oldirtyharry 0 Posted October 17, 2006 Share Posted October 17, 2006 to hate this guy. I normally wouldn't create a thread like this, as I really had nothing against Jamie Gold initially, but for some reason this really, really pissed me off."There is some speculation as to whether Jamie Gold was at least part of the inspiration for fictional Hollywood agent Ari Gold, a character on HBO's Entourage. This character is most likely based on real life super agent Ari Emanuel, who represents actor Mark Wahlberg, the show's executive producer.[12] However, Jamie did go to college with Entourage creator Doug Ellin and has been told by others in Hollywood that he was the basis for the character. [13]"http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jamie_GoldAre you kidding me? Seriously? That paragraph actually makes me want to laugh it's so pathetic."Jamie Gold never represented any of the people he keeps saying he has. Lies, lies, lies. He was an ASSISTANT, and then a very very junior agent at a small agency in the early 1990's who MIGHT have taken messages from some of these people, before forwarding them to their real agent. He is a classic Hollywood liar - other people's successes become his own, and his own failures become somebody else's. He has always had a pathological relationship with the truth...which makes him ideal for poker. Sigh. But have you noted his deranged ramblings about being the basis for the Ari Gold character in Entourage? What would your dancing Ari Emanuel mascot say!? It's really kind of sad, if you think about it; first taste of fame that he says he doesn't want, and he pops off a few corkers that defy credulity."http://www.defamer.com/hollywood/jamie%20gold/Gold's attempt to defend himself against this article on the same wikipedia site is simply laughable. Like I said, I never really minded the guy but clearly either he or his manager wrote this article fluffing it up more then a recent college grad's resume. To claim that ARI ****IN GOLD's character shares anything more with Jamie Gold then a last name and dark hair is flipping asinine. And it makes me very mad. That's all. Done venting. Link to post Share on other sites
ripptyde 0 Posted October 17, 2006 Share Posted October 17, 2006 dude ya know what..you are a ****in IDIOTJamie Gold just won the main event in the WSOPPERIOD you are some noob micro limit envious doosh with delusions of grandeur....re-living every play he made...thiinkin to yourself ' I could have made a better decision'see ya next year when you are bashing the next ME champLOL @ micro limit donks bashing WSOP champs my God what an idiot this OP is...can you fk'rs please for the love of Christ give credit where credit is duehow sad can you get... to be some nobody forum tard with no resume' whatsoever ripping the main event champ..what a noob doosh...ban this idiot or someone buy him another drinkeee-poo Link to post Share on other sites
Actuary 3 Posted October 17, 2006 Share Posted October 17, 2006 wow, and I thought I had no life.Hating someone you don't even know and letting them make you mad?that's weak. Link to post Share on other sites
oldirtyharry 0 Posted October 17, 2006 Author Share Posted October 17, 2006 wow, and I thought I had no life.Hating someone you don't even know and letting them make you mad?that's weak.wow wow wow wow i don't hate him. this just fuels the fire. and the post had a bit of "sw" in it. Link to post Share on other sites
JMoney2681 0 Posted October 17, 2006 Share Posted October 17, 2006 wow, and I thought I had no life.Hating someone you don't even know and letting them make you mad?that's weak.That's what I say...Tell that to the guys on FCP.. Link to post Share on other sites
ripptyde 0 Posted October 17, 2006 Share Posted October 17, 2006 I dont 'hate' anybody.....the OP's evaluation of Jamie was just beyond naive let alone idiotic. Link to post Share on other sites
oldirtyharry 0 Posted October 17, 2006 Author Share Posted October 17, 2006 dude ya know what..you are a ****in IDIOTJamie Gold just won the main event in the WSOPPERIOD you are some noob micro limit envious doosh with delusions of grandeur....re-living every play he made...thiinkin to yourself ' I could have made a better decision'see ya next year when you are bashing the next ME champLOL @ micro limit donks bashing WSOP champs my God what an idiot this OP is...can you fk'rs please for the love of Christ give credit where credit is duehow sad can you get... to be some nobody forum tard with no resume' whatsoever ripping the main event champ..what a noob doosh...ban this idiot or someone buy him another drinkeee-pooMan you are pathetic. Aren't you like 35 and don't you live with your Mother? And why don't you try learning english? Take some ESL classes and go get a goddamn job interview.And don't you play 2-4 limit? and you're calling my a micro limit donk? Link to post Share on other sites
TylerSalzman 0 Posted October 17, 2006 Share Posted October 17, 2006 Jamie Gold=PoopyJoe Hachem=suave and awesomeDaniel Negreanu=God Link to post Share on other sites
moneymanbc 0 Posted October 17, 2006 Share Posted October 17, 2006 Anyone hear any updates on the lawsuit? Is there still one or was there a settlement or did Jamie tell that guy to stuff it? Link to post Share on other sites
CardWarfare 4 Posted October 17, 2006 Share Posted October 17, 2006 What lawsuit? Who are you guys even talking about? Link to post Share on other sites
Ecclesbury 0 Posted October 17, 2006 Share Posted October 17, 2006 dude ya know what..you are a ****in IDIOTJamie Gold just won the main event in the WSOPPERIOD you are some noob micro limit envious doosh with delusions of grandeur....re-living every play he made...thiinkin to yourself ' I could have made a better decision'see ya next year when you are bashing the next ME champLOL @ micro limit donks bashing WSOP champs my God what an idiot this OP is...can you fk'rs please for the love of Christ give credit where credit is duehow sad can you get... to be some nobody forum tard with no resume' whatsoever ripping the main event champ..what a noob doosh...ban this idiot or someone buy him another drinkeee-pooSo nobody is allowed to comment on Jamie Gold having seen him play (to a point) and heard him talk about his own play just because they haven't also won a ME title?But you can assume that a poster is a micro limit player based on.........nothing.The word hypocrite is thrown around all too often these days. Link to post Share on other sites
Knight_Owl 0 Posted October 17, 2006 Share Posted October 17, 2006 Isn't there more to life, then just being such Drama Queens?! lolGrow up!btw Its called "general poker forum" for a reason righ? Let people post whatever opinion, idea, question they like. Yes indeed, its gets a bit annoying just clicking on these new topics everyday. Yet, don't be foolish to let it destroy your mood or your day. smile, and enjoy eachothers company even if its w/ people that think, act differntly than yourself.gl! Link to post Share on other sites
wisky_VI 0 Posted October 17, 2006 Share Posted October 17, 2006 say what you want, I have a life and still think Jamie Gold is a douchebag of a tool. Link to post Share on other sites
mase_gotsem 0 Posted October 17, 2006 Share Posted October 17, 2006 Is riptyde lonely ? i mean get a life every post of yours is berating and worthless have a nice day and GFYS ! Link to post Share on other sites
NoSup4U 0 Posted October 17, 2006 Share Posted October 17, 2006 Is riptyde lonely ? i mean get a life every post of yours is berating and worthless have a nice day and GFYS ! If anyone starts an 'I hate Jamie Gold' thread, its almost guarenteed that Ripptyde is the first to respond and defend him. Seriously, do you know him or something?Mark Link to post Share on other sites
Fade2241 0 Posted October 17, 2006 Share Posted October 17, 2006 dude ya know what..you are a ****in IDIOTJamie Gold just won the main event in the WSOPPERIOD you are some noob micro limit envious doosh with delusions of grandeur....re-living every play he made...thiinkin to yourself ' I could have made a better decision'see ya next year when you are bashing the next ME champLOL @ micro limit donks bashing WSOP champs my God what an idiot this OP is...can you fk'rs please for the love of Christ give credit where credit is duehow sad can you get... to be some nobody forum tard with no resume' whatsoever ripping the main event champ..what a noob doosh...ban this idiot or someone buy him another drinkeee-pooPipe down, Jamie. Link to post Share on other sites
Socrates 0 Posted October 17, 2006 Share Posted October 17, 2006 What does this have to do with him winning the ME? Oh yea, nothing. Just another pathetic jealousy post. Link to post Share on other sites
Teffy 0 Posted October 17, 2006 Share Posted October 17, 2006 dude ya know what..you are a ****in IDIOTJamie Gold just won the main event in the WSOPPERIOD you are some noob micro limit envious doosh with delusions of grandeur....re-living every play he made...thiinkin to yourself ' I could have made a better decision'see ya next year when you are bashing the next ME champLOL @ micro limit donks bashing WSOP champs my God what an idiot this OP is...can you fk'rs please for the love of Christ give credit where credit is duehow sad can you get... to be some nobody forum tard with no resume' whatsoever ripping the main event champ..what a noob doosh...ban this idiot or someone buy him another drinkeee-pooripptyde - Jamie Gold's personal nut licker.why bother sticking up for Gold dude?Umm,, who gices a **** if he won the Main Event, everything that comes out of his mouth is garbage. Dude's a wackjob.PERIOD. errrrrrrrrrrrr.get a brain ripptyde. Link to post Share on other sites
Jeepster80125 0 Posted October 17, 2006 Share Posted October 17, 2006 dude ya know what..you are a ****in IDIOTJamie Gold just won the main event in the WSOPPERIOD you are some noob micro limit envious doosh with delusions of grandeur....re-living every play he made...thiinkin to yourself ' I could have made a better decision'see ya next year when you are bashing the next ME champLOL @ micro limit donks bashing WSOP champs my God what an idiot this OP is...can you fk'rs please for the love of Christ give credit where credit is duehow sad can you get... to be some nobody forum tard with no resume' whatsoever ripping the main event champ..what a noob doosh...ban this idiot or someone buy him another drinkeee-pooYour posts have the most unintentional comedy of anyone here. First, you lick JGs nuts, then you try to insult someone you don't know by calling them a micro limit donk, which you are as well. Bit ch and moan all you want, but you aren't far from being a micro limit donk yourself.Funniest of all is the fact that you constantly call for people to get banned for the dumbest of reasons, like here, when someone talks crap about your poker crush.Keep em coming. Link to post Share on other sites
The Bwaves 0 Posted October 17, 2006 Share Posted October 17, 2006 Jamie Gold has millions. I do not. He get props. Late. Link to post Share on other sites
Teffy 0 Posted October 17, 2006 Share Posted October 17, 2006 Your posts have the most unintentional comedy of anyone here. First, you lick JGs nuts, then you try to insult someone you don't know by calling them a micro limit donk, which you are as well. Bit ch and moan all you want, but you aren't far from being a micro limit donk yourself.Funniest of all is the fact that you constantly call for people to get banned for the dumbest of reasons, like here, when someone talks crap about your poker crush.Keep em coming.lol Link to post Share on other sites
NicksDad1970 0 Posted October 17, 2006 Share Posted October 17, 2006 The perception I have of Jamie Gold is that he has tried to get out of a verbal contract he had for 6 million dollars. Also, from what I've read, he has no problem stretching the truth to the point that it's an outright lie.I also try to keep in mind that I don't know him and I doubt I ever will. He might be a complete saint who has just about everyone in the free world against him. But after all these public accusations come to light you would think if they were bogus that there would be many people comng to his defense. So far I've seen noone do that. That doesn't mean I've come to the conclusion that he's dirt. Just that I think he is dirt.Does that mean that I am jealous of his ME win? No, not at all. But I am jealous of his win. I am also jealous of anyone that's ever had success in poker. If I play lower limit cash games or tournaments does that mean I can't have an opinion? Link to post Share on other sites
RuntCake 0 Posted October 17, 2006 Share Posted October 17, 2006 http://lifesabluff.com/archive/index.php?date=2006-09-27'Nuff said. Link to post Share on other sites
DaBruins 0 Posted October 17, 2006 Share Posted October 17, 2006 to hate this guy. I normally wouldn't create a thread like this, as I really had nothing against Jamie Gold initially, but for some reason this really, really pissed me off."There is some speculation as to whether Jamie Gold was at least part of the inspiration for fictional Hollywood agent Ari Gold, a character on HBO's Entourage. This character is most likely based on real life super agent Ari Emanuel, who represents actor Mark Wahlberg, the show's executive producer.[12] However, Jamie did go to college with Entourage creator Doug Ellin and has been told by others in Hollywood that he was the basis for the character. [13]"http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jamie_GoldAre you kidding me? Seriously? That paragraph actually makes me want to laugh it's so pathetic."Jamie Gold never represented any of the people he keeps saying he has. Lies, lies, lies. He was an ASSISTANT, and then a very very junior agent at a small agency in the early 1990's who MIGHT have taken messages from some of these people, before forwarding them to their real agent. He is a classic Hollywood liar - other people's successes become his own, and his own failures become somebody else's. He has always had a pathological relationship with the truth...which makes him ideal for poker. Sigh. But have you noted his deranged ramblings about being the basis for the Ari Gold character in Entourage? What would your dancing Ari Emanuel mascot say!? It's really kind of sad, if you think about it; first taste of fame that he says he doesn't want, and he pops off a few corkers that defy credulity."http://www.defamer.com/hollywood/jamie%20gold/Gold's attempt to defend himself against this article on the same wikipedia site is simply laughable. Like I said, I never really minded the guy but clearly either he or his manager wrote this article fluffing it up more then a recent college grad's resume. To claim that ARI ****IN GOLD's character shares anything more with Jamie Gold then a last name and dark hair is flipping asinine. And it makes me very mad. That's all. Done venting.Obviously the Ari Gold thing is retarded, but who cares?Oh and that other quote you said has already been debunked. He may have lied about representing some people, but some big actors already stepped up and claimed that yes indeed Jamie Gold was their Agent. Link to post Share on other sites
WowThats 0 Posted October 17, 2006 Share Posted October 17, 2006 Are you jealous Jamie Gold won this year's WSOP main event or are you jealous you didn't come up the agent routine first?Either way I believe you're a closet idiot! Link to post Share on other sites
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