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Someone Give Me A Reason Why

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ok i deposit more money in pokerstars play the 20 dollar 180 tourny, I get QQ I limp in 2nd posistion as the table has been full of loons. Button makes it 225, two callers. I push in for 1400. Button has AA im ****ed in the cash game im playing 1/2 NL, i have AQ I raise it 10 dollars, one caller. Flop is 2 king ace. I raise it 20 ******* moves in for 220 dollars, I call with my remaining 120. He flips Ace Five, turn brings a five. In less than 10 minutes I lose by deposit, AGAIN! bye bye 200 what the **** is this pokerstars???
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UGH I have! Look im just running really horribly and im looking for some understanding from someone
Well, judging by the 2 hands you give as examples, you arent running horribly. You are overplaying mediocre hands and incorrectly playing your premium hands. Odds are that you are making key mistakes that cost you alot of money in the long run. Add to it your terrible bankroll management and I would be more surprised if you werent broke. You cant get sympathy when you dont deserve it.
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Lol, I knew someone was gonna post this :D
Well I couldn't ignore the other 100 topics the OP creates explaining how bad he is running and how much he is losing. It would just be easier for him to create his own blog.Just sayin :club:
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play the 20 dollar 180 tourny, I get QQ I limp in 2nd posistion as the table has been full of loons. Button makes it 225, two callers. I push in for 1400. Button has AA im ****edin the cash game im playing 1/2 NL, i have AQ I raise it 10 dollars, one caller. Flop is 2 king ace. I raise it 20 ******* moves in for 220 dollars, I call with my remaining 120. He flips Ace Five, turn brings a five.In less than 10 minutes I lose by deposit, AGAIN! bye bye 200
Dude, you really need to learn how to properly manage your bankroll. You shouldn't ever lose a deposit in less than 10 minutes. If you do, you're playing WAY out of your limit. You sat down at a 1/2 NL table with $178, which was your ENTIRE bankroll, that's just asking for trouble.
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i like the interface and the games. Thank me for what, QQ losing to hands it dominates, AK losing to ace rag, aj, aq??? Thank me for what? hitting king/ace high flush draws only to lose to a full house on the river. What about having AA vs AA only to lose to 4 card flush, TWICE. What about having AK and flopping two pair on an A3K flop, only to have the other guy have a set of 3sagainst this guy it was a call, he had ace five
How exactly does QQ dominate AA ?This might hint at your problem
ok i deposit more money in pokerstarsplay the 20 dollar 180 tourny, I get QQ I limp in 2nd posistion as the table has been full of loons. Button makes it 225, two callers. I push in for 1400. Button has AA im ****edin the cash game im playing 1/2 NL, i have AQ I raise it 10 dollars, one caller. Flop is 2 king ace. I raise it 20 ******* moves in for 220 dollars, I call with my remaining 120. He flips Ace Five, turn brings a five.In less than 10 minutes I lose by deposit, AGAIN! bye bye 200what the **** is this pokerstars???
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ok i deposit more money in pokerstarsplay the 20 dollar 180 tourny, I get QQ I limp in 2nd posistion as the table has been full of loons. Button makes it 225, two callers. I push in for 1400. Button has AA im ****edin the cash game im playing 1/2 NL, i have AQ I raise it 10 dollars, one caller. Flop is 2 king ace. I raise it 20 ******* moves in for 220 dollars, I call with my remaining 120. He flips Ace Five, turn brings a five.In less than 10 minutes I lose by deposit, AGAIN! bye bye 200what the **** is this pokerstars???
'Dumb' Luck v/s 'Damn' Luck...
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Well, that, and you have to email them and ask them to let you win for a while. You have to suck (off) up to Lee a little bit before you start winning.
How much sucking do I have to do to get to Prty, PM, and bkice's level?
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ohh dont run that crap by me, believe you me I know about that. What the hell are you gonna do lay down hands like QQ, AK, AA, KK pre flop
No you don't lay those hands down. When you open up Pokerstars you need to go to options, then doom switch, then click off. This should help you out.
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Ok I know I'm not the first to say it, but AQ is a terrible call there. Um yeah he had A5, but did you know that before he flipped his cards? You're on tilt, or else you just suck at poker.

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Ok I know I'm not the first to say it, but AQ is a terrible call there. Um yeah he had A5, but did you know that before he flipped his cards? You're on tilt, or else you just suck at poker.
Some people are saying that AQ doesn't even exist.... It never has and it never will... If you think you look down and have seen AQ (especially if it's suited), it is merely a trick of your mind.Shhhh......It has not been confirmed yet, so don't tell everyone, ok?
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im calling brocolli
Here's a 'different view of the same video (and topic). ,
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this gave me the worst headache
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Ah!! A question asked in anguish, but a question stilled by the silence of the heart!! A travesty to be sure!! Isn't it true that so often as we gaze upon the life we lead, we can see in the reflection of the sweat stained path behind us that truth which knew all along?? The bluebird cooing in our hearts bears further witness to the majesty of it all, that a heart of love is truly the only thing that matters, and a love that stills the beating heart of a child, ah, but a glimpse!! I truly and honestly believe this!! And if your aching heart can't bear another day, I turn my smile to yours and whisper "Hang on, for the destination of your heart is here with mine, in the teardrops of the Creator of the Universe!!" Wonderful!!

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You have no business playing a 1/2 game with a BR of 200 dollars. It just doesnt make sense. You are bound to get some bad beats. If you played within your roll, you can withstand bad beats.But to be honest with you. Your play on those two hands were horrible.Not trying to flame but seriously, your play was not good, and the first moment that you realize that you will start playing better.Learn from your mistakes and move on.

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