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More Dangerous To Your Bankroll

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'so many faces... don't know which to choose from: :club::D:D obv dank is not very dangerous to my br... although i'm not going to lie and say i think i play better high than sober... it's just that putting in 8 hour sessions without smoking is pretty much inconceivable to me.
It is always better with the sticky wall bud.Kind blunt anybody?
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WE should poll to find out how many FCPers smoke budThe buds we get up here in Montreal pwn the rest of North america, even B-CQuebec Gold baby, 1 hit just isn't enough. and cheap too, 50-60$ 7g of grade A wacky tobacky.Drunk poker < high poker < sober poker < strip poker < poking her

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I give money away on Friday nights when I'm drinking.
what site and what table :club:
I could make this a poll, but I'm too lazy.Which is more dangerous to your bankroll, assuming you are playing at the proper limits.1. Playing drunk2. Playing highDoes anyone play better when under the influence? I do, for like the first 20 minutes, then it's all downhill from there.
you're obviously highthe answer is 1.AINEC
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WE should poll to find out how many FCPers smoke budThe buds we get up here in Montreal pwn the rest of North america, even B-CQuebec Gold baby, 1 hit just isn't enough. and cheap too, 50-60$ 7g of grade A wacky tobacky.Drunk poker < high poker < sober poker < strip poker < poking her
If the Montreal Casino would get their heads out of their asses and put some poker tables in there I would move there in a heartbeat.
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Playing drunk is much worse in my opinion. I played live high once....****ing played amazing. I swear I noticed things alot more and it ended up working more better for me.It felt like i was in the zone or something...all though when someone made a joke i laughed til my eyes watered. But yea, drunk is worse than high.

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i seriously play my best tight game when im stoned as hell but there was this one time where i had ace high at the river the guy calls King high and I gave him the pot that was my only stupid *** mistake but for the most part i think in a different level

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I've won more money from people who are drunk, I believe. I don't play under the influence of drugs or alcohol.

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stoned +1live in da hills of vermont, so im sure we get pleanty of that montreal **** u were talking about..i smoke relentlesly when i session. after every sitngo. after every bad beat... i havent really tried / want to play sober. and dont know how the results would change. prob worse

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Tired is worse than drunk, drunk is worse than high.As always, it depends on how tired/high/drunk you are.

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