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Really Starting To Annoy Me

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Did any of you get stick from parents or whoever for trying to earn money playing poker instead of a job. How did you deal with it?
random obvious questions are starting to annoy meyes, people get crap from friends and family about playing pokeryes, there are a million friends about bankroll managementstop asking unnecessary questions that you should know the answer toplease
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Did any of you get stick from parents or whoever for trying to earn money playing poker instead of a job. How did you deal with it?
Cash huge, buy house, move out. Lol, jk.As long as you are earning enough to justify not working then your parents shouldnt have much to say. Keep workin @ it and you can make more than most people do.
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Cash huge, buy house, move out. Lol, jk.As long as you are earning enough to justify not working then your parents shouldnt have much to say. Keep workin @ it and you can make more than most people do.
True but this is the same OP who said he's only been playing for six months, can't manage a bankroll, and goes through big swings.I'm guessing he's only playing really small to begin with so a job would actually be paying better at this point.
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True but this is the same OP who said he's only been playing for six months, can't manage a bankroll, and goes through big swings.I'm guessing he's only playing really small to begin with so a job would actually be paying better at this point.
Not sure of the OP's situation but if that is true I'd suggest a job while playing on the side. Stay within your BR and if you're a winning player you'll move up quicker than you think.
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random obvious questions are starting to annoy meyes, people get crap from friends and family about playing pokeryes, there are a million friends about bankroll managementstop asking unnecessary questions that you should know the answer toplease
Wow only 35 posts and acting like you own the place....
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first post...long time lurker. i agree with a few of the posts here already. the only time i would quit working to play full time poker is if i consistantly made a wage compareable to working a 9-5 job. if that was the case then there would be no arguement anyone could make that would annoy me, or even make much sense.

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I don't know how you re doing as a player but I know that after I bought my car, some nice clothes and took them out to a nice dinner, i have never heard another peep out of them. Also in one of Daniels early blogs he brings up how he use to tell his mom how he did at the tables in a way that did not really involve crazy highs and lows that i know parents hate. They like stability so if your weekly stats are stable or at least your monthly stats are, then devide that by thirty for each day, four for each week etc, and break it to them that way, this way they think you win or lose just a little bit every day but are steadily making money and that you are in control.

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random obvious questions are starting to annoy meyes, people get crap from friends and family about playing pokeryes, there are a million friends about bankroll managementstop asking unnecessary questions that you should know the answer toplease
I don't have a friend about bankroll management. :club: Next time if you're gonna flame, at least make some sense, asshat.
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this thread is really starting to annoy me
The OP continually making threads with titles that don't tell anything about the subject matter in the thread even after he's been told its a good idea and got all pissy about it the first time yet still continues to do it annoys me.Mark
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The greatest gift a parent can give to their offspring is to annoy them. If we catered to your every whim, you would stay at home, be a mamma's boy and never get laid.
Amen !
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The greatest gift a parent can give to their offspring is to annoy them. If we catered to your every whim, you would stay at home, be a mamma's boy and never get laid.
Exactly. Besides, they don't just want you to get a job to earn money. They would also like you to learn what it's like to show up to a place on time every day, interact with strangers in a polite way, collaborate with others, and take pride in doing a job. The minimum wage you make probably doesn't mean squat to them, really.
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You know parents are the same no matter time nor placeThey don't understand that us kids are going to make some mistakesSo to you, all the kids all across the landThere's no need to argue, parents just don't understand

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