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Scott Huff Leaving "the Circuit"

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There are those that I listen to on a broadcast and learn nothing from:Phil Gordon (His wsop st broadcast was embarrassing)Joe Sebok (he may play well, but he talks poker like a donkey)Norman Chad (LOL!)Mark Seif (Yeah Mark..If I would have called that allin with 43 I would have made a straight,,I get it)Gabe Kaplan (at least you are entertaining)Then there are those that analyze hands and situations in such detail that you actually pick up things and learn and in the process improve your game:Howard ledererGavin SmithWe are down 1 of these.Gavin Smith is so good at hand analysis that he MUST pop up somewhere in some type of poker broadcast. I HOPE.

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Joe's statement on his myspace:Fear & Loathing on "The Circuit"...; Elizabeth, IN"The Circuit" really grew to be something that all participants truly loved. Scott, Danny, Gavin, and I had such a great time creating the show for all of you that it rarely felt like work at all.With that said, it seems that all good things must come to an end...for now at least.It has been well documented that Scott wishes to take another path with his professional career. Are we disappointed? Of course. Do we understand? Without a doubt. I wish him all the best with whatever he gets involved in, and I hope to be able to join forces with him somewhere down the road in another project. Who knows where this wacky and wild ride will take us all...ScottIt was great. It was fun. It was great fun. When you weren't refereeing between Gavin and I, you were simply creating the best poker-tainment that was out there. You invited us to just get in the car with you while you drove it, and for that I will always be very grateful. No doubt, you felt underappreciated and overworked at times, but take it to heart my man, you were not. I will miss you on the road both professionally and personally. You helped me to retain my sanity more than you know, and became one of my best friends along the way...DannyYou, my friend, were simply the heartbeat of "The Circuit". You kept us rolling, you subtly nudged us, and you were the one who made us sound like we knew what we were talking about. The fans may never know it, but the truth is that you were the one who gave them the show that they had grown accustomed to. We had so much faith in you to clean up our messes that it became almost second nature to know that you held the net for when we fell. I will miss your handpounds and eyebrow raises across the microphones. Of course, we do still have golf...someday...GavinWhat can I say? You are simply an idiot of unbelievable proportions. There is just no other way to put it. Just kidding, my man! You are the yin to my yang and we brought the noise on the show each and every episode. I appreciate you forcing me to rethink my thinkings and consider other possibilities. You are a great friend and we both know that we do not need the show to maintain contact. I will see you on a poker table very soon, no doubt...The FansYou guys are the ones. You made the show. You continually gave us ideas of new things to do. You fired us up. You pissed us off. You made us want to put something out that you loved. You let us know when you loved something. You let us know when you hated something. Most of all, you CARED and we love you guys uncontrollably for that. You will alll always have a spot on my fantasy team...So, that's it. A chapter closes, but who knows when one will begin again. "The Circuit" may make a comeback and kick *** again, or it may fade into obscurity. I will make no promises, and thus be forced not to tell you any lies. Just know that it was an awesome time and we were fortunate to be able to bring it to you.Until next time...peace,J

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I'm seriously sad...no joke...I LOOKED FORWARD to the circuit everytime a new one came out. They should at least have a good bye episode, or hopefully this is another prank by them.
I feel the exact same way. I watched every episode from the beginning at least once and most of the time more than once. I looked forward everytime there was a new poker tournament to listen to the circuit. That was a great show and its truely too bad that it is no longer. I'm reeeeeally gonna miss The Circuit. :club:
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I feel the exact same way. I watched every episode from the beginning at least once and most of the time more than once. I looked forward everytime there was a new poker tournament to listen to the circuit. That was a great show and its truely too bad that it is no longer. I'm reeeeeally gonna miss The Circuit. :club:
zoinks???i loved the show too.......such a bummer
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Took the words out of my e-mouth...I can't believe there not going to even given someone else a chance to host the show. People leave shows all the time, but that doesn't mean it has to come to an end. Card Player should atleast given someone else a shot. I know I would love to do it but alas I'm only 19, and have no radio knowledge whatsoever.
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Took the words out of my e-mouth...I can't believe there not going to even given someone else a chance to host the show. People leave shows all the time, but that doesn't mean it has to come to an end. Card Player should atleast given someone else a shot. I know I would love to do it but alas I'm only 19, and have no radio knowledge whatsoever.
jeff madsen should take over
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Huff was a decent radio host. I think I could do his job given a little training in the business. All he did was keep it moving and prompt certain topics. I find it hard to believe they can't find a replacement host, so they must not have done well in ratings or profit and the show is being taken off life support.

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So sad. :club: Man I absolutely love the freaking Circuit. This is like finding out a family member has just died.[conspiracy rant/]The Circuit feels the effect of the Frist! This has to be directly related to the fact that CardPlayer is going to be losing some Ad revenue because of the newly passed legislation. They are a magazine after-all and although the Circuit was a great addition and actually better than the magazine itself (Imo) it still cost money to fly these guys around the country and set them up regardless if they get comped hotel stays. It would be one thing if the Circuit was generating tons of ad revenue by itself. But I get the impression that it probably costs a lot more to make than it brings in. Bottom line, airline flights and equipment aren't free. This is more than Scott just trying to go off and be the next Ryan Seacrest or Carson Daly, this is a business decision plain and simple. This will prove to be especially true if CardPlayer doesn't continue with the show. Just how hard could it be to insert the next up and coming host alongside Gavin and Joe? They replaced Matusow didn't they? So why couldn't they just replace Huff? As much as I would miss Scott, surely someone could step in to referee between Gavin and Joe. Hell I would be satisfied with just the Gavin and Joe show! It would be chaos but it would be awesome!Unfortunately with the three myspace letters from Scott, Gavin and Joe I get the feeling that this is truly the end. And that this is just a very PC way of saying we've been canned.[conspiracy rant]RIP The Circuit! You will forever be on my hard drive.

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nope, sadly this looks like it is for real. The blog on myspace says Huff is leaving and includes *** not a hoax ***
This struck me as funny: if it says it's not a hoax then it must be true.Along those lines, I heard Bill Fillmaff won two WSOP bracelets this year and had sex with Phil Hellmuth's wife. ***not a hoax***(I have no reason to doubt the MySpace post is true, but the declaration was funny)
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Anyone see that clip where he challenges Phil Ivey to Mrs Pacman at Barry Greensteins house? You can see it on YouTube... pretty amusing. Not sure why i brought that up.
How sick does it make you feel that Ivey can kill at the poker and pacman tables. I love that theonly thing that can stop one of the most competative people on earth walk away is lunch from subway.I thought i went through withdrawl after the WSOP and there was no more Circut everyday what the hell am I gonna do now. Much love to Scott, Joe and Gavin I can honestly say you have closed leaks in my game and made me money.
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