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ship it+1ysapkyqftetc etc.. just thought id mention ive been a member here for a year! cant even start to put a value on all the knowledge ive gotten from railing the big shots here like looshle, prtypsux, 108(way back), and more recently talking to bkice.. look forward to another year or more!patrick

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ship it+1ysapkyqftetc etc.. just thought id mention ive been a member here for a year! cant even start to put a value on all the knowledge ive gotten from railing the big shots here like looshle, prtypsux, 108(way back), and more recently talking to bkice.. look forward to another year or more!patrick
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ship it+1ysapkyqftetc etc.. just thought id mention ive been a member here for a year! cant even start to put a value on all the knowledge ive gotten from railing the big shots here like looshle, prtypsux, 108(way back), and more recently talking to bkice.. look forward to another year or more!patrick
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So how many hours of your social life have you wasted by trolling FCP Generals??? Wait..that's just me :club:
lolabout 30 mins per day365 days182.5 hrs :Sat least its always while im idly playing poker anyways
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I've got an anniversary coming up shortly as well, unfortunately I'll be away for it. It's probably for the best, as any celebration would get inevitably and uncomfortably gay with the likes of myself, turd, ron, and speedz hanging around.

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ship it+1ysapkyqftetc etc.. just thought id mention ive been a member here for a year! cant even start to put a value on all the knowledge ive gotten from railing the big shots here like looshle, prtypsux, 108(way back), and more recently talking to bkice.. look forward to another year or more!patrick
Get a life, loser.Oh, and happy 3,000th post to me :club::D
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etc etc.. just thought id mention ive been a member here for a year! cant even start to put a value on all the knowledge ive gotten from railing the big shots here like looshle, prtypsux, 108(way back), and more recently talking to bkice.. look forward to another year or more!
Have any of them mentioned to you that limp-calling half your stack UTG with 22 is a bad play?
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Have any of them mentioned to you that limp-calling half your stack UTG with 22 is a bad play?
still havent forgotteneh..haha
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ship it+1ysapkyqftetc etc.. just thought id mention ive been a member here for a year! cant even start to put a value on all the knowledge ive gotten from railing the big shots here like looshle, prtypsux, 108(way back), and more recently talking to bkice.. look forward to another year or more!patrick
Oh yeah! I remember that one tournament!I learned lots. :club:
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still havent forgotteneh..haha
I tried hard to restrain myself in that thread you made last week.I decided that I'm lazy and that trying is for losers.
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I tried hard to restrain myself in that thread you made last week.I decided that I'm lazy and that trying is for losers.
hanks for restrainging..if it was strategy related/had a hh in it, i was drunk,haha
Oh yeah! I remember that one tournament!I learned lots. :club:
lol i acutlaly watched him play a few others, i had him on aim i think
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I've got an anniversary coming up shortly as well, unfortunately I'll be away for it. It's probably for the best, as any celebration would get inevitably and uncomfortably gay with the likes of myself, turd, ron, and speedz hanging around.
not if i'm there
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