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Live Vs. Live@thebike Players

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Monday night I was playing at the Bike and my $500 5-10 game broke up. There was no seats at the other $500 game so I sat and watched the $1000 10-20 game. In it was Dave Tuchman (announcer for Live), Maurice, and Alan (super lucky dude lately on the show). Dave was egging me on that its no big deal to sit in the game and I should give it a shot. There was 1 seat open two to his left, one to Alans right (actually a good spot). The button was on Alan and I decided to sit and post after the button passed.I only had $1900 (started the day with $2200 had run it up to $3500 in the 5-10 game but was on a slight slide so really wasnt confident, but also didnt want to go home just yet - recipe for disaster.. I know)Hand 1:(posting $20)Jh 9hUTG limps. Alan limps, I check, small blind completes, Dave checks.FLOP:7h 5d 4hUTG bets $60. I call, all fold.TURN:8hUTG bets $200. I callRIVER:2dUTG bets $600. I tell him i have a flush. He stares at me for a while. Im totally torn. I know these guys are better players than me. At the same time, I figure they are very capable of getting me to lay a hand down like this as its often beaten. I reluctantly call and he has Kh 6h. Sigh.. Down $900 for the first hand!From then on, I play short stack poker and pretty much raise half my stack with mid pairs or better and AK. I end up back to about $2500 after a few orbits and then get involved with this hand with Dave Tuchman:HAND 1 DISCUSSION:Since I had been raising every big hand, I look down at JJ in the small blind (Dave straddled) and decide to try to trap him. I call and Dave raises to $100. Everyone folds and I call. The pot has $300 now.FLOP:Qh Jd 8cI check. Dave bets $200. I make it $500. He calls (pretty fast).TURN: 9hI check. He checks.RIVER:2sWhats the right move?HAND 2 DISCUSSION:About 2 hours later, I am up to $5000 and feeling very confident playing with these guys. I am on the button with Ac Qc.Middle position makes it $80. I call. Heads up.FLOP:Tc 9c 2sHe bets $100. I call.TURN:JhHe checks. I bet $300. He goes into the tank. Eventually calls.RIVER:5hHe checks.Whats my move?Thanks for your input.

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Hand 1 I think I check/call. You're likely not getting called by anything less than a straight, but after you check twice, two pair might bet into you.Hand 2 I probably bet about 2/3 or 3/5 of the pot. Not likely to take the pot unless you bet into it, and since you showed strength after he checked the turn, I'd show strength again.

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Hand 1:I bet $500. I figured theres no way hes got a T or else he would bet the turn as there is now a flush out there. Plus he doesnt want a T hitting making a K a bigger straight (unless he had KT).He thought about it a while and called me with QJ (two pair). Then he did say it was a very weird play by me. I dunno..Hand 2: I bet $700. He went into the tank again.. Eventually called with two red Kings. The funny thing is he called and basically put his hand over the muck as if he really felt he was beat, but had to call. So sad.. I had a ton of outs against that hand.

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Stop flat-calling bets when you flop a flush draw with 2 overs. Fold if you're feeling weak, but you should really raise to take control. I suspect you're allergic to raising flops that you dont' at least catch a pair on because you should've done it for the other draw hand as well. I don't think you have a ton of value in betting the river on the last hand, as I don't think the villain is just on a draw to have called you. The river bricked so you have to be really careful of a bet if you do bet out, it needs to look like a strong-side value bet.

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1) check call but really depends on your read and the bet size2) Again players are more inclined to call down a straddle hand with almost anything (most players) so i would be very cautious on the river, and if your gonna bet bet 3/4 the pot.

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Stop flat-calling bets when you flop a flush draw with 2 overs. Fold if you're feeling weak, but you should really raise to take control. I suspect you're allergic to raising flops that you dont' at least catch a pair on because you should've done it for the other draw hand as well. I don't think you have a ton of value in betting the river on the last hand, as I don't think the villain is just on a draw to have called you. The river bricked so you have to be really careful of a bet if you do bet out, it needs to look like a strong-side value bet.
Well, its a good thing I didnt raise the first hand. No doubt he was putting me all in with a flush and straight draw.
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