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One Flop, 3 Sets

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First time I'd seen it. 3-way all-in pre-flop, 3 sets on the flop. I think this is on par with Royal Flush odds, if not more unlikely.EDIT: 2/52 * 2/52 * 2/52 ~= 0.0000568889 or about 0.0057%, which I guess is not as unlikely as a royal, but if you factor in the fact that three people have to be all-in and all hold pocket pair, I think it may be close.Full Tilt PokerEDIT: TournamentBlinds: $40/$809 playersConverterPre-flop: (9 players) Hero is CO with 8 :) 8 :DUTG raises to $240, UTG+1 folds, MP1 calls, 2 folds, Hero raises all-in $1030, 3 folds, UTG raises all-in $2020, MP1 calls all-in $1265.Uncalled bets: $515 returned to UTG.Flop: J :club: K :) 8 :D ($-1145, 0 player + 3 all-in - Main pot: $3210)Turn: 4 :D ($-1145, 0 player + 3 all-in - Main pot: $3210)River: A :) ($-1145, 0 player + 3 all-in - Main pot: $3210)Results:Final pot: $-1145UTG showed Kd KcMP1 showed Js JcHero showed 8h 8s

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First time I'd seen it. 3-way all-in pre-flop, 3 sets on the flop. I think this is on par with Royal Flush odds, if not more unlikely.Full Tilt PokerNo Limit Holdem Ring gameBlinds: $40/$809 playersConverterPre-flop: (9 players) Hero is CO with 8:heart: 8:spade: UTG raises to $240, UTG+1 folds, MP1 calls, 2 folds, Hero raises all-in $1030, 3 folds, UTG raises all-in $2020, MP1 calls all-in $1265.Uncalled bets: $515 returned to UTG.Flop: J:diamond: K:heart: 8:diamond: ($-1145, 0 player + 3 all-in - Main pot: $3210)Turn: 4:diamond: ($-1145, 0 player + 3 all-in - Main pot: $3210)River: A:spade: ($-1145, 0 player + 3 all-in - Main pot: $3210)Results:Final pot: $-1145UTG showed Kd KcMP1 showed Js JcHero showed 8h 8s
I'm confused...This is a 40/80NL ring game ?
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I saw something similar happen on Party when they first opened their 2000NL.FLOPK-J-6Villan 1 Bet, Villian 2raise, Villian 3 reraise all-in. Villian 1 call, Villian 2 call.turn K, river A.Villain 1=66Villian 2=KJVillian3=JJKJ worst hand preflop and on the flop, wins...It was pretty sick to watch a 7K pot slide over to the guy who played KJ and go SUPER lucky.

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It's a tourny, sorry for not mentioning that earlier =). I still haven't found the right settings for the converter I use for FCP. Meh.Would have been the icing on the probalistically nearly impossible cake if someone had aces.

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I was involved in a 3 set hand at Binions last summer ('05).I had 5 :D 5 :club: in late positionflop comes8 :) 5 :) 4 :club: checked to me I put out a feeler bet scared of the flushguy to my left goes all in, folds around and the guy on the right goes all in tooI fold, showing my cardsguy on my left had 4 :D 4 :D right had 8 :) 8 :spade:Good thing the clubs came out!

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had a hand where i had 88, flop was 678 all clubs. i got it all in with 3 other people. player 1 showed 66, player 2 showed 77, and the 3rd player had an OESD and FD. he went on to hit both his straight and flush, so all 3 sets lost

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not that it matters, but your math is wrong. firstly, there are not 52 cards left in the deck, since 6 are known. also, the order does not matter, so the odds of each card falling are better than 2/46.i suck at these things, but its probably closer to 6/46*5/45*4/44still pretty crazy though. probably only seen it once or twice on my life.

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I had AA. Raise preflop 2 callers.AJ4 flop. 3 all ins.My AA. vs JJ and 44.Add in the sexy twist of a blank on the turn and a 4 on the river.I could probably look for the hand history, but it was over a year ago. That was probably my worst cash game beat ever. My top set, someomes middle set loses to a river quads. Beautiful.p.s. I'm pretty sure I've posted this story on this forum before (can't get over it :club:) haha.. but I'm 99% sure I had AA and he had JJ, I know the low set was lower, thinking 4 but might have been an 8 or something.

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I've posted it before but here is the link to my set-over-set-over-set hand...too bad it was limit. :club:

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It was all preflopIT DOESNT MATTER THE WORST HANDS LOSTif this was post flop action, then i'd be impressed, but instead, i'm disgusted by your preflop push with 8,8 for 1040 with blinds at 40/80
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I saw something similar happen on Party when they first opened their 2000NL.FLOPK-J-6Villan 1 Bet, Villian 2raise, Villian 3 reraise all-in. Villian 1 call, Villian 2 call.turn K, river A.Villain 1=66Villian 2=KJVillian3=JJKJ worst hand preflop and on the flop, wins...It was pretty sick to watch a 7K pot slide over to the guy who played KJ and go SUPER lucky.
how can they be all villians??? someone has to be the HERO!!!(sw)
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not that it matters, but your math is wrong. firstly, there are not 52 cards left in the deck, since 6 are known. also, the order does not matter, so the odds of each card falling are better than 2/46.i suck at these things, but its probably closer to 6/46*5/45*4/44still pretty crazy though. probably only seen it once or twice on my life.
You are correct about order, any of the 6 can fall on the first card. However, once the first card hits we are only concerned about 4 of the card remaining in the deck (those that would make a set for the two remaining pocket pairs). After the 2nd card we are only concerned with 2 so I think it's more like:6/46 * 4/45 * 2/44 = 0.000527Which is about 10x as likely as two suited cards T or higher flopping a royal flush (if we only know our own hole cards).
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I've posted it before but here is the link to my set-over-set-over-set hand...too bad it was limit. :club:
First off, nice pot you won there. Second, how did you get the graphic/animations to replay the hand? Did you do it yourself or is there a program/site that you used? All it needs to have is starting stacks and table position, and you could use it in the strat section for hand review.
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First off, nice pot you won there. Second, how did you get the graphic/animations to replay the hand? Did you do it yourself or is there a program/site that you used? All it needs to have is starting stacks and table position, and you could use it in the strat section for hand review.
Simple Flash animation (I used SWISH to create it). It is customizable in any way you would like.
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I've posted it before but here is the link to my set-over-set-over-set hand...too bad it was limit. :D
I love that guy with A :club: K :D calling 2 bets on the flop (twice) thinking "If I hit an A or K, this pots mine!"
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