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HORSE FT on TV should be..... HORSE!!!! ESPN can suck my nuts!!!!! Everything else is HE, but Horse FT should be HORSE. I would buy that on DVD!!!

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HORSE FT on TV should be..... HORSE!!!! ESPN can suck my nuts!!!!! Everything else is HE, but Horse FT should be HORSE. I would buy that on DVD!!!
same quote in general-same reply.we all want that
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I wasn't there and it's hard to criticize Reese with the success he's experienced over the decades, but anyone feel that Reese made some rather loose overbets there at the end? And Bloch was making some sick calls. I'd been under the impression that Reese had dismantled Bloch, but from what ESPN showed, Bloch was actually on his game more and got pretty unlucky.

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but anyone feel that Reese made some rather loose overbets there at the end? And Bloch was making some insanely loose calls.
FYPI only saw the last half hour or so, and I agree that Chip got lucky in key spots, but he only seemed to make moves when Bloch had really marginal hands, and Chip got him to make lots of "bad calls."
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Looked to me like Bloch had the better hand when all the money went in every time and lost all of them. Reese hit all of his draws (two flush draws, straight) on the big hands.Wish ESPN would put the opening pot size on every hand - would make it easier to figure out why Reese open pushed with two junky cards preflop on that one hand and got Bloch to fold K10o.I thought that Doyle made a couple of great laydowns although he picked a bad time to bluff when Singer had QQ.

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I just watched the (so called) HORSE tourney on DVR.Every hand was hold'em.It just sucked. Every other tourney ESPN shows is hold'em.I wanted to see the stud and Omaha hands too.BOOO ESPN!!!!
exactly-the final table was holdem though
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Bloch deserved to win in my eyes, got unlucky a few times lol. I downloaded the final table and watched it today. Anyone know if the whole tourny was shown on espn? if it is then i guess you can download all of it, if not then guess it is only the final table we get to see. They kept showing clips of Hellmuth and Mike complaining about razz etc, would like to see those full episodes lol.

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Bloch deserved to win in my eyes, got unlucky a few times lol. I downloaded the final table and watched it today. Anyone know if the whole tourny was shown on espn? if it is then i guess you can download all of it, if not then guess it is only the final table we get to see. They kept showing clips of Hellmuth and Mike complaining about razz etc, would like to see those full episodes lol.
i think a lot of people didn't think bloch deserved to win becuase of the wpt lawsuit
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Anyone know if the whole tourny was shown on espn? if it is then i guess you can download all of it, if not then guess it is only the final table we get to see. They kept showing clips of Hellmuth and Mike complaining about razz etc, would like to see those full episodes lol.
They didn't cover the action prior to the FT.
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I think the hand where Doyle mucked QQ vs Chip's KK showed how big the skill gap was between Andy and everyone else. When Doyle accidentally showed a queen when he mucked, Bloch said 'There's no way he folds queens there'I dont see how there is NO way to fold QQ there, justbecause the board is like 8 high or whatever doesnt mean you cant fold QQ

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