.com.stupid dum *** motherfukers like u are the reason there is so much hatred in the world. if i ever find out where u live, ill be there in a flash to put ma big black dik up ure asss.nuf sed.
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:club: ok, i dont usually do this, but here goes. u stupid fuk. what the fuk is wrong with u? u dum motherfuker. how many redneck klan cocs u suck tonight, u stupid dum bastad. u jack off ure mums willy tonight? u stupid dum son of a bich. where do u get off, u racist motherfuka?was it cos some black guy fuked ure bich under ure nose, and u were jealous his big *** coc was bigger than ure little microscopic nearly invisible piece of sht u call a dik? or was it because she loooveeeddd it?or was it because u were molested by some pimped out mofo when u were a kid?my heart bleeds for u, especially when i see ure mom on the net, getting herself fuked up da asss on bigblackmeat.com.stupid dum *** motherfukers like u are the reason there is so much hatred in the world. if i ever find out where u live, ill be there in a flash to put ma big black dik up ure asss.nuf sed.
Am I missing something?
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:club: ok, i dont usually do this, but here goes. u stupid fuk. what the fuk is wrong with u? u dum motherfuker. how many redneck klan cocs u suck tonight, u stupid dum bastad. u jack off ure mums willy tonight? u stupid dum son of a bich. where do u get off, u racist motherfuka?was it cos some black guy fuked ure bich under ure nose, and u were jealous his big *** coc was bigger than ure little microscopic nearly invisible piece of sht u call a dik? or was it because she loooveeeddd it?or was it because u were molested by some pimped out mofo when u were a kid?my heart bleeds for u, especially when i see ure mom on the net, getting herself fuked up da asss on bigblackmeat.com.stupid dum *** motherfukers like u are the reason there is so much hatred in the world. if i ever find out where u live, ill be there in a flash to put ma big black dik up ure asss.nuf sed.
I'm going to assume this is sarcasm. If it isn't, you reeeeeeeeeeeeeally need to update your sarcasm radar. Or realize that he's joking.Whether or not the OP is racist is still to be determined.
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I'm going to assume this is sarcasm. If it isn't, you reeeeeeeeeeeeeally need to update your sarcasm radar. Or realize that he's joking.Whether or not the OP is racist is still to be determined.
I've never really noticed any of his posts before. If that's an actual attempt to get any kind of point across, he needs more help than I thought.Edit - see below, whew
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--he's a full time poker player; one that is sponsored by Full Tilt. Supposedly one of the better pro's out there. I'm thinking he's overated just because he's black.--Where's the sw?
If that bonehead never asked who Phil Ivey was, this debacle never would've happened. I was semi-joking with this reply, thinking the guy was just being a sarcastic nit by asking who Phil Ivey was. I shoulda never added on the "he's overrated just because he's black" line, even though that exactly what I feel. I guess when you're 14 years old it's hard to distinguish when someone is being sarcastic; I mean look at Zedd2005's post. I get banned and yet this kind of garbage is allowed here? oh, and Actuary, I will take your advice and leave this alone already. No points to be made anymore to people who don't/can't get it.
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He said "Phil Ivey is overrated because he's black." Who's doing the overrating here? Not him, obviously. Clearly he must be referring to some other entity. Like the media, for example. So what he's saying, to summarize, when he says "Phil Ivey is overrated because he's black," is that other people portray Ivey as being better than he is because he's black. That would make them the racists, not Devorzon.
hmmmmmm. lets think logically. for someone to be overrated, they must be rated. now phil ivey would be rated by.....the poker community? poker experts? other poker players? the poker media? all of these make sense. so for devorzon to consider him overrated, it must be HIS OWN value judgement. we are all entitled to feeling that someone is overrated or underrated, trust me I constantly overrated Stanford's basketball hopes/US soccer in WC 2006. But when he brings in the statement "because he is black" then his judgement of why phil ivey is overrated is racial. he is not saying that he feels phil ivey is overhyped, or doesnt play in enough tournament to entitle his rating but he is basing it on race. basing a judgement on race=racism. for example: I don't like Bob because he is white. Racist statement. I don't like Bob because he lacks a personality. Non racist statement. This is not that hard.
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