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Need Some Quick Help With Ms Excel

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hey guysi just need to know how to make it so when you enter numbers, if its negative it shows in red, if its positive it shows in green.. starting a live poker excel file to keep track for teh school year (its green so far slightly..lol) thanks!patrick

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1. Highlight the cells you would like to format2. Right click on cells and select format cells in the drop down menu3. Make sure the number tab at the top of the format cells is selected4. Scroll down to the bottom where it says custom and past in [Green]#,##0_);[Red](#,##0)I hope this helps.Cheers

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thanks for your help.. i was actually able to do it by just right clicking on the column and going to format then currency..just cant get the positives to go greenmaybe you know about this though.. i have it set up like thisdate location game type (all irrelevant) then buyin exit netsay buyin is 10$, exit is 4$ i want ti to put net -6so i just need to know how to do subtract function :club: im using office 2007 beta 2(wickedbtw) and its not one of the functions listednever mind google is my friend :D

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never mind google is my friend :club:
in the cell you want the net put=(buy in cell location)-(exit cell location)That should work. No need to use a function.Then you can use the "fill down" to copy it to the next line down. Hope this helps.
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in the cell you want the net put=(buy in cell location)-(exit cell location)That should work. No need to use a function.Then you can use the "fill down" to copy it to the next line down. Hope this helps.
is there a way to make it so it automatically does the forumals for each cell in that column rather than me having to manually put in the =SUM(x,x) function everytime?
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Yes. Highlight the column you are wanting to fill (start with the cell that has the formula in it you want to copy). Go to Edit Fill Down and it will fill the column down and adjust the numbers to match the row you are wanting.

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Yes. Highlight the column you are wanting to fill (start with the cell that has the formula in it you want to copy). Go to Edit Fill Down and it will fill the column down and adjust the numbers to match the row you are wanting.
wicked! that worked like a charm. LAST QUESTION I GUARANTEE IT. any way to make it so the cell appears empty until i input the approriate data? right now it has all the last numbers in there all teh way to the bottom of the sheet
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wicked! that worked like a charm. LAST QUESTION I GUARANTEE IT. any way to make it so the cell appears empty until i input the approriate data? right now it has all the last numbers in there all teh way to the bottom of the sheet
If you have zero's in the buy-in and exit fields, try deleting them so that there is nothing in them. I think that should leave your net field empty. Hope that helps.
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nah it didnt..figured a picture might help you out though in diagnosing my ailment:)untitledli5.jpgisnt office 07 flippin sweet lookin too?!

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nah it didnt..figured a picture might help you out though in diagnosing my ailment:)untitledli5.jpgisnt office 07 flippin sweet lookin too?!
Yeah pretty cool looking. I got nothing for you. you could use an "if cell = 0 funtion, but that gets more complicated than I care to try to explain here, and it may not even work. Sorry I couldn't help you further.
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np thanks for your help man. ill live with what ig ot, and ask my step mom tomrorow as shes good with excel
I use excel quite a bit, I have spreadsheets set up for keeping bank account balances for joint accounts, I think I have that zero problem too. Just never have tried to fix it. I don't have excel on my personal computer, I will look tomorrow at work and see if I can figure out a fix.
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Here is my poker spreadsheet.
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Rab,Here's the answers to your questions:
hey guysi just need to know how to make it so when you enter numbers, if its negative it shows in red, if its positive it shows in green.. starting a live poker excel file to keep track for teh school year (its green so far slightly..lol) thanks!patrick
Highlight column F&G and change the font color to green. You already changed the currency format to show negative numbers as red, so any positive number will be now be green
wicked! that worked like a charm. LAST QUESTION I GUARANTEE IT. any way to make it so the cell appears empty until i input the approriate data? right now it has all the last numbers in there all teh way to the bottom of the sheet
paste the following formula into cell F2 then fill down: =IF(D2>0, E2-D2, " ")explanation: if cell D2 has a number greater than 0 (D2>0) then the cell F2 will add the numbers (E2-D2), if not it will enter a blank (" ")paste the following formula into cell G3 then fill down:=IF(F3=" ", " ", G2+F3)explanation: if cell F3 blank (F3=" ") then the cell G3 will be blank (" "), if not it will add the numbers (G2+F3)The only problem with my formulas is that if you cannot enter a $0.00 buyin. If you enter a freeroll, you should enter $0.01 into the buyin and add $0.01 to your exit amount.Hope this helps :club:
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For more complex color formatting, you can mess around with conditional formatting. It's quite slick. It's under format, and you can choose to colorcode cells based on values, in between values, greater than less than, etc. You might want to show a different color for when you double up, or hit a certain dollar amount. :club: Hope this helps!

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thanks for the extra responses guys, only problem i had was to get the positives to come up as green and thats done now :)esp thx for the help regarding the empty boxes.. only problem is that =IF(F3=" ", " ", G2+F3)doesnt work for cell g3.. thx!

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thanks for the extra responses guys, only problem i had was to get the positives to come up as green and thats done now :)esp thx for the help regarding the empty boxes.. only problem is that =IF(F3=" ", " ", G2+F3)doesnt work for cell g3.. thx!
Just a quick short cutif you enter a code into, lets say E2, you can point your curser to the bottom right of that one cell (your curser will look like this +). You can then drag it down to the last row you want the formula to appear in and release. It will copy the formula you entered into E2 down to that last row and it will stop there. This is in replace of using the "fill down" option.
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