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Classic Brv

he was as innocent as much as Kavanaugh doesn't like beer

The Blake Mamba

Phil Jackson in LA Times article yesterday..."Kobe's as good as Michael"Of anyone in the world, he gets first say, right?
I agree but michael is 48 now
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Don't let us win Sunday. Win Sunday, we're winning the series.
Is Lakers kool-aid a delicious grape flavor?
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Sorry, just a real and faithful fan.
I respect that. But, since no one has ever recovered down 3-0, it looks a bit silly.That's, of course, easier to say now that LA is getting smashed today and embarrassing themselves with cheap shots. Hard to believe Phil Jackson leaves after this disgrace.Sorry, poppy, you are a good fan you deserve better than this. Lakers should be ashamed by their performance and their behavior.
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Disgusting display by the lakers, on all fronts. I'd be ashamed to be a laker fan right now, after the Odom and bynum 1-2
http://eye-on-basketball.blogs.cbssports.c...748484/29162276replays of both.upon further review, Odom's doesn't seem too bad. Bynum's cheap shot is awful. He should be suspended for AT LEAST the first 3 games of next season.
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http://eye-on-basketball.blogs.cbssports.c...748484/29162276replays of both.upon further review, Odom's doesn't seem too bad. Bynum's cheap shot is awful. He should be suspended for AT LEAST the first 3 games of next season.
Yeah, I wrote that after Bynum's. I don't think Odom should have gotten a Tech 2 actually, but bynum needs a huge fine. That was just awful.
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Yeah, I wrote that after Bynum's. I don't think Odom should have gotten a Tech 2 actually, but bynum needs a huge fine. That was just awful.
I think a Flagrant 2 was the right call on Odum taking everything into consideration but I don't think he deserves any additional fine or suspension.Bynum on the other hand should be given a big fine and suspension, that was horrible.
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I think a Flagrant 2 was the right call on Odum taking everything into consideration but I don't think he deserves any additional fine or suspension.Bynum on the other hand should be given a big fine and suspension, that was horrible.
Yeah, Odom was a victim of making that kind of foul down 30 in the 4th quarter. Looked like a flagrant 1 to me.Bynum's seems worse every time I see it.
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Lakers should be ashamed by their performance and their behavior.
Yep.I'm alright with Odom, that was getting even from the play before where it looked like Dirk gave him one. Nonetheless, he has to be thrown out right there given that it's a 30-pt game. Bynum's was a disgrace, and surprising since he's usually pretty even-mannered.I think this is going to be it for Bynum in LA. He feels he's ready to be a featured big man, and was willing to sacrifice his own career if it meant they kept winning titles, but now that they failed I think he's going to want out. The Bynum+ for Howard thing really makes sense all around, and feels like the timing is right all around.I'll be rooting for Dallas the rest of the way, even though I'm not buying them. Really, anybody but the Heat and the Celtics. Especially the Heat...and the Celtics.
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I worry that Bynum just dinged his trade value badly today (even if ultimately that is dumb). He has progressed so far this year and stayed healthy.....and then he does something like this. I do think that the Lakers can offer the best package to Orlando (though Otis Smith says he will not trade Dwight under any circumstances).If I was Orlando and I thought Dwight was leaving 80%+......and the Lakers offered me Bynum/Odom/Walton/couple first round picks for Howard/Turkoglu (taking his awful contract off Orlando's hands).....I would have to really think hard about it. (I checked it out....this trade works under the cap according to ESPN's trade machine)Also, root for the Grizzlies, imo. Good story, fun team to follow.

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I worry that Bynum just dinged his trade value badly today (even if ultimately that is dumb). He has progressed so far this year and stayed healthy.....and then he does something like this. Also, root for the Grizzlies, imo. Good story, fun team to follow.
Except Bynum played his ass off in this series. Today doesn't affect anything.Ehh, I don't like teams coming out of nowhere to win. Gotta pay your dues in this league, gotta fail first. Dallas has, and I've always loved Dirk. I'm with them.
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I'd be ashamed to be a laker fan right now, after the Odom and bynum 1-2
Really? I should feel shame because a Laker player does something stupid. Tirico's reaction was funny to me. It was obviously a horrendous play and a total cheap shot and all that, but to call it the most bush league play he's ever seen means he hasn't been watching basketball that long.mchale-rambis-clothesline-1.jpgparishlaimbeer.gifHmm, I didn't mean to just pick two Celtics plays...Note: No foul called on Robert Parish.
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