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How Do You Guys Win Tournaments

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ive never won a tounrney dont feel bad
I've won a couple, so it's not that. I find myself getting deep and then losing 1 or 2 pots and just scraping into the money when if I win that 1 or 2 pots I'm in position to win the whole thing. I don't play a whole lot of tourneys, so I think the law of averages is part of it. I don't know...
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I don't play a whole lot of tourneys, so I think the law of averages is part of it. I don't know...
I'd guess this is probably the most important thing. I'm pretty sure that the people who win alot of tourneys play a TON of them.
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1) Post some hands in the strat sections.2) Sometimes you just have to be lucky.
I'll cross-post in strat, but here are the 2 hands from my recollection:Hand 1.) This one is a little questionable, but I think I'm ahead of enough hands to make it OK.25 People left, 20 get paid. There is no difference from 20th payout to 10th, and as we all know all the money is in the top 3 or 4 spots. I'm chipleader w/ 34K, next closest to me is in the mid-twenties. 2 villians in this hand each have a little over 10K. Blinds are 400/800UTG limper, I raise from MP to 2200 Holding QQ, folds to button who calls.Flop:TJK rainbow.UTG pushes for around 8K, I call button calls.The reason I call is not b/c I think my QQ is good. I've got a mountain of chips and a strong draw. I could aready be dead, but I could also be ahead of a hand like AT, AJ. Also if I call and lose I'm still among the chip-leaders, but if I win I'm a monster w/ around 55K in chips.Hand 2.) This one is just gross.Same blinds, 400/800. I still have healthy stack, around 26 or 27K. I run back into the room (after a bathroom break) and don't have time to raise, but I quickly click the call button w/ AQ. 1 or 2 callers and the BB (who was villian in last hand) checks.Flop: Once again, TJK (this time 2 :diamond:s). BB bets 800, I raise to 2200, folds to villian who calls.Turn: bricks out. Villian leads for 1600, I raise to 5500, he calls.River: a raggedy :club:. villian leads for 1600 and I call.He tables 6 :D 5 :D and I almost puke.
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I have won somewhere between 7-9 multi's. I'm not sure if it's sad I don't know the total or completely awesome. But I am definitely closing in on 10. Advice? No. Bragging? Yea. My point? ::shrug::

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I'll cross-post in strat, but here are the 2 hands from my recollection:Hand 1.) This one is a little questionable, but I think I'm ahead of enough hands to make it OK.25 People left, 20 get paid. There is no difference from 20th payout to 10th, and as we all know all the money is in the top 3 or 4 spots. I'm chipleader w/ 34K, next closest to me is in the mid-twenties. 2 villians in this hand each have a little over 10K. Blinds are 400/800UTG limper, I raise from MP to 2200 Holding QQ, folds to button who calls.Flop:TJK rainbow.UTG pushes for around 8K, I call button calls.The reason I call is not b/c I think my QQ is good. I've got a mountain of chips and a strong draw. I could aready be dead, but I could also be ahead of a hand like AT, AJ. Also if I call and lose I'm still among the chip-leaders, but if I win I'm a monster w/ around 55K in chips.Hand 2.) This one is just gross.Same blinds, 400/800. I still have healthy stack, around 26 or 27K. I run back into the room (after a bathroom break) and don't have time to raise, but I quickly click the call button w/ AQ. 1 or 2 callers and the BB (who was villian in last hand) checks.Flop: Once again, TJK (this time 2 :diamond:s). BB bets 800, I raise to 2200, folds to villian who calls.Turn: bricks out. Villian leads for 1600, I raise to 5500, he calls.River: a raggedy :club:. villian leads for 1600 and I call.He tables 6 :D 5 :D and I almost puke.
Hand one raise more pf. With 1 limper you still are only making it < 3X the bb pricing him in with any 2. Raise at least to 2800, I would make it 3200. Hand 2 obv, raise pf. What is villians stack size?
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I have won somewhere between 7-9 multi's. I'm not sure if it's sad I don't know the total or completely awesome. But I am definitely closing in on 10. Advice? No. Bragging? Yea. My point? ::shrug::
That was helpful – Thanks!
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ive never won a tounrney dont feel bad
I've won a couple, so it's not that.
I lol'ed.*************************************************
play thousands of them
I don't play a whole lot of tourneys, so I think the law of averages is part of it. I don't know...
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I am in the middle of my daily task as member of the FCP community by clicking on each and every one of the threads that has received a new reply since I last logged on. (It's in your membership guidelines, you should look it up if you don't know what I'm talking about.)Anyway, I came to this thread and saw that you said I could skip it if I want. Sweet! That will be a real time-saver.So I came in here to thank you for looking out for the rest of us. Then I realized that meant I didn't skip it at all. But I still appreciate the sentiment.

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Hand one raise more pf. With 1 limper you still are only making it < 3X the bb pricing him in with any 2. Raise at least to 2800, I would make it 3200. Hand 2 obv, raise pf. What is villians stack size?
On hand 1 I thought about making it more, but I like to raise the same general amounts when I have a good hand and when I'm just stealing, or raising w/ lesser holdings.on hand 2, I woulda raised it p/f, but like I said, I was just getting back fromt he pisser and could only hit the call button before I timed out. Villian's stack was pretty big also. He was the villian in the other hand. I'm pretty sure he had me covered by a few Thousand.Hoosier, how many tourneys do you play in a week?
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I'm sure you know the answer. It's hard to listen to when you're getting sucked out on time after time. But the only thing you can do is keep playing your best and try to get your money in the middle with the best hand.When I first started coming here I would post all my bad beats. People would respond with "thats poker, tough luck, too bad, get used to it, etc".Then it seemed like when I did lose with the worst hand it was preflop with me having KK and the other guy having AA.It was brutal. It was just one of those times. Just try to absrb all the info you can and keep on keeping on.I went on a sick run for about 2 weeks. I couldn't lose..... I was playing such good poker. I'd make awesome laydowns, won my share of coinflips, and even sucked out when I really needed to do so.In the last week or so it's been back on the downswing. A LOT of it was me playing loosey goosy. Some to bad beats... But I keep telling myself what I'm trying to tell you.GL :club:

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On hand 1 I thought about making it more, but I like to raise the same general amounts when I have a good hand and when I'm just stealing, or raising w/ lesser holdings.on hand 2, I woulda raised it p/f, but like I said, I was just getting back fromt he pisser and could only hit the call button before I timed out. Villian's stack was pretty big also. He was the villian in the other hand. I'm pretty sure he had me covered by a few Thousand.Hoosier, how many tourneys do you play in a week?
Raising the same amount is fine. But with 1 limper, you NEED to increase your raise. If your standard opening raise without a limper is 2200, then make it 3k with a limper. Remember, opening with or without a limper is different.Also on hand 1, its for sure read dependant, but if he isnt a maniac you need to fold. I dont remember the math but I dont think you are getting the correct price figuring you have roughly 8 outs maybe 10. Hand 2 is pretty much just a bad beat story you played the hand ok. You could bet more/shove the turn though.I play 3-4 tourneys Mon-thurs. and about 4-7 on Sundays. So I would estimate around 20.
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Apparently a monkey was going to play in the main event this year.
Yeah! Yeah!....what was that monkey's name again?Jim, John....Jaimie, yeah that's it! Jamie :club:
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People who play here are pretty good. The guy that seems like one of the best is the dude with Home as his avatar drinking a beer. He seems to also give the best advice. My advice would be to keep playing and practcing. I play tight early and agressive late and that seems to work sometimes.
Thanks if you are talking about me. I'm not as good as many of the players on here such as JC, Hoosier, Jordan, Astroos, PMJackson, cobalt just to name a few but I've won a couple of tourneys. Advice:Play more, read more, play more again. Learn from your mistakes. If you put the money in with the best hand and get outdrawn, that's just bad luck. Steam away from the table or computer and don't play again until you are calm. Accept that you need to get lucky as well as be good to win one. Rarely will you put in your money and be 100% favourite with cards still to come unless you flopped a Royal.Good luck.
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