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*lc*quite Possibly The Most Annoying Thing To Say When You Take Down A Pot

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, then realized he'd lost and got super pissed. some asian guy who wasn't in the hand remarked, "oooahh! he fuck you real good!" when he saw my buddy's straight flush
lol.*******************6 Handed STT.I get QQ real early and open for stnd raise.couple callers.Flop comes 8Q6, rainbow.checks to me, I bet ½ pot.BB callsTurn is 5 checks to me, I bet ½ potRiver, he leads for ¼ potI raise, about 2x his bet He shoves for just a small amount more.I call (figuring oh crap by then)Yeah he had 79.It happens.I had him covered, so it wasn’t the end of me.He types:“ty”that kinda set me off.
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live 3/6I'm UTG w/ AA. Raise get two callers and BBFlop: K 7 4 rainbowBB checks, I bet all fold. BB callsTurn: 10BB cks, I bet, she callsRiver 2BB cks, I bet, she raises :club: , I raise, she raises, I call.She flips 22 for the rivered set.Me: "Wow....could you be any luckier calling me down with bottom pair?"Mind you, she is in her late 50's, and she answers: "Hey, don't hate the player, hate the game."I was laughing so hard, it was hard to be pissed at her anymore! :DNot really annoying I know, but it was extremely funny (more so now than at the time, but...meh.)

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He types:“ty”that kinda set me off.
for sure that stuff rubs me bad. i rarely tilt over cards but this stuff is difficult for me to deal with. that's why i turn chat off.wintermute says "BOOM HEADSHOT!" when he stacks someone which probably the most annoying thing i could think of.
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'shipperdoodle' is stunning, I love it!you could also say have a conversation like this: 'And that's the river''I bet $15''I call''I have two pair''Nice hand sir, i only have one pair, take it down.''Not a bad pot actually''True, I wouldn't normally call but I thought u seemed a little weak.''Then why didn't you raise?''I wasn't especially confident in my read and just calling was the cheaper option.''True''Thankyou' (to the dealer)'I raise $5''Look out, he's tilting.''No I'm not''I think you are, I reraise to $15''I already told you I'm not steaming, I'm all in, $120 more''Nicely played man, I don't have much, I can't call, fold.''Oh my god, you wuss, I bluffed you! I have 7,2 offsuit!''You m****rf****r!' (dives accross table and chokes other guy, who then dies)'you just killed me, that's not cool man.' (pulls out a gun and caps the whole room)'you just killed everyone, what a douchebag!' (goes to hell for swearing)Ok I'm bored of this now but I hope I wasted a significant portion of your friday wondering what the hell I might be taking....?
RolfLmao wow... amazing.. maybe it's because I'm druink.. maybe it's beacuse you funny, but thatnyou
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for some reason the one thing that bothers me the most when someone wins a pot has nothing to do with what they say... Its when they clap.. I dont know if any other thing gets to me worse then when someone sees that they magically rivered a straight, and then procede to clap and giggle and then pull a "roseane" and rake in the pot while leaning over the entire table and laughing......for some reason the only people that seem to do this are middle and later aged women, and somehow they always suck out on me...

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when im playing LHE now, i actually have finally become ok w/ getting sucked out on, it just reassures me im playing in a good game. obviously when im playinG NL it's diff. my comp's tower went over the balcony a few weeks ago, thankfully i still got my laptop.

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i raise. guy goes all in. i fold & say, "this ain't freakin' bukakke, come over top of me again and you better be buying dinner."
LMAOWhen I play live I like to make the " waaah waaah " trumpet sound from like bugs bunny cartoons. It usually gets a reaction
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obviously when im playinG NL it's diff. my comp's tower went over the balcony a few weeks ago, thankfully i still got my laptop.
Haha.I like saying Hooollllaaa tooo thhheee ddooolllaaa' if its a big pot. lol.I aslo hate it when people say 'TY' when they suck out on you. Like you played into a monster hand they had all along.
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